Why Are Snowflakes / Dems Threatening ICE, Their Families, & Their Pets For Enforcing The Law?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....


Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left

ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’
'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....


Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left

ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’

why did conservatives threaten government agents at Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzalez?

and what about

Clive Bundy?
they actually aimed guns at government agents.....and walked away free!

in every case the government agents were just doing their job and enforcing the law.....

hmmmmmm now THAT is what i call WHITE PRIVILEGE!
'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....


Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left

ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’

1. politically, easyt65,
I have had deep discussions with liberals who simply have no concept or understanding that rights under law apply only to US citizens and we aren't "responsible for all other people"
They don't have the same political beliefs that others do.
So they don't make distinctions with protecting rights of citizens and enforcing those laws
"on a different level" as treating all people with equal human rights.

2. spiritually, there is a need to resolve the longstanding issues of natives who had land taken away. Why not use this opportunity to grant land back to natives to develop as their own cities on the OTHER side of the border, where restitution from drug dealing and trafficking is paid to victims by the actual CRIMINAL TRAFFICKERS including collusion with corrupt Mexican officials.

We can have a solution, but it may take a combination of restitution coming from
Mexico and criminal cartels that owe damages and debts to trafficking victims.

So crying for justice could lead to a solution to ALL genocide and trafficking abuses.

That is the spiritual push I see behind this huge movement and outcry.
There are atrocities that have been going on, and we do need to address them.

Just not in the way the left imagines. It will take coordinated effort
between govt officials, church and nonprofit charities, schools and businesses
that also committed violations of labor laws. If all restitution gets paid into
creating legal settlements on both sides of the border, then both people under
US or Mexican jurisdiction can have solutions that don't impose on taxpayers
but are paid for as part of reimbursement to taxpayers and victims for past crimes.

'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....
Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left
ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’

The Left's main tool of trade: hire a bunch of stupid, unemployed idiots for a little money and get them pumped up to go out and do stupid things.
why did conservatives threaten government agents at ...Elian Gonzalez?

they actually aimed guns at government agents.....and walked away free! in every case the government agents were just doing their job and enforcing the law.....hmmmmmm now THAT is what i call WHITE PRIVILEGE!

You mean THIS Elian Gonzales? The scared little boy who has the machine gun pointed at him as Bill Clinton's US AG Janet Reno's goons stormed the house to TAKE a little immigrant boy at gunpoint to DEPORT him back to Cuba?


Put down the crack pipe, and step away from the keyboard, snowflake!
2. spiritually, there is a need to resolve the longstanding issues of natives who had land taken away. Why not use this opportunity to grant land back to natives to develop as their own cities on the OTHER side of the border, where restitution from drug dealing and trafficking is paid to victims by the actual CRIMINAL TRAFFICKERS including collusion with corrupt Mexican officials.
So once again, instead of addressing the topic - which is Leftist Extremists 'Americans' threatening the Lives of US Law Enforcement Officials, their families, and even their pets - we have an attempted hijacking of the thread, this time to talk about MORE REPARATIONS? I am not even going to ask the question WHO is supposed to 'grant' the land on the other side of the border to natives as 'restitution' / 'reparations'. (You must be talking about the US seizing that land and then giving it away because there is no way in hell Mexico is going to give any of their land to millions of illegal Nicaraguans, Guatemalans, etc...)

Leftists threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Officers for doing their jobs, threatening to hurt US citizens for holding criminal illegal foreigners accountable, are traitors to their country / just as criminal as the illegals they are protecting, in some cases much worse...IMHO.
'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....


Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left

ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’

why did conservatives threaten government agents at Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzalez?

and what about

Clive Bundy?
they actually aimed guns at government agents.....and walked away free!

in every case the government agents were just doing their job and enforcing the law.....

hmmmmmm now THAT is what i call WHITE PRIVILEGE!

man you must of have been born this stupid. The school didn't waste no time with you.
It is a dangerous game that these groups are playing. Violence is not going to solve the issue. Whether it comes from the Left or the Right. The federal prison at Florence Colorado still has cell space. It is the responsibility of the leadership (which includes presidential candidates) of both parties to quell and calm the behavior of the groups and stop, in any way, inciting these groups. We are a nation of laws and supposedly we are adults, even though many fail to act as an adult.

18 U.S. Code § 2383.Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2384.Seditious conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

2. spiritually, there is a need to resolve the longstanding issues of natives who had land taken away. Why not use this opportunity to grant land back to natives to develop as their own cities on the OTHER side of the border, where restitution from drug dealing and trafficking is paid to victims by the actual CRIMINAL TRAFFICKERS including collusion with corrupt Mexican officials.
So once again, instead of addressing the topic - which is Leftist Extremists 'Americans' threatening the Lives of US Law Enforcement Officials, their families, and even their pets - we have an attempted hijacking of the thread, this time to talk about MORE REPARATIONS? I am not even going to ask the question WHO is supposed to 'grant' the land on the other side of the border to natives as 'restitution' / 'reparations'. (You must be talking about the US seizing that land and then giving it away because there is no way in hell Mexico is going to give any of their land to millions of illegal Nicaraguans, Guatemalans, etc...)

Leftists threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Officers for doing their jobs, threatening to hurt US citizens for holding criminal illegal foreigners accountable, are traitors to their country / just as criminal as the illegals they are protecting, in some cases much worse...IMHO.
That isn't what she said at all.

You are going after a comma in a sentence. She's talking about the book overall. Same topic, different perspectives.
'Americans' are threatening the lives of US Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal non-Americans in this country, threatening to commit violence against fellow Americans for doing their job of enforcing existing US Law and protecting this country.....
Threats, shooting public servants on edge as officials warn of 'dangerous' rhetoric from Left

ICE offices, workers hit by wave of violence and threats: ‘We know where all your children live’

why did conservatives threaten government agents at Waco?
Ruby Ridge?
Elian Gonzalez?

and what about

Clive Bundy?
they actually aimed guns at government agents.....and walked away free!

in every case the government agents were just doing their job and enforcing the law.....

hmmmmmm now THAT is what i call WHITE PRIVILEGE!

Wow. That is about the biggest pile cracked up steaming bullshit I've read here since Frannie tried to tell me that research and data on the nature of dark matter by NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the foremost experts in the field, was no better than some hack website on Bigfoot.

Here you are with the ignorance and temerity to actually compare people defending their land and property from direct threat, intrusion and assault by invading federal agents trying to take it unfairly with a bunch of idiot strangers not even involved in the matter going out and threatening agents from simply carrying out normal immigration law on illegal aliens who have already been through the court process ad neaseum, lost and were ordered to leave but refused?

AND I BEG YOU to show me a photo or report of one federal agent being threatened with guns in the Elian Gontales incident? I followed that live and not only do I not remember there being any violence or protest or guns involved outside the family other than the guns used by the feds, but I saw the grandfather interviewed on TV after the kid was taken out of his home by force just livid, enraged, going into great detail and specifics about how the Clinton Administration people had told them all kinds of lies, then broke their word on everything they promised and pulled all kinds of really dirty crap and just screwed them to the wall.

This was before the days of DVRs and I sat there just shocked by what the guy said, it was like something you expected to hear from a 3rd world country, innocent people just being trampled under the brutal force of big government, and resolved to catch it again and tape it on my VCR. I sat there the rest of the day hopping channels looking for them to rebroadcast the interview. It was never shown a second time, ripped off the air. Never heard from the grandfather again neither. Subject dropped. Everyone, just move on.
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