Why Are The Liberals So Deafeningly Quiet About Democrat Debate

This thread only strengthens my theory that liberals and other reasonable, moderate people have lives while conservatives--a mostly older and curmudgeonly crowd--has plenty of time to spare. Only way to explain why comments sections and every single open political forum like this one has a disproportionate amount of conservatives to liberals/moderates compared to real life.

The Democratic debates--not "Democrat", unless you are proud of being willfully stupid--have been garnering an average of 8 million viewers, which far surpasses their ratings even in 2007/2008. I haven't liked the fact that they happen on weekends when I'm working or enjoying a night out, but those are fantastic numbers for them.

Of course, Republican debates have averaged around 18-20 million, but again, that's because two-thirds of their voters are over the age of 50 and either don't work or have evenings off while younger people work evenings and nights, while their numbers also include liberals/moderates who get out the popcorn and watch it with glee how much of a circus it is that the only requirement to be a GOP candidate is that you talk like a pro-wrestler.

Yes, I heard the Democrat debate drew 27 households until they discovered that two of the household were actually on vacation and had left their televisions on by mistake.
The republicans have been using that term forever.


This is kind of funny and so sensitive by the left....

Why the GOP uses the epithet "Democrat Party"

The use of the term “Democrat Party” as a pejorative epithet dates back to the 1940s.

First, “Democrat party” is grammatically incorrect. Parties are typically preceded by adjectives instead of nouns (Republican, Green, Libertarian, etc.). The only major (if you can call it that) American political partynot preceded by an adjective is the Constitution Party.

Second, by calling us the Democrat Party instead of the Democratic Party, Republicans make the word less pleasant sounding; Democratic is a softer sound to the ear than Democrat, which ends in “rat,” a harsher sound.

Third, there’s the “rat” issue. I’d written before about the GOP’s subliminal use of the word “rat” in advertising. Watch this old GOP campaign ad:

The term “Democrat Party” was coined for precisely for the linguistic reasons outlined above: the “Democratic Party” is just another political organization, while the “Democrat Party” is a bunch of rats and similar less-than-human life forms. And who does the racist wing of the GOP consider less-than-human? The 47%, who they universally think of as unemployed, un-American, on welfare, and black.

You seem to think this somehow validates your contention.

Of course it does. The Democratic Party died when JFK died.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
Simply, we have two good people in contention, and will listen to what they have to say, and then nominate accordingly. No need for the circus the GOP is providing.

Yep. Well, Bernie actually promised to give away the most of those mean old rich people's money so he will get your vote.
I hope it's because they are EMBARRASSED. they should be. what a joke that party is playing on their base of voters. myself, I'd be pissed about it all
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
Simply, we have two good people in contention, and will listen to what they have to say, and then nominate accordingly. No need for the circus the GOP is providing.

Yep. Well, Bernie actually promised to give away the most of those mean old rich people's money so he will get your vote.
Beats giving away middle income taxes to the rich..
What amazes me is that Bernie said that there were 26 million people still uninsured. I thought they said when Obamacare started some five or so years ago, that there were 40 million uninsured. Is he saying that Obamacare has only covered 14 million and that 26 million have opted to pay the penalty instead of purchasing the mandated insurance coverage?
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!

because no one watched would be my guest --LOL

i watched through

thank god for the party that there are no gun owners on the left

since all three promise to be big gun grabbers

THIS is their choices really

This thread only strengthens my theory that liberals and other reasonable, moderate people have lives while conservatives--a mostly older and curmudgeonly crowd--has plenty of time to spare. Only way to explain why comments sections and every single open political forum like this one has a disproportionate amount of conservatives to liberals/moderates compared to real life.

The Democratic debates--not "Democrat", unless you are proud of being willfully stupid--have been garnering an average of 8 million viewers, which far surpasses their ratings even in 2007/2008. I haven't liked the fact that they happen on weekends when I'm working or enjoying a night out, but those are fantastic numbers for them.

Of course, Republican debates have averaged around 18-20 million, but again, that's because two-thirds of their voters are over the age of 50 and either don't work or have evenings off while younger people work evenings and nights, while their numbers also include liberals/moderates who get out the popcorn and watch it with glee how much of a circus it is that the only requirement to be a GOP candidate is that you talk like a pro-wrestler.

awww, what's stupid is someone taking offense over a damn political parties name and then coming on and lecturing people about it. there is nothing DemocrATIC about that party of snakes. so it actually should be renamed to the Socialist/Communist party of the United States
The republicans have been using that term forever.


This is kind of funny and so sensitive by the left....

Why the GOP uses the epithet "Democrat Party"

The use of the term “Democrat Party” as a pejorative epithet dates back to the 1940s.

And in recognizing it as a pejorative, the rest of us reject it. What's your Plan B? Force us to acknowledge it at gunpoint? That would be expected.

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