Why are only white countries in the Nato

Sorry man. I love you guys, but we probably wont agree on foreign policy, dont mind we can agree on many other cool things that americans are.

We don't have to agree, but we don't get to make up our own facts. Just what was bad about American foreign policy? We certainly know it was too naive in many cases, assuming people are all the same and thinking others would be grateful if we helped them build better countries, when all they really wanted was to keep raiding and killing their neighbors and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down.
Umm . . . Uh. . . . Do you consider Turkey a "white country"? Turkey is a member of NATO. Have you ever been to Turkey? I have. Most Turks are not "white."
That depends on what you consider to be 'white'. If you don't include the Turks in this category, then the majority of Southern Europeans aren't white, either.
Do you know the reason why only white countries are in the Nato
Name all the North Atlantic nations and set forth all their ethnicities. Oh, and exclude any nation that would naturally be expected to side with the likes of the Warsaw Pact nations.

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