A Republic, if we can keep it.

If you don't appreciate the Royalists of the time, maybe you should learn ... why wouldn't the new US Congress be set up fairly similar to the English Parliament? ... the main difference is these seats aren't inheritable ... We the People elect directly the State Legislatures, who in turn elected our Federal Senators at the beginning ... that's still a Republic, if We the People don't like the Senator the State sent to Washington DC, we can elect a new State Government ... easy peasy? ...

Well ... no ... it was a bad idea ... and we changed the Constitution and now directly elect our Federal Senators ...

Remember in 1776 ... "We the People" meant white landowning men ... not women, and certainly not darkies ...

In 1912, the Senators were appointed by the States Governors and the House was elected as part time members by the states. I think we were better off with that system over today's monkey F***.
In 1912, the Senators were appointed by the States Governors and the House was elected as part time members by the states. I think we were better off with that system over today's monkey F***.
Senators were NOT appointed by governors. They were elected by state legislatures.

You should look into the history of why the 17th Amendment came to be.

The partisan hackery back then was just as bad as it is today, with the result that many states could not get their shit together enough to seat their Senators. There were several states going unrepresented.

How would you feel if the US government was passing laws for which your state had no say?

It was an easy task to get a supermajority of Americans to go along with the amendment. Letting small-minded dipshits in state legislatures hold US Senators hostage over picayune pet peeves was a huge mistake.
If you don't appreciate the Royalists of the time, maybe you should learn ... why wouldn't the new US Congress be set up fairly similar to the English Parliament? ... the main difference is these seats aren't inheritable ... We the People elect directly the State Legislatures, who in turn elected our Federal Senators at the beginning ... that's still a Republic, if We the People don't like the Senator the State sent to Washington DC, we can elect a new State Government ... easy peasy? ...

Well ... no ... it was a bad idea ... and we changed the Constitution and now directly elect our Federal Senators ...

Remember in 1776 ... "We the People" meant white landowning men ... not women, and certainly not darkies ...
This is 2023. And it is not white, men, women and darkies. It is taxation and the transfer of wealth. And who gets it. I see no proponents of pure socialism giving up their wealth for the common good. Do you? Very few are.
This is 2023. And it is not white, men, women and darkies. It is taxation and the transfer of wealth. And who gets it. I see no proponents of pure socialism giving up their wealth for the common good. Do you? Very few are.
I take it, then, you are as opposed to the biggest wealth redistribution program in the history of the universe as I am.

Are you willing to give up your tax deductions, credits, and exemptions for the common good? Your tax rate would be lower and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

What's not to like?
If you don't appreciate the Royalists of the time, maybe you should learn ... why wouldn't the new US Congress be set up fairly similar to the English Parliament? ... the main difference is these seats aren't inheritable ... We the People elect directly the State Legislatures, who in turn elected our Federal Senators at the beginning ... that's still a Republic, if We the People don't like the Senator the State sent to Washington DC, we can elect a new State Government ... easy peasy? ...

Well ... no ... it was a bad idea ... and we changed the Constitution and now directly elect our Federal Senators ...

Remember in 1776 ... "We the People" meant white landowning men ... not women, and certainly not darkies ...
There's this document called the Declaration of Independence. You should read it.
You should look into the history of why the 17th Amendment came to be.

The partisan hackery back then was just as bad as it is today, with the result that many states could not get their shit together enough to seat their Senators. There were several states going unrepresented.

How would you feel if the US government was passing laws for which your state had no say?

It was an easy task to get a supermajority of Americans to go along with the amendment. Letting small-minded dipshits in state legislatures hold US Senators hostage over picayune pet peeves was a huge mistake.
That may be true as promoted. That also could have been cleaned up a lot. Look at the vegetables in office for 50 years we have. And this has helped to cause the socialist monster like Hakeem Jeffries when he is empowered that will make us the village. About the state legislatures...the voters who put their state reps and state senators into office had more power in their votes then voting for federal senators today. As each pre 17 amendment vote would be more important than being one of millions. The then globalist infection got the Federal Reserve Act the 16th and 17th amendment passed within a short time period in 1913. The 19th amendment sealed our future doom. In fact, the 18th amendment was pushed from the then Progs like Woody Wilsons's wife. The shit smell started quickly. Woody said we will not go to war. Somehow, we ended up in Europe for World War 1. We lost our innocence and were put into the direction of following the dictums of the powerful after that.
That may be true as promoted. That also could have been cleaned up a lot. Look at the vegetables in office for 50 years we have. And this has helped to cause the socialist monster like Hakeem Jeffries when he is empowered that will make us the village. About the state legislatures...the voters who put their state reps and state senators into office had more power in their votes then voting for federal senators today. As each pre 17 amendment vote would be more important than being one of millions. The then globalist infection got the Federal Reserve Act the 16th and 17th amendment passed within a short time period in 1913. The 19th amendment sealed our future doom. In fact, the 18th amendment was pushed from the then Progs like Woody Wilsons's wife. The shit smell started quickly. Woody said we will not go to war. Somehow, we ended up in Europe for World War 1. We lost our innocence and were put into the direction of following the dictums of the powerful after that.
"The 19th amendment sealed our future doom."

Wow. You must be real popular with the ladies, incel!
I take it, then, you are as opposed to the biggest wealth redistribution program in the history of the universe as I am.

Are you willing to give up your tax deductions, credits, and exemptions for the common good? Your tax rate would be lower and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

What's not to like?
The powers that be control what we pay or do not. inflation is done on purpose or if there is a loss of control. I already am paying. This is done to keep the debt payments going as to not crash the world economy. And what is worse is that we are paying for other nations. Watching our politicians go to Ukraine is pure evil. I know. Our politicians went to middle east nations we spent trillions and trillions of dollars on. The hated honkies evil race we all love now.
So long as Trump continues to be active in politics, he will have opposition, dipshit.

Christ, there are people on this forum STILL whining about Obama!
You will continue to bitch about Trump rather he is active in politics or not dipshit. Doing that keeps you from having to deal with the disaster named Joe Biden. We both know you will deny this we also both know it’s true have a nice day.

I really want to know who started this unbelievably stupid bullshit "we aren't a democracy" meme for you brainless, ignorant, dumb fucks to parrot.

I really do.

Trump's Jan. 6 Speech

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.

Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down, we're going to walk down.

Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.

They want to indoctrinate your children. It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no. This crowd is, again, a testament to it.
They’ll ignore this of course
Senators were NOT appointed by governors. They were elected by state legislatures.

You should look into the history of why the 17th Amendment came to be.

The partisan hackery back then was just as bad as it is today, with the result that many states could not get their shit together enough to seat their Senators. There were several states going unrepresented.

How would you feel if the US government was passing laws for which your state had no say?

It was an easy task to get a supermajority of Americans to go along with the amendment. Letting small-minded dipshits in state legislatures hold US Senators hostage over picayune pet peeves was a huge mistake.
Ya mean like Tuberville holding up upper level Military appointments for months now?
Threats mount against prosecutors and FBI agents working on Hunter Biden probe

FBI investigating violent threats against officials in Fulton County, Georgia

Texas woman charged with threatening to kill judge overseeing Trump’s federal election interference case

Fulton County DA Fani Willis shares racist threat as Trump probe nears a conclusion

Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Staff Faces Threats as Trump and Co-Defendants Wait for Arraignment

FBI and DHS warn threats to federal law enforcement have spiked since Mar-a-Lago search

Trump judge and his family receive threats after New York arrest

Fulton County Sheriff's Office investigating threats to grand jurors who voted on Trump indictment
Fulton County Sheriff's Office investigating threats to grand jurors who voted on Trump indictment

Tish James says she’s received death threats amid Trump prosecutions
Tish James says she's received death threats amid Trump prosecutions

Public health workers report being threatened and harassed during the pandemic
Public health workers report being threatened and harassed during the pandemic

Inside Trump’s war on the National Archives

More than a dozen people charged by US unit for threatening election workers
More than a dozen people charged by US unit for threatening election workers
Our country was designed to be a participatory democracy. It encourages ordinary citizens to run for local offices, work in local elections, serve on juries, perhaps even aspire to run for statewide or national office. What happens to our fragile democracy when.........
Election officials sound the alarm about violence against poll workers

Alarm grows as more election workers leave their posts ahead of Election Day
That is what Trumpery winning looks like. Intimidation working. People shrinking from public service due to fear they may jeopardize their safety and the safety of their families. US senators changing their votes on impeachment for fear of retribution from The Following.

It's all part of the insidious erosion of norms the country has endured. A loss of faith in our bedrock institutions and a loss of faith in election integrity are not accidents nor is it a coincidence they're happening now. They are the price we all pay for the power the minions have willingly given the most malevolent internal force in US history, Trumpery.

The projection is deep in this crap. The loss of confidence in our institution is all on you commies. The lawlessness of this regime and pushing the fairy tale that people can change their sex are just two examples. Add in the inappropriate indoctrination in the schools and real Americans are left wondering what the fuck is happening to the country they love. It's not surprising some will act out.

The MAGA is dangerous and violent. They are NOT “all in jail” obviously
No where near as dangerous and violent as we've seen from the Left/Democrats, such as through their associate "brown shirts" AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, and other Marxist street violence organizations.
Summer 2020 in scores of USA cities with "Autonomous Zones"* showed that.
* "Autonomus Zones" declared they were not subject to local, state, or federal laws.,
Threats mount against prosecutors and FBI agents working on Hunter Biden probe

FBI investigating violent threats against officials in Fulton County, Georgia

Texas woman charged with threatening to kill judge overseeing Trump’s federal election interference case

Fulton County DA Fani Willis shares racist threat as Trump probe nears a conclusion

Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Staff Faces Threats as Trump and Co-Defendants Wait for Arraignment

FBI and DHS warn threats to federal law enforcement have spiked since Mar-a-Lago search

Trump judge and his family receive threats after New York arrest

Fulton County Sheriff's Office investigating threats to grand jurors who voted on Trump indictment
Fulton County Sheriff's Office investigating threats to grand jurors who voted on Trump indictment

Tish James says she’s received death threats amid Trump prosecutions
Tish James says she's received death threats amid Trump prosecutions

Public health workers report being threatened and harassed during the pandemic
Public health workers report being threatened and harassed during the pandemic

Inside Trump’s war on the National Archives

More than a dozen people charged by US unit for threatening election workers
More than a dozen people charged by US unit for threatening election workers
Our country was designed to be a participatory democracy. It encourages ordinary citizens to run for local offices, work in local elections, serve on juries, perhaps even aspire to run for statewide or national office. What happens to our fragile democracy when.........
Election officials sound the alarm about violence against poll workers

Alarm grows as more election workers leave their posts ahead of Election Day
That is what Trumpery winning looks like. Intimidation working. People shrinking from public service due to fear they may jeopardize their safety and the safety of their families. US senators changing their votes on impeachment for fear of retribution from The Following.

It's all part of the insidious erosion of norms the country has endured. A loss of faith in our bedrock institutions and a loss of faith in election integrity are not accidents nor is it a coincidence they're happening now. They are the price we all pay for the power the minions have willingly given the most malevolent internal force in US history, Trumpery.
^ Ludicrous/fallacious garbage.
Trump Threatens To Go After Comcast, NBC For ‘Treason’ If He Gets Reelected

Former President Donald Trump spent his Sunday night threatening Comcast and NBC, saying if he gets a second term in the White House he would investigate the independent media outlets for “treason” and make them “pay a big price.”

“Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC … should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,’” Trump wrote on his favorite bootleg social media platform Truth Social.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” Trump added. “The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”


Gym Jordan is conducting a clown show in search of government weaponization while Trump is screaming he'll do it.......again.......from the roof tops.

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