Why Are Some Men Such Sexists?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:
That is a pretty broad brush, to lump all men into that category.
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:


spare me.
You whine too much.

Men aren't treated much better in a lot of ways. Especially on television. They're portrayed as simple fools and barely tolerated lumps of flesh that need women to take care of them.

I'm a woman.

My favorite sport is racing and love going to them every chance I get. I adore being so close it sucks the air away, pummels the eardrums and fills the air with fine rubber that rains down on your hair. I love the smell of racing fuel.

I watch a lot of MMA. Bellator, UFC- whoever has it.

Before we got newer shit I don't know anything about, I did most of the work on my own cars and trucks, even if I had to stand on a milk crate or climb up under the hood to do it.

I own a bunch of guns and am a hell of a good shot.

I've only ever got attitude about it from a couple lefty idiots here. I don't care what they think of me.

You shouldn't either.
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:

You have just as much right as any man does, to tell them to GFY.
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:
I dont know about sexist, but as for the first syllable of that word, it might have something to do fhe 300M little ones swimming inside us. It sort of.keeps.it.front and centre in the mind. Biology man. :(
You have just as much right as any man does, to tell them to GFY.

You see? That's the major reason that I have respect for you. You respect women and that you're still around supporting me even after I admitted that Slade3200 was a friend of mine. Off topic I know, but I figured that this way I could kill two birds with one stone. 😊
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:

Liberal men online are the biggest offenders. This place can get bad once in a great while but I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT worse. Conservative men are not perfect but the real misogyny comes out in the liberals.

I put a poster on perma-ignore for calling me an Islamophobic Twat over and over and over because I don't coddle his chosen folks. That would be JoeB131 Not unusual for men to use puerile names, but he wouldn't let it go, in the way liberal men are toward women, especially conservative women. For them it usually gets sexual and/or intensely personal, all the while they cry about conservative misogyny.

In the end they're miserable people. As in the poster above, I let them go to their own misery.
You see? That's the major reason that I have respect for you. You respect women and that you're still around supporting me even after I admitted that Slade3200 was a friend of mine. Off topic I know, but I figured that this way I could kill two birds with one stone. 😊

Well thank you, but I only respect some women. "Different strokes, you know. The baby-murderers with the big "D" next to their names are snakes for the most part, but I would respect them too if them came to their senses.
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:
It's a cultural thing I think. Just as there are presumed 'chick flicks' that most guys are not supposed to like, there are movies that most women are not supposed to like. And of course the stereotype usually doesn't hold up as anecdotally evidenced in our household where I like a lot of movies that would be considered 'guy movies' and my husband likes a lot of movies that could be classified 'chick flicks.'

But back before 'gender identification' was a federal offense (or at least a state crime in some places), the American culture evolved from the European culture in which the man was head of the household, provider and protector of the family, and women were the heart of the home, the nurturer and glue that held it together. And because women were the 'weaker sex' men were taught to be protective of them, deferential to them, not to hit or harm them in any way, respect them, not to make them uncomfortable. Which of course naturally did protect women to a great degree but also created a perception that women were not physically or emotionally suited for certain occupations or activities in which gender generally makes no difference.

World War II started changing that back in the 1940's when so many women were needed to step up and do the men's jobs vacated by those who went overseas to fight. We found out "Rosie the riveter" was competent in her job as were those who welded and became machinists and drove trucks etc. When the men came home, most of those women went back home to raise their kids and be that glue that held the family together. But their experience created a new desire for professions outside the home for many women.

It has been a long battle to overcome the cultural barriers but, for the most part, that battle was won.
Most of the artificial barriers are now down for women.

But a few remnants remain such as concepts of 'guy movies' and 'chick flicks.' I don't mind that really because I really like my men to be men and, even though my long and eclectic career has been in jobs traditionally done by men, I really like being a girl. :)
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