Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

Big-money donors find their way to Obama’s reelection campaign - The Washington Post
But the Democratic wealthy are interested in helping the poor.
At least we know that Romney and his family will have their own cash to take vacations in Spain.

And he won't take graft because he won't need it or want it.

He's already wealthy, powerful and successful in his own right and won't have to kiss ass to the likes of a Soros or a Buffet.

And he won't have to have more fundraisers than all 5 previous Presidential candidates combined.

But most important of all, I won't be tortured with Ann Romney doing pushups on Ellen or telling us to eat freaking arugala.

I digress.:lol:

You digress? You need to do a little research on the LDS Church and the Quorum of Twelve who are putting the money into Romney's campaign. You are right, he doesn't need Adelson or Trump or the Koch Brothers. You are very naive and you're lucky that's not against the law or else you'd get a life sentence.

Both sides have big donors. So what? That's the way the election cookie crumbles these days.

One side can't bitch about the other sides wealth. It's a rich man's game in politics and has been for some time.
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Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

Big-money donors find their way to Obama’s reelection campaign - The Washington Post
But the Democratic wealthy are interested in helping the poor.

Tell that to the workers in America Samoa where Pelosi managed to block a new minimum wage.:lol:

Remember this?

DOOCEY: So in American Samoa they have a lot of tuna. It's processed by Star Kist, which is, their headquarters is actually in San Francisco because Star Kist is owned by the food conglomerate Del Monte which is in Nancy Pelosi's home district.

Are you connecting the dots? Let's get this straight. Everybody has got to raise their minimum wage except American Samoa which, of course, has so many people who are pulling tuna out of the sea, shipping them off via Del Monte whose corporate headquarters in Nancy Pelosi's home district.

I'm sure it's a coincidence. Don't you think?

Read more: FNC Reports Speaker Pelosi's Star-Kist Gap in the Minimum Wage Hike | NewsBusters.org


Or like trying to block the Keystone Pipeline to benefit Warren Buffett.....
Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

Big-money donors find their way to Obama’s reelection campaign - The Washington Post
But the Democratic wealthy are interested in helping the poor.

well that's easy to do with OTHER people's monies...You sure never see them volunteering THEIR Riches to help out all these POOR..or give all their monies to pay down OUR DEPT..Yeah them Democrats are friggen saintly
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I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Because he won't redistribute the income of small business owners or high income earners in a given year.....unless you can show me how he will do that???
The Democrats were sure all eager to have that RICH gigolo, John Kerry run their lives.

but now all of sudden, how much money a person has IS HORRIBLE:eek:
1.Romney not a billionaire.
2. Republicans are not desperate to have him, but most think he is electable.
3. Obama is too liberal.
The Democrats were sure all eager to have that RICH gigolo, John Kerry run their lives.

but now all of sudden, how much money a person has IS HORRIBLE:eek:

That's different, Kerry's a Democrat and cares about wimmen n chillun
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

It's a conservative thing that you just wouldn't understand.
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

hey Dean what should i do?......Gov Brown has slashed Education and has already thrown more than just Granny under that Bus....what is his goal?.....do you think he is trying to "undiscover" Fire?.....:eek:.....help.....
Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

They’re desperate to have a republican in the WH, any republican, even an incompetent fool like Romney.

Remember: for republicans it’s about power, not what’s best for the Nation. With a republican administration they can return Bush Era retreads to positions of authority, determining important policy issues for the entire country.

Indeed, it would be exactly like having GWB back in office again.

did "Truth" tell you to say that?..:lol:...and i bet you cant even comprehend any Democrat being like that......can ya?.....:eusa_eh:
Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

Big-money donors find their way to Obama’s reelection campaign - The Washington Post
But the Democratic wealthy are interested in helping the poor.

Ya as long as they don't have to be the one paying with THEIR money.
Because Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and John Boehner and Eric Cantor have them trained like seals at SeaWorld. Got that bucket of chum? They'll sit right up and clap their flappers and bark.

Cripes Dems have millionaires out the ying yang in the party and as supporters. Don't even try that shit or you look like a joke.

You have as many 1% people in your party.

Obama will be at actor George Clooney’s house on May 10 for another high-dollar dinner, slated to be the biggest event of his reelection with an expected haul of more than $3 million.

Overall, Obama has raised at least $53 million in California, including $21 million from the Los Angeles metro area or about 10 percent of the donations listed on his disclosure filings, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s up slightly from less than 7 percent at the same period in 2008 while other areas, including the Washington and Chicago regions, have accounted for a smaller share of Obama’s total.

Oh yeah, the party of the little guy my ass.:lol:

Big-money donors find their way to Obama’s reelection campaign - The Washington Post
But the Democratic wealthy are interested in helping the poor.
:lol:.......oh shit your serious.....:eusa_eh:
Why are Republicans desperate to have a billionaire "elite" to run their lives?

They’re desperate to have a republican in the WH, any republican, even an incompetent fool like Romney.

Remember: for republicans it’s about power, not what’s best for the Nation. With a republican administration they can return Bush Era retreads to positions of authority, determining important policy issues for the entire country.

Indeed, it would be exactly like having GWB back in office again.

did "Truth" tell you to say that?..:lol:...and i bet you cant even comprehend any Democrat being like that......can ya?.....:eusa_eh:

naaa, they got that from their handy dandy DNC book of talking points
I really want to know. They defend someone who says he likes to fire people. They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education. What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Better question, why are you so desperate to make the debate about stupidity rather than talking about Obama's record?
I really want to know.

They defend someone who says he likes to fire people.
I thought you wanted to know something. You deliberately sit down and type a lie and then want to know, what? It is a lie. What more do you need to know?

They want leaders who promise to throw grandma under the bus and slash education.
Again, I thought you wanted to know something. How can you learn about what Republicans want if you cannot even see that your premise is a lie?

What is the goal? To "undiscover" fire? Cause it sure seems that way.

Are you so full of hatred for people who look at life differently than you do that you have to have a mental breakdown to feel better about yourself?

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