Why Are Some People So Reluctant.....


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2013
Breathing rarified air.
to let go of the ancient white Egyptian myth?

I know once Greece invaded Egypt there were some white people there but even the Greeks were not considered white until later on after the importance of Egypt was realized. To my knowledge there is no DNA evidence of white people in ancient Egypt. There are at least 2 cases to my knowledge where the Pharaoh has been identified via DNA to be overwhelmingly Black African. In DNA identifying these 2 Black African Pharaohs Tut and Rameses III, their lineage has been established as Black Africans. What gives with the media silence on the issue and the almost rabid denial by some white people?
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Maybe for the same reasons that Santa and Jesus are depicted as White? :dunno:
With Santa and Jesus, we see that the perspective, which is inaccurate, is based on a white, Western culture. However, Santa is not a seriously important historical figure. Jesus is a world wide historical figure, not so much as the son of God, but as a prophet. I think it is very wrong to continue to depict Jesus as a blond, blue eyed, 'white' man with a thin nose and Caucasion facial structure. He is an important historical figure and should be depicted accurately.

It is an important issue is to depict significant historical facts as accurately as possible. To have written history describing Ancient Egyptians as white or Caucasion is incorrect; we know that now. That they were not white should be explained in history books and courses throughout the world. That is the most accurate information we have to date.
This belongs in Conspiracy Theories.

I have little interest in debating Tower 7 with the 9/11 nutjobs, and even less in disproving your idiotic Afro-centric rewrite of reality...

This belongs in Conspiracy Theories.

I have little interest in debating Tower 7 with the 9/11 nutjobs, and even less in disproving your idiotic Afro-centric rewrite of reality...

Conspiracy has nothing to do with this thread. Since we have DNA evidence of ancient Black African Egyptian Pharaohs and no DNA evidence of white Egyptians. You are just too timid to debate this...as typical of a coward.
Uncensored is claiming that 2 separate genetic company's are Afrocentric. Neither of these 2 companies are owned by anyone even remotely Black.

Here we have one company called DNA Tribes. They examined the DNA of the Amarna Mummies with Tut being one of members of this group. Tut was found to have DNA predominantly from the areas of Southern Africa, Great Lakes Region of Africa, and Tropical Africa. He also had North Western Europe and Mediterranean DNA albeit in very small amounts. Basically Tut was more African that the vast majority of Black Americans in the US.


The other company is a ISO certified company called DNA Consultants. They did the same thing and came up with the exact same results.

The King Tut Gene

Interview with company owner and founder.
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Here are some Egyptians who express a range of phenotypes consistent with those of ancient Egyptians.

They certainly do not look "black" to me, but neither do they look European.

Here are some Egyptians who express a range of phenotypes consistent with those of ancient Egyptians.

They certainly do not look "black" to me, but neither do they look European.
Do you have a link to support that first statement? BTW I see several people in your picture that look to have what is called sub-Sharan DNA in them
Do you have a link to support that first statement? BTW I see several people in your picture that look to have what is called sub-Sharan DNA in them

Copts ethnic group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I've seen that link before and there is nothing to suggest that the Copts are the same as the ancient Egyptians. The closest they come to this is saying the descend from them with makes sense due to admixture with various people from the middle east and Mediterranean. Neither Tut nor Rameses III reflect the genetic makeup of most modern day Egyptians.

"The oral tradition of the Gurna people indicates that they, like most modern day Egyptians, descend from the Ancient Egyptians"

Here is what some of the Greeks thought.

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. "

The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes in the 4th century B.C. in Physiognomonica that the "Egyptians and Ethiopians were very black."

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