Why Are Republicans the Only Climate-Science-Denying Party in the World?

Those estimates are for watts produced, silly ass.

If they were for watts produced, why did you say they were estimates?

Do you have the actual production figures, or are we supposed to trust your "source"?

He knows how ridiculous and unpredictable wind power production actually is. And yet he wants ACRES of batteries to support a small neighborhood for wind/solar. ALSO not included in these fudged 4cent numbers..

And NO GoldiRocks -- those are projections of "cost" based on the installed capacity -- NOT the actual output..

Related actual numbers ~ Wind power capacity at Fire Island set to double by October of 2015

* Specifically see the Wind Costs section (damn thing won't let me copy and past)

Bottom line summary; the cost of electricity from the wind farm is $97 per megawatt hour vs $60-65 per megawatt hour on gas turbines. As per Chugach's accounting records; "the use of wind power saved 474 million cubic feet of gas last year, for a fuel savings of about $2.4million. BUT Chugach spent $4.6 million on wind power.

Eventually, experts predict gas costs will exceed the cost of turning wind into electricity, and if that happens, the wind power contract will be a good deal for Chugach and its customers.

Until then, customers will pay a surcharge..." [to cover the costs of wind power, a $1.22/m average on their bills]

Wouldn't be convinced without a full accounting. Does that include production subsidies? What development costs are being amortized? But NONE of that really matters. Have you ever seen a Daily production chart for a wind farm? A WELL-SITED offshore Danish Wind farm for example?


THAT -- is not "an alternative" to anything. It's barely a supplement. Because you have to eat the WASTE of idling a full service plant while the wind blows for 20 minutes.. You can't turn huge generation on/off like a light switch.. Can't make contracts to deliver it -- because you can't schedule it. You cannot EXPAND capacity of the GRID relying on wind. You just can really rely on it at all.

BTW --- in the chart above, the 400,000 mark is the Installled capacity figure for that wind farm.. The number that eco-fraud toss about to brag about how much of this shit is installed or "doubled" -- Like you just did..

I think you're yelling at the wrong quote here, but I was tired and didn't go into the depth I wanted to last night so here's more:

Chugach Electric is a member owned corporation that provides nearly (basically all save private household solar/wind/etc) electrical power for the biggest city in Alaska. When our state gov jumped on the green energy bandwagon and decided we /must/ have 50% green energy we kind of spazed out frankly. None of this shit has been really tested up here, and it's, frankly, an annoyance for an oil and natural gas rich state... Regardless, we didn't have much choice, the words were on the page and all. So we went with the Fire Island Wind Project as part of our attempt to meet an uncomfortably close deadline for the green energy usage mandate.

What we found almost immediately (within less than a year) is that wind is unreliable (and Fire Island was the best possible option for steady winds near Anchorage.) We are also unable to store the electricity it produces, so basically if the wind blows at night, most of that power goes to waste because folks aren't using it, if the wind does /not/ blow during the day, there's nothing... One might want to argue that we should have batteries to store said "waste" electricity, but the problem, as always, in Alaska, is that batteries don't like the cold - these are the exact same problems we have with solar power btw - reliability and storage. The amount of money we'd have to put into a battery storage system would far, far outweigh the cost of the wasted electricity from Fire Island. We lose around 3000 megawatts of electricity from Fire Island a year, so it's not /that/ big a deal in the grand scope of things, but it is still a concern for the viability of wind power here.

I'd like to mention that electricity is not something we fuck around with up here; losing power up here can very easily result in billions in property damage from frozen pipes and loss of life, along with the spoiled food, etc. that typically come with power outages in the lower 48. One has to understand that "there is only one", there is no /other grid/ that we might take power off of in a situation - We have our grid and that is /all there is/, so if our grid isn't making the power we need, we don't have power, there is no alternative, no safety net. So when it comes to wind power and it's unreliability, we're not real keen to say the least... If you visit here Fire Island Wind Output | Chugach Electric Association, Inc. and flip through the past four years of output from FIW you'll notice that every month there is at least one day where there is zero output - aka no wind. THIS is not acceptable at all. When it's -30 outside and the airs dead still, we are /not/ going to suffer without power just to use "green energy" sorry, not fucking happening.

Now, despite us consumer owners immediate concerns with Fire Island's viability in 2013, CIRI (the owner of the wind farm) wanted to take advantage of a Fed tax credit for green energy, to the tune of $15million dollars, and double the capacity of Fire Island. The problem with their plan (as noted in the article I linked) was that Chugach wasn't sure if it /wanted/ to buy more electricity from the unreliable and cost ineffective wind plant.

Chugach said thanks but no thanks... (CIRI did not expand Fire Island, still hasn't, and very likely never will.)

What have we found after (now 4 years) with wind power? Well, it currently costs between $1-$40/month extra /per customer/ for the wind farm, and worse, the only reason the added cost is even that low is because of "green energy" cert sales. See Chugach earns "Renewable Energy Certificates" for every megawatt hour of wind power (which because of the contract we gave CIRI is /all/ of it regardless if we need it or not), we sell those certs on a national/retail market for cash, which we then use those profits to offset the extra cost of wind power - and DESPITE doing that, it /still/ costs us more per month.

I mean, it's a buck or two, and we get a shiny "green energy" sticker, but it is /not/ a fiscally sound investment in the slightest. IF the REC program goes away, we're going to lose our ass on wind power, and we'll still have the reliability and storage issues. Wind Power, despite our very best efforts in Alaska, is simply /not/ viable.

Chugach signed onto a 25 year contract at the current price, if we had not then CIRI would go bankrupt right after the contract ended because there is absolutely zero chance that we will agree (again) to pay just under double the cost of nat gas energy costs (which we have more than enough nat gas.) We were told that this wind farm would provide 4% of our electrical needs, we were told that it would save us 4% of our nat gas usage, we were told a lot of shit - and it was exactly that "shit." Fire Island provides 2% of our power needs, and costs us 3 times as much as nat gas (with the REC sale profits it's just under twice the cost.) It is just not viable for us.


In the larger picture, wind power flat out will /not/ be viable for every situation/location, period. It is not the answer to "green energy" nor is solar power (we're cloudy a LOT), nor is geothermal, hydro, tidal, wave, whatever. There is no /one/ answer for every place, so the idea of /forcing/ everywhere to conform with a "green agenda" is bullshit and /not/ a solution. Every single city/state needs to look at their very specific individual needs and go from there, "green energy" needs to be 100% customized. For example, /if/ one has a lumber processing mill, then it /is/ smart to use their sawdust in a biomass generator. If one has a salmon processing plant, then a fish oil burning plant is a good idea. Trying to stick a "one-size fits all" solution on the entire planet regardless of individual needs and particulars is heavy handed, short sided, and lazy. And when we talk about how much crap is put into the air, it shouldn't be on a "per plant" basis, but more of a "state" basis. That way everyone gets the power they need, in the best way for them, AND we're still working toward putting less pollution into the air. That is a 'sustainable' and 'educated' approach to the issue, not the "fuck you use less" asshattery that is being pushed now.

I try to be reasonable/fair/understanding, because as an Alaskan blessed with very clean air, unimaginable wildlife and natural beauty, and I have a lot of respect for "nature" as a whole - not to mention my states dependence on tourists, and a hundred other reasons I like the idea of "green energy," but I swear, 90% of the time I listen to you guys yap it sounds like a kid throwing a temper tantrum and I just want to yell grow the fuck up. I feel like you guys don't actually /care/ about the environment, but rather you're suck on some fucked up train ride and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you stop being so dooms-day, narrow focused, and... stupid about the little shit details, I think you'll find that 99% of the people in the country (hell maybe even the world) are actually cool with the "idea" of green energy. We just need to find the individualized solutions that work. This takes time, something you folks don't seem to get...

The "global warming scare" came about between the late 70's and the 90's depending on where you want to look. Since then we have not only researched and developed green energy tech, but reduced our fossil fuel reliance by an estimated 22% over the /entire planet/ (as of 2013) and it's fully expected that green energy conversion will increase at a fairly steady annual rate across the entire planet - especially as green energy production becomes more reliable and cost effective. In 1990 (earliest tracked stats from the IEA) the US used 2.3k terawatts per hour and put out 4.5k metric tons of CO2, as of 2012 we were using 4k terawatts per hour and putting our 5.1k metric tons of CO2. Our power use doubled, the CO2 output barely moved up - that's a massive improvement over the span of a mere 22 years. And that is /with/ all the major problems with green energy viability/reliability.

Have a little patience, it's going to get a lot better as we steadily improve on the reliability/viability/and cost factors of alternative energy

Your story is especially enlightening because of the Life/Death consequences of reliable power. And NO ONE wants to go green just to have tons of batteries to recycle every 10 years or so.

But seriously -- I've gone the whole list of "Green Energy" and found a LOT on that list are not actually clean or green and sometimes not so renewable. Where you are --- maybe "biomass conversion" which for you would be the same as garbage incineration might be an option. But it's NOT clean or green no matter what lists it shows up on..

So I've been following along for about 25 years now.. What GREEN miracles am I missing here?

BTW -- that American reduction in CO2 in recent years is NOT from Green magic, but because the only type of RELIABLE power that America is adding to the grid is NEW Natural Gas turbines, and decreasing the amount of coal and older less efficient nat gas plants.

No thanks to those "far sighted", "open-minded", Greenies you imagine -- who OPPOSED pipelines and fracking for Natural Gas every step of the way..
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What's silly about it ? Climate changes would happen whether humans were part of this world or not.
Why do you guys on the left live in such fear of it ? Do you honestly believe sea levels, and topography would be static if not for humans ? Did you make the mistake of believing that humans will always be present as long as this planet is around ?
No we will kill ourselves and cockroaches will be the next species at the top of the food chain.

I guess if I'm gone what do I care if humans live on? Did the dinosaurs that died 1 million years before the mass extinction care that one day dinosaurs wouldn't exist?

The point is, whether you like it or not, and whether or not humans completely change the way they utilize and treat the earth, the climate will change, continents will shift, celestial objects will slam into the planet, species will come and go beyond their control, and in several billion years the sun will see to it that this cycle comes to an end for every living being.
Not clear that "this is different"... One of the largest misrepresentations to be force-fed to the public is those various hockey stick studies. Which by themselves is just a science yawn. BUT claims were made that they PROVED the current 0.6degC warming blip in your lifetime was UNPRECEDENTED in the past 2000 or 10,000 years.

Problem is ---- those studies reporting to compare past GLOBAL climates used less than 100 measurements taken from tree rings, ice cores and mudbug shells that NEVER could detect a 60 or 80 years blip in the temperature curve. The hockey sticks were the equivalent of taking the last 100 years of the DOW -- running a 10 or 15 yr average over the data --- and then wondering what the REAL market peaks and valleys were. To make their sponsors happy, they then cut off the proxy data (ice cores, tree rings, mudbugs) at about the beginning of the industrial age and SPLICED the modern instrumented temperature record onto the right side of the graph. Giving the IMPRESSION that the climate never varied as it does today..

A lot of smoke and mirrors. A lot of money available for research FAVORABLE to the government/UN cause of man-made climate change and the usual circus of political scuffling and pandering. The science is NOT settled. Never was. It's changing as we speak..
We need to go green anyways, for a million other reasons.

Then MAKE those arguments. Don't hijack scientific inquiry in order to pass that agenda.
One reason I despise this Global Warming circus of propaganda is that it has TOTALLY SMOTHERED the environmental agenda. The issues of REAL pollution and REAL species mgt and survival.

I WANT those genuine issues to re-emerge politically as much or more than you do..

See I think it's the other side that has us caught up in the "global warming" debate. Fact is we need to clean up our act.

What kind of conspiracy theory is that? It's because of skeptical opposition that the leftist political program blames EVERY f-ing enviro problem on Global Warming? Tell them to grow up READ some science. Then every time a borer beetle brings down a cedar forest --- the fanatics might think of OTHER reasons other than a 0.5deg change in temperature to explain the problem..

Stuff will start getting done..

I'm gonna have to ponder that theory.... :eusa_naughty:

Global Warming makes EVERY moron --- an environmentalist. Because all they got to know is the tales they've been told.. Spoon fed propaganda. Not actual knowledge..

Everyone except you and the fringe group who believe like you. Unfortunately like lead paint and tobacco lobbyists you have money behind you. And the politicians in your pocket. And you now control all the media.

Global Warming is killing itself quite nicely thank-you. Where's my check?
Did you think polar bears just appeared out of thin air? They had sex and made more bears. 7k bears can turn into 30K in 20 years or less. Gore was born in 1948. Why do you dummies never analyze the memes you post for logic?
If they were for watts produced, why did you say they were estimates?

Do you have the actual production figures, or are we supposed to trust your "source"?

He knows how ridiculous and unpredictable wind power production actually is. And yet he wants ACRES of batteries to support a small neighborhood for wind/solar. ALSO not included in these fudged 4cent numbers..

And NO GoldiRocks -- those are projections of "cost" based on the installed capacity -- NOT the actual output..

Related actual numbers ~ Wind power capacity at Fire Island set to double by October of 2015

* Specifically see the Wind Costs section (damn thing won't let me copy and past)

Bottom line summary; the cost of electricity from the wind farm is $97 per megawatt hour vs $60-65 per megawatt hour on gas turbines. As per Chugach's accounting records; "the use of wind power saved 474 million cubic feet of gas last year, for a fuel savings of about $2.4million. BUT Chugach spent $4.6 million on wind power.

Eventually, experts predict gas costs will exceed the cost of turning wind into electricity, and if that happens, the wind power contract will be a good deal for Chugach and its customers.

Until then, customers will pay a surcharge..." [to cover the costs of wind power, a $1.22/m average on their bills]

Wouldn't be convinced without a full accounting. Does that include production subsidies? What development costs are being amortized? But NONE of that really matters. Have you ever seen a Daily production chart for a wind farm? A WELL-SITED offshore Danish Wind farm for example?


THAT -- is not "an alternative" to anything. It's barely a supplement. Because you have to eat the WASTE of idling a full service plant while the wind blows for 20 minutes.. You can't turn huge generation on/off like a light switch.. Can't make contracts to deliver it -- because you can't schedule it. You cannot EXPAND capacity of the GRID relying on wind. You just can really rely on it at all.

BTW --- in the chart above, the 400,000 mark is the Installled capacity figure for that wind farm.. The number that eco-fraud toss about to brag about how much of this shit is installed or "doubled" -- Like you just did..

I think you're yelling at the wrong quote here, but I was tired and didn't go into the depth I wanted to last night so here's more:

Chugach Electric is a member owned corporation that provides nearly (basically all save private household solar/wind/etc) electrical power for the biggest city in Alaska. When our state gov jumped on the green energy bandwagon and decided we /must/ have 50% green energy we kind of spazed out frankly. None of this shit has been really tested up here, and it's, frankly, an annoyance for an oil and natural gas rich state... Regardless, we didn't have much choice, the words were on the page and all. So we went with the Fire Island Wind Project as part of our attempt to meet an uncomfortably close deadline for the green energy usage mandate.

What we found almost immediately (within less than a year) is that wind is unreliable (and Fire Island was the best possible option for steady winds near Anchorage.) We are also unable to store the electricity it produces, so basically if the wind blows at night, most of that power goes to waste because folks aren't using it, if the wind does /not/ blow during the day, there's nothing... One might want to argue that we should have batteries to store said "waste" electricity, but the problem, as always, in Alaska, is that batteries don't like the cold - these are the exact same problems we have with solar power btw - reliability and storage. The amount of money we'd have to put into a battery storage system would far, far outweigh the cost of the wasted electricity from Fire Island. We lose around 3000 megawatts of electricity from Fire Island a year, so it's not /that/ big a deal in the grand scope of things, but it is still a concern for the viability of wind power here.

I'd like to mention that electricity is not something we fuck around with up here; losing power up here can very easily result in billions in property damage from frozen pipes and loss of life, along with the spoiled food, etc. that typically come with power outages in the lower 48. One has to understand that "there is only one", there is no /other grid/ that we might take power off of in a situation - We have our grid and that is /all there is/, so if our grid isn't making the power we need, we don't have power, there is no alternative, no safety net. So when it comes to wind power and it's unreliability, we're not real keen to say the least... If you visit here Fire Island Wind Output | Chugach Electric Association, Inc. and flip through the past four years of output from FIW you'll notice that every month there is at least one day where there is zero output - aka no wind. THIS is not acceptable at all. When it's -30 outside and the airs dead still, we are /not/ going to suffer without power just to use "green energy" sorry, not fucking happening.

Now, despite us consumer owners immediate concerns with Fire Island's viability in 2013, CIRI (the owner of the wind farm) wanted to take advantage of a Fed tax credit for green energy, to the tune of $15million dollars, and double the capacity of Fire Island. The problem with their plan (as noted in the article I linked) was that Chugach wasn't sure if it /wanted/ to buy more electricity from the unreliable and cost ineffective wind plant.

Chugach said thanks but no thanks... (CIRI did not expand Fire Island, still hasn't, and very likely never will.)

What have we found after (now 4 years) with wind power? Well, it currently costs between $1-$40/month extra /per customer/ for the wind farm, and worse, the only reason the added cost is even that low is because of "green energy" cert sales. See Chugach earns "Renewable Energy Certificates" for every megawatt hour of wind power (which because of the contract we gave CIRI is /all/ of it regardless if we need it or not), we sell those certs on a national/retail market for cash, which we then use those profits to offset the extra cost of wind power - and DESPITE doing that, it /still/ costs us more per month.

I mean, it's a buck or two, and we get a shiny "green energy" sticker, but it is /not/ a fiscally sound investment in the slightest. IF the REC program goes away, we're going to lose our ass on wind power, and we'll still have the reliability and storage issues. Wind Power, despite our very best efforts in Alaska, is simply /not/ viable.

Chugach signed onto a 25 year contract at the current price, if we had not then CIRI would go bankrupt right after the contract ended because there is absolutely zero chance that we will agree (again) to pay just under double the cost of nat gas energy costs (which we have more than enough nat gas.) We were told that this wind farm would provide 4% of our electrical needs, we were told that it would save us 4% of our nat gas usage, we were told a lot of shit - and it was exactly that "shit." Fire Island provides 2% of our power needs, and costs us 3 times as much as nat gas (with the REC sale profits it's just under twice the cost.) It is just not viable for us.


In the larger picture, wind power flat out will /not/ be viable for every situation/location, period. It is not the answer to "green energy" nor is solar power (we're cloudy a LOT), nor is geothermal, hydro, tidal, wave, whatever. There is no /one/ answer for every place, so the idea of /forcing/ everywhere to conform with a "green agenda" is bullshit and /not/ a solution. Every single city/state needs to look at their very specific individual needs and go from there, "green energy" needs to be 100% customized. For example, /if/ one has a lumber processing mill, then it /is/ smart to use their sawdust in a biomass generator. If one has a salmon processing plant, then a fish oil burning plant is a good idea. Trying to stick a "one-size fits all" solution on the entire planet regardless of individual needs and particulars is heavy handed, short sided, and lazy. And when we talk about how much crap is put into the air, it shouldn't be on a "per plant" basis, but more of a "state" basis. That way everyone gets the power they need, in the best way for them, AND we're still working toward putting less pollution into the air. That is a 'sustainable' and 'educated' approach to the issue, not the "fuck you use less" asshattery that is being pushed now.

I try to be reasonable/fair/understanding, because as an Alaskan blessed with very clean air, unimaginable wildlife and natural beauty, and I have a lot of respect for "nature" as a whole - not to mention my states dependence on tourists, and a hundred other reasons I like the idea of "green energy," but I swear, 90% of the time I listen to you guys yap it sounds like a kid throwing a temper tantrum and I just want to yell grow the fuck up. I feel like you guys don't actually /care/ about the environment, but rather you're suck on some fucked up train ride and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you stop being so dooms-day, narrow focused, and... stupid about the little shit details, I think you'll find that 99% of the people in the country (hell maybe even the world) are actually cool with the "idea" of green energy. We just need to find the individualized solutions that work. This takes time, something you folks don't seem to get...

The "global warming scare" came about between the late 70's and the 90's depending on where you want to look. Since then we have not only researched and developed green energy tech, but reduced our fossil fuel reliance by an estimated 22% over the /entire planet/ (as of 2013) and it's fully expected that green energy conversion will increase at a fairly steady annual rate across the entire planet - especially as green energy production becomes more reliable and cost effective. In 1990 (earliest tracked stats from the IEA) the US used 2.3k terawatts per hour and put out 4.5k metric tons of CO2, as of 2012 we were using 4k terawatts per hour and putting our 5.1k metric tons of CO2. Our power use doubled, the CO2 output barely moved up - that's a massive improvement over the span of a mere 22 years. And that is /with/ all the major problems with green energy viability/reliability.

Have a little patience, it's going to get a lot better as we steadily improve on the reliability/viability/and cost factors of alternative energy

Your story is especially enlightening because of the Life/Death consequences of reliable power. And NO ONE wants to go green just to have tons of batteries to recycle every 10 years or so.

But seriously -- I've gone the whole list of "Green Energy" and found a LOT on that list are not actually clean or green and sometimes not so renewable. Where you are --- maybe "biomass conversion" which for you would be the same as garbage incineration might be an option. But it's NOT clean or green no matter what lists it shows up on..

So I've been following along for about 25 years now.. What GREEN miracles am I missing here?

BTW -- that American reduction in CO2 in recent years is NOT from Green magic, but because the only type of RELIABLE power that America is adding to the grid is NEW Natural Gas turbines, and decreasing the amount of coal and older less efficient nat gas plants.

No thanks to those "far sighted", "open-minded", Greenies you imagine -- who OPPOSED pipelines and fracking for Natural Gas every step of the way..

So a city that springs up around a lumber mill, specifically to support that mill's labor needs. Instead of burning the automatic guaranteed biomass waste from the sawmill and using that for electricity generation, that community should instead build a new power plant that's "green," and just let the sawdust burn and pollute uselessly, in order to produce a specific X less pollution from that particular type of power source? That's wasteful, it's a hysterical reaction - like slapping on a band aid when you cut your finger off... What I am saying is that there needs to be something like more along the lines of a state wide assessment which can allow for some plants to make more pollution while others make less, all within a certain threshold across the state - because it's kind of stupid /not/ to look at the individual specific situation and make the best use of what is happening in that particular communities dynamic.

Something like 36% of Alaska's power is provided by hydro, we also have another like 20% from geothermic, solar, and wind power across the state - we've been onboard the "green energy" thing since before the lower 48 even got serious about it, because in a lot of cases it just makes more sense to plant some turbines for the village of three families than build them their own power plant. Still, its true that the majority of our power comes from nat gas, mostly because of the two big cities Anchorage and Fairbanks who's generators were put in ages ago (I think the Anch plant is from the 50's) - however, all of the /new/ plants (including expansions) we build are as green as we can possibly make them.

We still have to consider reality though - especially when we're talking about things like building a power plant for 200 people, 400 miles off any road, and then there's environmental concerns too - which hysterics completely ignore... Like, in Fairbanks (it regularly hits -70 up there) they're working with solar, but the batteries are a problem because of the perma-frost melt (we had to bury them) We've developed a system of poles that dissipates the heat in order to stop the perma-frost melt and that's working out alright, but it was massively expensive over all - we're hoping to streamline the costs for use in other locations. In Chena Hot Springs we've got a very successful geothermal plant that provides power for the "spa" business there, as well as supplementing a good deal for a small community of 300ish (Fox I believe) We are also on the forefront of wave and tidal research because we are apparently very well suited to that, we have business partners in from Japan researching that with us.

Basically, the vast majority of Alaska, are the kind of "far sighted" "open minded" greenies I'm speaking about (not imagining), despite the massive presence of oil in the state. I make a fuck ton of money off oil, not going to lie, but that doesn't mean I'm auto-opposed to green energy - it's not mutually exclusive.

Also, if you don't realize that the oil companies have their hands in the green energy business then you're ignoring shit. They're racing to patent the "winning" technology just as much as the next guy so they can capitalize on it; they're not stupid, the global warming scare worked on enough people for them to see the writing on the wall for oil/nat gas - even if you blow off the "proposed danger" factor, there's still a public image issue, they know damn well that the majority hates them for whatever reason and are gouing to drop them like a bad date the second they can possibly get away with it. "Green energy" companies are cheap like plastic surgery, JS...
Your story is especially enlightening because of the Life/Death consequences of reliable power. And NO ONE wants to go green just to have tons of batteries to recycle every 10 years or so.

But seriously -- I've gone the whole list of "Green Energy" and found a LOT on that list are not actually clean or green and sometimes not so renewable. Where you are --- maybe "biomass conversion" which for you would be the same as garbage incineration might be an option. But it's NOT clean or green no matter what lists it shows up on..

So I've been following along for about 25 years now.. What GREEN miracles am I missing here?

BTW -- that American reduction in CO2 in recent years is NOT from Green magic, but because the only type of RELIABLE power that America is adding to the grid is NEW Natural Gas turbines, and decreasing the amount of coal and older less efficient nat gas plants.

No thanks to those "far sighted", "open-minded", Greenies you imagine -- who OPPOSED pipelines and fracking for Natural Gas every step of the way..

So a city that springs up around a lumber mill, specifically to support that mill's labor needs. Instead of burning the automatic guaranteed biomass waste from the sawmill and using that for electricity generation, that community should instead build a new power plant that's "green," and just let the sawdust burn and pollute uselessly, in order to produce a specific X less pollution from that particular type of power source? That's wasteful, it's a hysterical reaction - like slapping on a band aid when you cut your finger off... What I am saying is that there needs to be something like more along the lines of a state wide assessment which can allow for some plants to make more pollution while others make less, all within a certain threshold across the state - because it's kind of stupid /not/ to look at the individual specific situation and make the best use of what is happening in that particular communities dynamic.

Something like 36% of Alaska's power is provided by hydro, we also have another like 20% from geothermic, solar, and wind power across the state - we've been onboard the "green energy" thing since before the lower 48 even got serious about it, because in a lot of cases it just makes more sense to plant some turbines for the village of three families than build them their own power plant. Still, its true that the majority of our power comes from nat gas, mostly because of the two big cities Anchorage and Fairbanks who's generators were put in ages ago (I think the Anch plant is from the 50's) - however, all of the /new/ plants (including expansions) we build are as green as we can possibly make them.

We still have to consider reality though - especially when we're talking about things like building a power plant for 200 people, 400 miles off any road, and then there's environmental concerns too - which hysterics completely ignore... Like, in Fairbanks (it regularly hits -70 up there) they're working with solar, but the batteries are a problem because of the perma-frost melt (we had to bury them) We've developed a system of poles that dissipates the heat in order to stop the perma-frost melt and that's working out alright, but it was massively expensive over all - we're hoping to streamline the costs for use in other locations. In Chena Hot Springs we've got a very successful geothermal plant that provides power for the "spa" business there, as well as supplementing a good deal for a small community of 300ish (Fox I believe) We are also on the forefront of wave and tidal research because we are apparently very well suited to that, we have business partners in from Japan researching that with us.

Basically, the vast majority of Alaska, are the kind of "far sighted" "open minded" greenies I'm speaking about (not imagining), despite the massive presence of oil in the state. I make a fuck ton of money off oil, not going to lie, but that doesn't mean I'm auto-opposed to green energy - it's not mutually exclusive.

Also, if you don't realize that the oil companies have their hands in the green energy business then you're ignoring shit. They're racing to patent the "winning" technology just as much as the next guy so they can capitalize on it; they're not stupid, the global warming scare worked on enough people for them to see the writing on the wall for oil/nat gas - even if you blow off the "proposed danger" factor, there's still a public image issue, they know damn well that the majority hates them for whatever reason and are gouing to drop them like a bad date the second they can possibly get away with it. "Green energy" companies are cheap like plastic surgery, JS...

A lumber mill would have options for the waste. Actually several markets for it. They COULD burn it --- with my blessing --- but that is NOT a GREEN process. You'd have to explain to me why you can burn tree cleanly, but you can't burn coal cleanly..

Geothermal is another "not so green" and not literally renewable energy source. Because it's a dirty mining operation ---- very similar to fracking ---- and the wells quit producing over time and need to be redrilled. But I'm ALL IN FAVOR.. Just don't it in a place where it's impact to the enviro is severe. Same as nat gas fracking.

Alaska USED to burn a lot of dirty oil for electricity -- which is probably worse than coal in the results. But they HAD TO..

Tidal is another "not so green" idea with SEVERE enviro impacts. Especially when you DAM up estuaries and bays to increase the flow and storage.

So this list of "Alternatives" is really pretty skimpy isn't it? And in a lot of cases, the side-effects of some things on the list are not widely known by the "enlightened, free thinking" greenies.

Go look up the history of Biomass conversion in the UK. Greenies cried and threw tantrums until the plants were built.. THEN --- they discovered the process is really no different from garbage incineration. And in PRACTICE, because of fuel availability and costs -- they were turned into Garbage Incinerators. NOW that the eco-whacks got that education -- there are about 100 orgs in the UK to REMOVE this blight from their backyards.

Eco-nauts need more time UNDERSTANDING power sources and science and less time FEELING that they have the best solutions..
I thought the whole idea behind "green energy" (or at least this thread for sure) was about cleaning up the air pollution - not renewable's.

But that aside, so you're arguing that it's not about lowering CO2 and other pollutants, (even for you I guess?,) /less/ pollution and more efficient (aka enough change to undo the effects of green house concern) - but rather some obscure idea of 100% green, 100% renewable, 100% efficient energy source?

That turns me off frankly, it's dishonest and unrealistic.
I dont understand the republican train of thought to just do nothing until we are in an event that could possibly wipe us out because they "dont believe it". Best case scenario is that we are not causing climate change. That doesnt mean we are not effecting it by pouring more Co2 into the atmosphere. Cons remind me of the people in the Dust Bowl times that didnt want to believe their farming habits were effecting the soil until it was too late.
I thought the whole idea behind "green energy" (or at least this thread for sure) was about cleaning up the air pollution - not renewable's.

But that aside, so you're arguing that it's not about lowering CO2 and other pollutants, (even for you I guess?,) /less/ pollution and more efficient (aka enough change to undo the effects of green house concern) - but rather some obscure idea of 100% green, 100% renewable, 100% efficient energy source?

That turns me off frankly, it's dishonest and unrealistic.

Pollution and CO2 are 2 different things. I'm concerned about pollution MORE than I am about CO2. But the dishonesty is in the political propaganda to confuse the public about "carbon" being all the same thing.

That's where the dishonesty is EverCurious.. Want to use whatever it is that you THINK is green and renewable because it lowers pollution? FINE -- make that argument and don't confuse it with the CO2 emissions controls for Global Warming.

In EITHER CASE -- there's not really much on that roster of "renewables" that IS clean, green and renewable. At least not much that is a RELIABLE ALTERNATIVE to nuclear, hydro, or fossil. All of them (with the exception of geothermal which is NOT clean and NOT truly renewable) are at best "peaker" or "supplement" technologies, --- NOT alternatives.
When have Conservatives ever embraced science? Science is a sticky wicket for Conservatives. First, Social Conservatives fear and distrust science. Science tells them that Genesis is a myth. We were not put on this planet fully formed like a potted geranium, but just as susceptible to the forces of evolution as any other species.

I remember when asbestos and lead based paint were included on lists of hazardous materials. Comservatives balked at that notion calling the epidemiological studies demonstrating the harm of those substances "junk science". All those Conservatives could,see was the cost of abatement and remediation. They could not appreciate the health benefits, nor conceive of the jobs in engineering, training, personal protective equipment and labor abatement would bring.

And the tradition continues today. All Conservatives think is global climate change is some grand cabal engineered by Liberals to take away their gas guzzlers and close coal electric generation plants.

Pity the Conservative. Seems that they flunked out of science classes and did not do so hot in economics classes either.


So you majored in science when you were in college?

You know things like physics, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, geology, biology, anthropology, etc...

Or did you just major at learning to run your mouth off about how stupid you think other people are?



That's you reply? The sum total of what you have to say is this? You could not divine, conceive or concoct a cogent reply?

Should your opinion then matter?


What reply would you have me give since there was no interrogative in your hate filled drivel about conservatives?

Tell us why your opinion should matter since you've dodged the questions I've put forward to you?

Obviously you're nothing more than a pathetic follower of a cult who wouldn't know a nanosecond from a quantum singularity much less a integrated formula from a linear equation.


I dont understand the republican train of thought to just do nothing until we are in an event that could possibly wipe us out because they "dont believe it". Best case scenario is that we are not causing climate change. That doesnt mean we are not effecting it by pouring more Co2 into the atmosphere. Cons remind me of the people in the Dust Bowl times that didnt want to believe their farming habits were effecting the soil until it was too late.

So many things to spend 6 or $8Trill on -- I guess you'd have to decide whether 1 or 2 degC by 2100 is a true enough crisis to hobble economies and cut-back discretionary spending. The ORIGINAL estimates were for 6 or even 8 degC by 2100 -- since revised way the hell down. In that sense -- skeptics have already prevailed.

And you better be DAMNED certain that 1 or 2 deg per century is TRUELY unprecedented in the record of climate history. Which honestly can't be assessed from what we ACTUALLY know since before the time of thermometers.

RIGHT NOW TODAY -- The US has kicked in some $30Bill into a GLOBAL redistribution scam to the poorer nations run by the UN. All with the premise that Global Warming has ALREADY harmed them. With Obama bucking for MUCH MORE --- that's gonna put a real crimp in the ability to support the needs of OUR debt-filled country to make all the other promises that leftists like for free stuff to the people of this country.
I dont understand the republican train of thought to just do nothing until we are in an event that could possibly wipe us out because they "dont believe it". Best case scenario is that we are not causing climate change. That doesnt mean we are not effecting it by pouring more Co2 into the atmosphere. Cons remind me of the people in the Dust Bowl times that didnt want to believe their farming habits were effecting the soil until it was too late.


Wasn't the progressive proclaimed apocalypse already supposed to have happened according to the prophet Al Gore?... Or has that now been postponed until next century?


Understanding the REAL history of climate on earth & universal (as in the sun, tilt of the earth, cyclical wobble of that tilt, etc....) influences on it. But please continue to tell me how cow farts & my lawnmower supercede those factors.
Dude on another thread you speculated that some kind of "molten core" creates a "magnetic field" that let's Earth have life?! Wtf that sounds like a bunch of made up liberal mumbo jumbo! I don't see no magnets in the sky!

Anyways, of course humans have absolutely zero impact on the planet. We haven't changed anything at all. Jesus will take care of us.

No, humans can have a pretty catastrophic impact on the planet in very small localities. Global temps though are far beyond our power. I wish we could control the temp of the world. Just think how useful a tool that would be.
Yeah we have no impact on the forces in the world. We can't divert rivers, seed the sky to make it rain, or alter ecosystems anywhere. Damn if only we could. It would be so useful to be able to fuck with the planet.

hey lib- one volcanic eruption does more to cause climate change than all humans in 100 years put together. libs decided to change from global warming to climate change- you aren't fooling anyone. Besides CG is only about big gov. control on large corps and people.
I dont understand the republican train of thought to just do nothing until we are in an event that could possibly wipe us out because they "dont believe it". Best case scenario is that we are not causing climate change. That doesnt mean we are not effecting it by pouring more Co2 into the atmosphere. Cons remind me of the people in the Dust Bowl times that didnt want to believe their farming habits were effecting the soil until it was too late.


Wasn't the progressive proclaimed apocalypse already supposed to have happened according to the prophet Al Gore?... Or has that now been postponed until next century?



I dont know. However werent we supposed to have flying cars by now as well? You miss the point. What if you skeptics are wrong and could have done something about it? Will the fact that the estimate was off make you feel any better as you die?
I dont understand the republican train of thought to just do nothing until we are in an event that could possibly wipe us out because they "dont believe it". Best case scenario is that we are not causing climate change. That doesnt mean we are not effecting it by pouring more Co2 into the atmosphere. Cons remind me of the people in the Dust Bowl times that didnt want to believe their farming habits were effecting the soil until it was too late.

So many things to spend 6 or $8Trill on -- I guess you'd have to decide whether 1 or 2 degC by 2100 is a true enough crisis to hobble economies and cut-back discretionary spending. The ORIGINAL estimates were for 6 or even 8 degC by 2100 -- since revised way the hell down. In that sense -- skeptics have already prevailed.

And you better be DAMNED certain that 1 or 2 deg per century is TRUELY unprecedented in the record of climate history. Which honestly can't be assessed from what we ACTUALLY know since before the time of thermometers.

RIGHT NOW TODAY -- The US has kicked in some $30Bill into a GLOBAL redistribution scam to the poorer nations run by the UN. All with the premise that Global Warming has ALREADY harmed them. With Obama bucking for MUCH MORE --- that's gonna put a real crimp in the ability to support the needs of OUR debt-filled country to make all the other promises that leftists like for free stuff to the people of this country.
Since the tolerance has gotten smaller I would think its better to be safe than sorry. Debt is the way wealth/money works and you must be silly to think the debt is actually going to be addressed in any serious matter by anyone. If you had some power you would come up missing for voicing such an anti-capitalistic idea as getting rid of the debt. Trust and believe if we see a tipping point with climate change....debt is going the be last thing we will need to worry about.

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