Why are the Ds still on Auto-destruct?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
You would think electing a reality TV star a sufficient embarrassment, but no there is more!

You then framed a man, Roy Moore, who while in his 30s dated inappropriately younger women. That kind of provable non-criminal behavior could have been sold to the voters and almost certainly would have sunk him. But then you as a party decided framing him for molesting women who were above the state age of consent at the time in AL and then did it so incompetently that it is backfiring against you. Do you think maybe the time for self-assessment has arrived?
Another partisan Trump ass kisser justifying the actions of a child molester.
Another partisan Trump ass kisser justifying the actions of a child molester.

Prove it. Dems piling on with innuendo, does not a criminal make. It is a smear tactic. The timing of the accusations should give you a clue....

i love seeing pretend Christians defend sexual predators.

I love pretend humans trying to prove he is one...

well, that might make sense in an alternate reality, hypocrite boy....

but jesus wouldn't be very happy with your defense of the scum who victimize women.

now let's pretend you're moral. :rofl:
If only we could pretend you were moral, or and at least not as stupid.
Dems are predators. Their targets are Republicans running for office.
Jesus dealt with scum like you who falsely accused. His response was delightful. "Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone".
That shut normal people up. But for you, just keep judging.... It will work out great for you, stupid boy...:eusa_dance:
D also stands for Deluded as in no one put a gun against your heads and forced you to overplay an otherwise strong hand and snatch probably defeat out of the jaws of victory.
If only we could pretend you were moral, or and at least not as stupid.
Dems are predators. Their targets are Republicans running for office.
Jesus dealt with scum like you who falsely accused. His response was delightful. "Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone".
That shut normal people up. But for you, just keep judging.... It will work out great for you, stupid boy...:eusa_dance:

Do you understand what a stoning is? A person is stoned to death. No one is threatening to stone Moore.
You would think electing a reality TV star a sufficient embarrassment, but no there is more!

You then framed a man, Roy Moore, who while in his 30s dated inappropriately younger women. That kind of provable non-criminal behavior could have been sold to the voters and almost certainly would have sunk him. But then you as a party decided framing him for molesting women who were above the state age of consent at the time in AL and then did it so incompetently that it is backfiring against you. Do you think maybe the time for self-assessment has arrived?
You run with that......:rofl: :rofl:

Another child-chaser supporter.
If only we could pretend you were moral, or and at least not as stupid.
Dems are predators. Their targets are Republicans running for office.
Jesus dealt with scum like you who falsely accused. His response was delightful. "Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone".
That shut normal people up. But for you, just keep judging.... It will work out great for you, stupid boy...:eusa_dance:
Democrats aren't the ones that are the 40% of Alabama evangelicals who are now MORE LIKELY to vote for Moore, are they?

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