Why are Jews and Blacks so close?


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Why are Jews and blacks such tight friends?

I struggled for this for a very long time. It's so far out of the normal realm of my experience, that I could not process it for awhile. After all, on the surface, Jews and blacks have opposite characteristics. Jews are intellectual without being physical, blacks are physical without being intellectual.

And then I realized, and when I realized, it become so utterly simple. Jews and blacks are friends because they aren't white. That's it. That's the one thing that keeps the glue, the bond, behind jews and blacks in America going. For Jews in addition it's not bring Christian.

But race does explain this. Jews are happy to pair up with blacks, to use their banks to lend enormous sums to blacks (such as in the media, sports leagues), to support affirmative action, etc. because that sticks it to white people. And blacks are happy to have the money.

It's all a big screw you to you, white Americans.
Why are Jews and blacks such tight friends?

I struggled for this for a very long time. It's so far out of the normal realm of my experience, that I could not process it for awhile. After all, on the surface, Jews and blacks have opposite characteristics. Jews are intellectual without being physical, blacks are physical without being intellectual.

And then I realized, and when I realized, it become so utterly simple. Jews and blacks are friends because they aren't white. That's it. That's the one thing that keeps the glue, the bond, behind jews and blacks in America going. For Jews in addition it's not bring Christian.

But race does explain this. Jews are happy to pair up with blacks, to use their banks to lend enormous sums to blacks (such as in the media, sports leagues), to support affirmative action, etc. because that sticks it to white people. And blacks are happy to have the money.

It's all a big screw you to you, white Americans.
You're writing for Mel Brooks ain'tcha......... :lol:
I've noticed whites and blacks generally get along pretty well in day to day life, except whenever some Jew puts out another venomous hate film about slavery. There is a marked difference for a while, then it returns gradually to its normal stasis of general conviviality, then another Jew puts out a hate film.
Blacks have a debt of gratitude to the jewish community because of the role they played in the civil rights movements... while Luther King was giving his passionate speeches throughout America, you could find a real battalion of jewish lawyers, community organizers, lobbyists, politicians working feverishly behind the scenes.

This part of the black-jewish historic alliance is perfectly OK, 100% legitimate and moral.

The peaceful dismantling of the last remnants of the white supremacist state that the founding fathers of the nation created.

Nothing to complain here.

But, if you forgive me the pun, we also have the "black", immoral part of the alliance.

Blacks also see the american Jews as their natural ally because they help keep the "white supremacists" in check by promoting immigration laws that allows mass non white immigration into the US.

In this case, by "white supremacists"... Jews, blacks and whites who adhere to the mental disease of multiracialism mean those sane Americans who are desperately trying to stop the destruction of the country's european identity as well as the ongoing genocide of white americans.

This aspect of the black-jewish alliance is criminal, morally depraved...

There's absolutely nothing to be proud of about this monstrosity.

Eternal shame on all whites, Jews, blacks and Hispanics who support this outrage.
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Why are Jews and blacks such tight friends?

I struggled for this for a very long time. It's so far out of the normal realm of my experience, that I could not process it for awhile. After all, on the surface, Jews and blacks have opposite characteristics. Jews are intellectual without being physical, blacks are physical without being intellectual.

And then I realized, and when I realized, it become so utterly simple. Jews and blacks are friends because they aren't white. That's it. That's the one thing that keeps the glue, the bond, behind jews and blacks in America going. For Jews in addition it's not bring Christian.

But race does explain this. Jews are happy to pair up with blacks, to use their banks to lend enormous sums to blacks (such as in the media, sports leagues), to support affirmative action, etc. because that sticks it to white people. And blacks are happy to have the money.

It's all a big screw you to you, white Americans.

Why are you and Hasty Generalization stereotypes such tight friends?

I struggled for this for about a nanosecond. It's so far out of the normal realm of my experience, that I could not process it for awhile. After all, on the surface, logic and your fallacies have opposite characteristics. Logic is intellectual without being physical, while you're just an idiot..

And then I realized, and when I realized, it become so utterly simple. You and fallacies are friends because they aren't truth. That's it. That's the one thing that keeps the glue, the bond, behind you and rhetorical fallacy in America going. For you in addition it's not bring sentient.

It's all a big screw you to rational Americans.
The "Mutual Admiration Society" does exist Pogo... whether you want to admit it or not.
African-Americans: For many years, anti-Semitic views among the African-American have remained consistently higher than the general population. In 2013, 20 percent of African-Americans expressed strongly anti-Semitic views, an encouraging decrease of nine percentage points from the previous survey in 2011.

ADL Poll: Anti-Semitic Attitudes in America Decline 3 Percent

I struggled for this for a very long time.

The hell they do...

Blacks love the racial "diversity" Jews promote in America because it protects both groups from what pass for the KKK these days, ie, mentally sane americans who want to stop the genocide.
Blacks have a debt of gratitude to the jewish community because of the role they played in the civil rights movements... .

Just like Jews should have debt of gratitude to Poland for the first Jewish civil rights movement the Statute of Kalisz?
for Poland warning the World about the Holocaust with Jan Karski, and Witold Pilecki?
for Poland setting up Zegota to save Holocaust Jews?
Poland having the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations save Holocaust Jews?

Regardless, plenty of Jews hate Poles,

Just like plenty of Blacks hate Jews.

Jews, and Blacks are obviously loosely related, ever see the kind of curly hair Jews have?

I wouldn't expect anyone too close to Negroes, to behave very Human like.
The hell they do...

Blacks love the racial "diversity" Jews promote in America because it protects both groups from what pass for the KKK these days, ie, mentally sane americans who want to stop the genocide.

Jews piss off Blacks as landlords, and piss off Whites as multiculturalists.

Jews are good at pissing people off, they must be incredibly stupid people.

Sure, Jews might be hyper-ambitious, but to say they're logical people is a clear overstatement.
Blacks have a debt of gratitude to the jewish community because of the role they played in the civil rights movements... while Luther King was giving his passionate speeches throughout America, you could find a real battalion of jewish lawyers, community organizers, lobbyists, politicians working feverishly behind the scenes.

Jews, blacks and whites who adhere to the mental disease of multiracialism mean those sane Americans who are desperately trying to stop the destruction of the country's european identity as well as the ongoing genocide of white americans.

This aspect of the black-jewish alliance is criminal, morally depraved...

There's absolutely nothing to be proud of about this monstrosity.

Eternal shame on all whites, Jews, blacks and Hispanics who support this outrage.

The irony is that Jews especially, and Blacks to a lesser extent, are more likely to mix race in the U.S.A than Whites.

These idiots are getting very desperate.
Originally posted by SobieskiSavedEurope
The irony is that Jews especially, and Blacks to a lesser extent, are more likely to mix race in the U.S.A than Whites.

These idiots are getting very desperate.

So true, Sobieski.

One can safely say that the multiracialism Jews spent the entire last century trying so hard to push on America and finally succeeded after WWII came back to bite them in the ass.

They obviously cannot keep their own youth shielded from the tools of the genocide, ie, the bombardment of multiracial propaganda spewed by the american media on the american youth (glamourization of black, latino pop culture, glamourization of mixed couples, etc, etc...)

But you see... most of them consider this a tolerable price to pay for a multiracial America that is safe for Jews.
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Jews and blacks are simpatico in that the whites treated them both like shit .

Although now a days Jews can really pass for white easily .

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