Why are republicans such drama queens when it comes to guns?

Police have to go to trouble. They deal with criminals daily. The president is much more likely to need protection than any average lawful person.

Then why don't police leave their weapons at work, and go home like the rest of us?

How do you know some dont?

I don;t know a single officer that doesn't have an off duty piece, and he gets it automatically without the cost and the bullshit I have to through in NYC to get a handgun for my own home.

What percent of police do you know?
A big part of my businesses selling firearms to military and police for private use…
Are they not good enough to use at work?
Gun violence is a nonissue, because the assholes put in suicides with homicides… that being an lie...

The most likely person to be shot and killed is definitely the gun owner himself.
Shit happens... Millions upon millions have not shot themselves... Lol

Well about 20,000 a year kill themselves. That makes them by far the most likely person to be shot and killed. Is that one of your selling points when you are trying to sell to a customer?

And in countries with absolute gun control...Japan, China and South Korea, they have higher suicide rates.

Also in France and other European countries with all the gun control you guys love...higher suicide rates than us...

That doesn't change the fact most people killed by guns are suicides. They are mostly suicide machines.
You're brain-dead LOL, mixing suicides with homicides is a lie - what does that make you? Lol
Then why don't police leave their weapons at work, and go home like the rest of us?

How do you know some dont?

I don;t know a single officer that doesn't have an off duty piece, and he gets it automatically without the cost and the bullshit I have to through in NYC to get a handgun for my own home.

What percent of police do you know?
A big part of my businesses selling firearms to military and police for private use…
Are they not good enough to use at work?
Depends on what requirements are - cost, standard issue and such things as that, I do sell to the sheriffs department…
Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

So, unless you change a culture, people will continue to die from violence. Look at Brussels today, 30 plus dead a hundred plus injured and no guns. It's the culture.

Guns make killing easy. Anything that is easy is going to be done more often than if it was more difficult.

Still 30 died, no guns, it's a culture thanks for avoiding the obvious. Of course why would you, it wouldn't fit your agenda.

And the same people often use guns.

Right, so guns or bombs, they will find them and use them. Glad we agree. So it's the culture, not weapons that kill.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

Why are the fascists such drama queens when it comes to guns?

The right to defend ourselves is protected by the Constitution, the Ninth Amendment and the Second Amendment.

I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.
It's not your concern.

So scared and paranoid stands. Thanks.

He doesn't sound scared or paranoid, you are the one wanting to know what people do with their guns.
I have nothing to be scared nor Paranoid about. But YOU, on the other hand seem to be the one soiling his panties when it comes to a tool that is inanimate until loaded and fired.

Again. Insults and childish rants will not resolve the violence.

Grow up and mind your own business.

I'm not scared at all. I go out every day unarmed and I am fine. You on the other hand seem pretty scared.

I guess the police are scared too, and the president, and rich people who have armed guards.

Police have to go to trouble. They deal with criminals daily. The president is much more likely to need protection than any average lawful person.

Don't forget the anti-gun Hollywood who are afraid, so they own guns and have bodyguards but don't think anyone else should have them.
7, 10, 12 people a weekend get shot in Chicago, black-on-black crime shooting through the room as Chicago continues to set ever higher and higher records for gun violence...nothing. An insane white nut job foes off and kills 7, 8 people and Obama and liberals run to the media declaring the event to be Armageddon...milking the event...while still ignoring the every-day gun violence perpetrated by thugs, punks, gang members, etc....

They pour on the drama and declare - playing on raw emotion - for more, stricter gun control.....because God knows that is the only thing that will stop the violence. To a liberal, such as Obama, stripping law abiding citizens of their right to bear arms is the only way to end the violence. If law-abiding citizens fo not have guns, the criminals will obey the laws as well... :p

But when you are ripping off people, screwing them on a daily basis, imposing your will / edicts on them, it is much more preferred that the sheep you are shearing do not have weapons and can not one day rise up in opposition to a tyrannical government. They want their heavily armed body guards and own militias to protect them from the people but do not want the people to have weapons to defend themselves from a growing, more and more, oppressive tyrannical government.

Liberals use drama to play on those raw emotions to try to sway citizens to give up their weapons, believing the govt will protect them, and the criminals will obey the law. Hell, our President doesn't even obey or enforce the law, so why would we think criminals (non-government) would do so?
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

And how will any new gun law stop criminals from getting guns when by definition criminals do not obey the law?

Why do we have any laws if by definition criminals will ignore them?

Laws spell out the punishment should one get caught that is all they do
Some people won't break the law because of that but the criminal element is under the collective delusion that they will never get caught

Which is why I am in favor of very long sentences for any and all violent crimes and life sentences for violent crimes committed while in the possession of a firearm

That way the people who will break the law will be less likely to be able to do it again
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.

I need a gun for skeet shooting and the occasional pheasant hunt

I can give you a list a mile long of shit you have and don't need but I won't because it's none of my business

Those aren't reasons to be a drama queen about. Those aren't why 2a is so scared.

Sorry but you just said no one needs a gun
I just proved you wrong

I need a gun for those reasons I gave

But you missed the most salient point which is that it is not your place to tell anyone else what they need or don't need because it is none of your business
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I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

It's the left being emotional instead of practical. None of the proposed restrictions would have stopped the mass shootings. The left would immediately take away our right to defend ourselves against those who are truly dangerous just because it sounds good. They claim gun control would disarm the bad guys, but any reasonable person knows it doesn't work that way.

We are passionate about all of our rights and that is the way it should be. Liberty is what always set up apart from many other countries. The left looks at other socialist and communist countries and want to change to be more like them.

The idiot woman on the view, Joy, thinks Cuba is better at respecting human rights than we are. Too many libs subscribe to the notion that a "benevolent" dictator is the answer to all problems. There is no such thing because tyrants and dictators are only about power and control and it has never helped people. It oppresses them. And the first thing tyrants do is disarm the people so they can't fight back no matter what is done to them or taken from them.
I guess the police are scared too, and the president, and rich people who have armed guards.

Police have to go to trouble. They deal with criminals daily. The president is much more likely to need protection than any average lawful person.

Then why don't police leave their weapons at work, and go home like the rest of us?

How do you know some dont?

I don;t know a single officer that doesn't have an off duty piece, and he gets it automatically without the cost and the bullshit I have to through in NYC to get a handgun for my own home.

What percent of police do you know?
I've been a member on LEO board for 10 years and they are overwhelmingly pro 2nd amendment and in favor of people being armed, legally, of course.
More guns than ever before in the history of the country, for crime rate is going down. Dumbass

We have by far the most guns in the world. Why do we not have the lowest crime rates?

Because our entertainment glorifies violence. Music that encourages killing cops, raping women, drug use. Violent and graphic, games, TV and movies. Why would anyone expect anything different. It's not the guns, it's the people.

Bad people with guns are worse than bad people without.

And how will any new gun law stop criminals from getting guns when by definition criminals do not obey the law?

Why do we have any laws if by definition criminals will ignore them?

You guys always say this...as if it is an original thought and a clever one....it is pretty stupid......you guys are the ones who want laws to actually physically stop criminals from committing crimes....you can see this in how you want to create gun laws that effect only law abiding people.....

Laws define acceptable behavior in society.....you break the law you get punished...this works for all other crimes but you twits want it to be different for guns...you want to prevent the crime before it happens.....and since that isn't how laws work, you will always fail.
I honestly feel as though republicans/Rightwingers are the ones who make the biggest issue out of guns. It's amazing they can be so dramatic about the 2nd amendment. It's purely emotional really. It makes them see threats that really aren't there. Even now 7 years into Obama's presidency some of them still believe he is coming for their guns despite the fact that he has NEVER advocated for gun grabbing of any kind. All he talks about is better regulation and exploring resolving issues associated with violent mentally ill people to prevent gun violence. It concerns him and other liberals that 11,000 people die of gun violence per year. Isn't that reasonable? Shouldn't SOMETHING be done about that? Wouldn't gun nuts prefer laws that prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? No one is talking about abolishing the 2nd amendment. I mean my god talk about absolutely impossible. No democrat would even want to try.

Gun nuts fail to grasp any level of nuance in the gun control issue. They see any democrat push of gun control as an automatic slippery slope to gun grabbing and abolishing the 2nd amendment. It is so goddam delusional. Nothing about that is rooted in reality.

I honestly feel that deep down many gun nuts WANT democrats to push gun control legislation. I mean for starters gun control legislation rarely ever passes. Gun nuts really have nothing to fear. What it comes down to is living in fantasy land. They LIKE the idea of the threat. Their 12 year old minds make them imagine themselves standing up for liberty and taking down government tyranny with their weapons of freedom! Hollywood stuff you know? It makes them feel more like masculine. It makes them forget about their small penises.

Now all that being said. Can we come to a mutual COMPROMISE on the gun control issue?

They are paranoid and scared.
You are full of it.

Why? Most people will never need a gun for anything in their entire life, yet so many act like they are most important thing in the world.

I need a gun for skeet shooting and the occasional pheasant hunt

I can give you a list a mile long of shit you have and don't need but I won't because it's none of my business

Those aren't reasons to be a drama queen about. Those aren't why 2a is so scared.

Each time I read your posts brain I hope that you are just being a troll....because if you really are the kind of person who posts what you post because you believe it........that is really sad.....I would be amazed you can dress yourself and feed yourself.......let alone cross a busy street by yourself.

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