Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

It's just frightening to me that there are people who expect the president/government to run their lives. It's almost dystopian.
Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

Why DO people suck up to those with power?

What a mystery!
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Because they are better than the democrat billionaire elites ?

Seems to me that 8 years ago, they were trying to elect a guy even richer than Romney. Rich is only bad if there's a "R" after your name?
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

You're missing the point, as always....

The President isn't supposed to run your life.
They envy the rich and think one day they might be rich too. Rather than be smart and realize there is a better chance they will be one of us and rely on social security and medicare, they vote that they will someday hit the lotto. Because you would have to be very very rich not to need social security and medicare. Even with medicare, the costs on my parents are staggering. Lucky for us they have money.

These right wing voters think somehow they would benefit from a free market. Good for them having the confidence to think that they would succeed in an every man for himself society. That's confidence. But what if you aren't? And what about the rest of us? Republican free markets produce a small rich, small merchantile class and big working poor class. Many of these righties think they would wind up in the merchantile class, and many of them are wrong. Arrogant and ignorant.

But we take care of them regardless. When they need social security and medicare, its there for them, despite themselves. We didn't just earn sick days and vacation days for ourselves. They get them too.

And maybe some of them are "rich". Parents sent them to private schools, 6 figure jobs, will enherit a fortune, etc. Good for them. But there are a lot more of us than there are of them. That is why they also use wedge issues like god gays and guns to con over other ignorant middle class voters. Like the racist who works for a union. Who does he vote for? LOL. Or the Catholic Teacher who's pro life? Who does she vote for? If she votes GOP her pay goes down. If she votes Dem then abortion stays legal.

Or they don't realize the government has helped them in many ways. They think their tax dollars are going to the poor who didn't work for it and are lazy.

Poor does not equal sad
Rich does not equal happy.

I know they do in your fantsies but not real life. Who are the envious ones?

If America was run like the Game of Survivor, I would envy the shananigans pulled by the GOP. How they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections and got away with it, even though the media is liberal. :eusa_liar: How they were able to lie us into Iraq. How they were able to obstruct Pelosi and Reed and obama and win back the majority in the 2010 midterms with their tea baggers. How the got Citizens United passed. How they were able to bankrupt the country with Bush and blame it on Obama. How they used their money to influence our politics.

But I don't admit them because we didn't start out with the same amount of monopoly chips as Romney and Bush did. And you don't think they should pay their fair share of taxes. You must envy them very much.

dam.....and i thought Politicians were full of Shit.....
Poor does not equal sad
Rich does not equal happy.

I know they do in your fantsies but not real life. Who are the envious ones?

If America was run like the Game of Survivor, I would envy the shananigans pulled by the GOP. How they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections and got away with it, even though the media is liberal. :eusa_liar: How they were able to lie us into Iraq. How they were able to obstruct Pelosi and Reed and obama and win back the majority in the 2010 midterms with their tea baggers. How the got Citizens United passed. How they were able to bankrupt the country with Bush and blame it on Obama. How they used their money to influence our politics.

But I don't admit them because we didn't start out with the same amount of monopoly chips as Romney and Bush did. And you don't think they should pay their fair share of taxes. You must envy them very much.

dam.....and i thought Politicians were full of Shit.....

Yeah, when bobo came back, it was evident that he had fallen off the cliff. I don't even respond to his nonsense any longer.
Rdean ran away from his own thread. Simple question Rdean, did you support Kerry? You are aware the Democratic party nominated him and supported him right? Is that somehow DIFFERENT?

Run away from what?

You can support someone who is rich. It's not the same as desperately wanting them to run you life. We both know that right wingers only care that someone figured out a way to get rich, not "how". "How" doesn't matter. It's exactly why you people feel good about cutting daycare, health care, food programs for children and education just so you can give a billionaire another tax break. And you defend them. Oh, they are the "job creators", but they aren't "creating jobs" because there is "uncertainty". Who could believe such bullshit? Seriously? You guys can't possibly believe your own "spew". It's just not possible.

"Cutting daycare" HUH?....Since when is day care the responsibility of the taxpayers? Oh I get it , another taxpayer funded entitlement? Please. If people have children and work, they should have the means to care for them or pay to have someone do it for them. It certainly not MY responsibility.
I assume you are claiming that the GOP "cut healthcare"....WHAT?!!!! What does that mean? If you are claiming an actual reduction in the number of doctors, hospitals and the like, you're full of shit.
What business is it of your how someone earns their wealth. Newsflash, it is NONE of your business.
Deanie, here's the problem with your precious social programs. The fact is NONE of them work to a goal. They exist. They keep growing. They never end. They are a fixture which was NEVER the intention. These programs were sold as a way out of poverty and other difficulties. You people think social programs are a way for certain people to replace having to go to work and earn their way. You weep for the parasites. That's what these people, the ones capable of working, but choose to live off the public dole are, parasites.
Tell ya what? IF you want to be the host for the leech, be my guest. Don't you dare demand I help you. Write a check, buster.
Tip to avoid the rubber room:

Don't lie.

A. Romney is not a "billionaire" (I know libs have trouble with decimals)
B. Only leftist loonies expect a president to "run their lives" Even sane Dems would take issue with that

You're welcome.

Deany was the hippie who asked Bill Clinton "What will the government do for me? Will you take care of me?"
If America was run like the Game of Survivor, I would envy the shananigans pulled by the GOP. How they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections and got away with it, even though the media is liberal. :eusa_liar: How they were able to lie us into Iraq. How they were able to obstruct Pelosi and Reed and obama and win back the majority in the 2010 midterms with their tea baggers. How the got Citizens United passed. How they were able to bankrupt the country with Bush and blame it on Obama. How they used their money to influence our politics.

But I don't admit them because we didn't start out with the same amount of monopoly chips as Romney and Bush did. And you don't think they should pay their fair share of taxes. You must envy them very much.

dam.....and i thought Politicians were full of Shit.....

Yeah, when bobo came back, it was evident that he had fallen off the cliff. I don't even respond to his nonsense any longer.
I see and read the way bo bo writes. Something tells me bo bo is female.
If America was run like the Game of Survivor, I would envy the shananigans pulled by the GOP. How they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections and got away with it, even though the media is liberal. :eusa_liar: How they were able to lie us into Iraq. How they were able to obstruct Pelosi and Reed and obama and win back the majority in the 2010 midterms with their tea baggers. How the got Citizens United passed. How they were able to bankrupt the country with Bush and blame it on Obama. How they used their money to influence our politics.

But I don't admit them because we didn't start out with the same amount of monopoly chips as Romney and Bush did. And you don't think they should pay their fair share of taxes. You must envy them very much.

dam.....and i thought Politicians were full of Shit.....

Yeah, when bobo came back, it was evident that he had fallen off the cliff. I don't even respond to his nonsense any longer.

yea back when he sounded like he was at least still his own man......now?.....holy shit....:lol:
Rdean ran away from his own thread. Simple question Rdean, did you support Kerry? You are aware the Democratic party nominated him and supported him right? Is that somehow DIFFERENT?

Run away from what?

You can support someone who is rich. It's not the same as desperately wanting them to run you life. We both know that right wingers only care that someone figured out a way to get rich, not "how". "How" doesn't matter. It's exactly why you people feel good about cutting daycare, health care, food programs for children and education just so you can give a billionaire another tax break. And you defend them. Oh, they are the "job creators", but they aren't "creating jobs" because there is "uncertainty". Who could believe such bullshit? Seriously? You guys can't possibly believe your own "spew". It's just not possible.

"Cutting daycare" HUH?....Since when is day care the responsibility of the taxpayers? Oh I get it , another taxpayer funded entitlement? Please. If people have children and work, they should have the means to care for them or pay to have someone do it for them. It certainly not MY responsibility.
I assume you are claiming that the GOP "cut healthcare"....WHAT?!!!! What does that mean? If you are claiming an actual reduction in the number of doctors, hospitals and the like, you're full of shit.
What business is it of your how someone earns their wealth. Newsflash, it is NONE of your business.
Deanie, here's the problem with your precious social programs. The fact is NONE of them work to a goal. They exist. They keep growing. They never end. They are a fixture which was NEVER the intention. These programs were sold as a way out of poverty and other difficulties. You people think social programs are a way for certain people to replace having to go to work and earn their way. You weep for the parasites. That's what these people, the ones capable of working, but choose to live off the public dole are, parasites.
Tell ya what? IF you want to be the host for the leech, be my guest. Don't you dare demand I help you. Write a check, buster.

I agree. These social programs are killing us.

If Deany and his bunch want to assume the burden for all the freeloaders, the poor and downtrodden then they are certainly free to do so.

Leave me and those of us who would like to hang onto our hardearned money the hell out of it.
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Run away from what?

You can support someone who is rich. It's not the same as desperately wanting them to run you life. We both know that right wingers only care that someone figured out a way to get rich, not "how". "How" doesn't matter. It's exactly why you people feel good about cutting daycare, health care, food programs for children and education just so you can give a billionaire another tax break. And you defend them. Oh, they are the "job creators", but they aren't "creating jobs" because there is "uncertainty". Who could believe such bullshit? Seriously? You guys can't possibly believe your own "spew". It's just not possible.

"Cutting daycare" HUH?....Since when is day care the responsibility of the taxpayers? Oh I get it , another taxpayer funded entitlement? Please. If people have children and work, they should have the means to care for them or pay to have someone do it for them. It certainly not MY responsibility.
I assume you are claiming that the GOP "cut healthcare"....WHAT?!!!! What does that mean? If you are claiming an actual reduction in the number of doctors, hospitals and the like, you're full of shit.
What business is it of your how someone earns their wealth. Newsflash, it is NONE of your business.
Deanie, here's the problem with your precious social programs. The fact is NONE of them work to a goal. They exist. They keep growing. They never end. They are a fixture which was NEVER the intention. These programs were sold as a way out of poverty and other difficulties. You people think social programs are a way for certain people to replace having to go to work and earn their way. You weep for the parasites. That's what these people, the ones capable of working, but choose to live off the public dole are, parasites.
Tell ya what? IF you want to be the host for the leech, be my guest. Don't you dare demand I help you. Write a check, buster.

I agree. These social programs are killing us.

If Deany and his bunch want to assume the burden for all the freeloaders, the poor and downtrodden then they are certainly free to do so.

Leave me and those of us who would like to hang onto our hardearned money the hell out of it.

Like you work.
"Cutting daycare" HUH?....Since when is day care the responsibility of the taxpayers? Oh I get it , another taxpayer funded entitlement? Please. If people have children and work, they should have the means to care for them or pay to have someone do it for them. It certainly not MY responsibility.
I assume you are claiming that the GOP "cut healthcare"....WHAT?!!!! What does that mean? If you are claiming an actual reduction in the number of doctors, hospitals and the like, you're full of shit.
What business is it of your how someone earns their wealth. Newsflash, it is NONE of your business.
Deanie, here's the problem with your precious social programs. The fact is NONE of them work to a goal. They exist. They keep growing. They never end. They are a fixture which was NEVER the intention. These programs were sold as a way out of poverty and other difficulties. You people think social programs are a way for certain people to replace having to go to work and earn their way. You weep for the parasites. That's what these people, the ones capable of working, but choose to live off the public dole are, parasites.
Tell ya what? IF you want to be the host for the leech, be my guest. Don't you dare demand I help you. Write a check, buster.

I agree. These social programs are killing us.

If Deany and his bunch want to assume the burden for all the freeloaders, the poor and downtrodden then they are certainly free to do so.

Leave me and those of us who would like to hang onto our hardearned money the hell out of it.

Like you work.
That's it? That's all you got for a response?...
We win.
I agree. These social programs are killing us.

If Deany and his bunch want to assume the burden for all the freeloaders, the poor and downtrodden then they are certainly free to do so.

Leave me and those of us who would like to hang onto our hardearned money the hell out of it.

Like you work.
That's it? That's all you got for a response?...
We win.

Yea, you "won" all right. You get the booby prize. Oh wait, you ARE the booby prize. My bad.

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