Why are millionaire lawyers defended when they cause $850 billion..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
a year in wasted health care costs?

I mean these ambulance chasers are as 90% of doctors attest cause over $850 billion a year in WASTED Defensive Medicine!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year

The Facts: Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Now people are OK with poor tanning salons being taxed 10% more just because tanning causes cancer...

YET lawyers 10% tax could pay $20 billion premiums for ALL the truly needy uninsured and would be peg to decline as the
$850 billion a year declines..

But NO ONE seems to want to tax lawyers ... excuses are well doctors need to be checked... that's why it is OK for the $850 billion a year that insurance/medicare pays wastefully.

and folks WHO ends up paying for it???
Policyholders by increasing premiums and Medicare with increasing cost... YET all of you still don't agree!


It ultimately comes out of ALL our pockets YET when it is suggested to tying a 10% tax to the $270 billion lawyers make and if the $850 billion reduces the tax reduces ,you dumb dumb people defend the lawyers!
NONE of the millions of cancelled insurance would have occurred if the honest number of 4 million that truly wanted health insurance were paid for out of the $27 billion lawyers' tax!

NO DESTRUCTION of millions of peoples insurance!
SO WHY are you people still defending these millionaire lawyers???
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I keep asking people to refute the fact there never were 46 million which was the biggest lie to pass Obamacare.
Now I ask why people are so afraid to admit "Fear of Lawyers" is a direct cause for $850 billion in wasted health care costs!
I don't understand why the majority of you very very ignorant people don't get it!
You don't seem to understand.. insurance companies pay the claims! YOU pay the premiums!
$850 billion in totally wasted premium money YOU pay all because YOU think YOU are going to win a lawsuit or a settlement? Is that it???
All the while the premiums climb and more excuses for government control... and then what??
ALL because the majority of you extremely low information people can't think for yourselves!

You want to solve the "health care crisis"???
A) Agree there never were 46 million when 10 million were illegals, 14 million eligible for Medicaid and worse 18 million don't WANT or NEED!
B) Why not tax lawyers 10% and use that to pay the premiums for the truly 4 million that want and need insurance?

Is that solution too complicated??? Or do you want to totally skyrocket the costs with millions now having cancelled insurance???

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