Why are the LibTarian / Third Party platforms so bad that they can’t find a viable candidate to run against a couple 80 year olds?

Right. You can’t. Thanks. You are dismissed.

Listen little progressive football guy. Look no further than how it went down in Alaska during the 2022 congressional. It's all that is necessary to understand the rigged process as well as the consequence.

So go ahead and go do that. K?

The more popular Republican got close to 60% of the vote, but the Democrat won the seat.

It's not about not being able to explain anything.

It's that there just isn't any value in it. And you're also just not that important anyway. You see?
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Listen little progressive football guy. Look no further than how it went down in Alaska during the 2022 congressional. It's all that is necessary to understand the rigged process as well as the consequence.

So go ahead and go do that. K?

The more popular Republican got close to 60% of the vote, but the Democrat won the seat.

It's not about not being able to explain anything.

It's that there just isn't any value in it. And you're also just not that important anyway. You see?

Because you cant explain it. Because you're just talking out of your ass.

Either back up your bullshit claim or slink away with your tail between your legs like the good little neutered puppy you are.

You are dismissed
Hey OP, why not throw your hat in the ring?

Afterall, you got all the answers, right?
hahaha…this shit is so fucking easy…All a Party has to do is promise to govern for America’s best citizens…to spend only on necessities, promise a little bit of free shit for America’s bottom feeding filth, shut the border down and promise to seek out and deport 50 million filthy brown cockroaches in a hurry.
…TA-DA! Simple shit huh?
No, it doesn't. It asks why Libertarians aren't "viable"? It's the same reason any third party candidate has the cards stacked against them. People fall for the lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering. Positions and platforms don't enter into it.
Why can’t you twisted and confused hippies make it the ‘lesser of three evils’?
The Libertarian Party isn't trying to attract miscreants like Broke Loser.
hahaha…I’m flattered by that…Like the Democrat tent, I pray to God I never ever fit under the LibLite tent of globalist filth.
Many states have outright banned RCV. And for good reason.
I've yet to see one.

At the end of the day it's just another progressive operation to get their less popular candidates elected over more popular ''conservative'' voters.
No. It's not the Democrats trying to trick you again. I don't know who is feeding you this bullshit, but look at it yourself.
It’s bizarre as hell… Lib-lites like dblack JWBooth Golfing Gator gipper constantly tell us how much of a no-brainer it is to vote third-party yet it’s such a no-brainer that they can’t find a way to get a no-brainer message out there in political times such as these and with todays technology and range of methods to ‘spread the word’?

The bottom line….their policies are unsellable dogshit, if they weren’t the platform would spread like wildfire right now.

We as a nation are not a rational group of people.

Everyone knows that McDonalds and Chick-fil-a and the rest of the fast food joints are not healthy and we should not eat their food, yet we spend 330 billion plus a year eating it.

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, yet still 173 billion cigarettes were sold last year.

But you are correct about one thing, it is not a popular message that we push. The vast majority of this nation does not want less Govt, they do not want less spending, they do not want more freedom and liberty. They want a nanny state Govt taking care of them and keeping them safe from themselves.

In 2020 more than 155 million people voted for more Govt, more spending and less freedom.
But you are correct about one thing, it is not a popular message that we push. The vast majority of this nation does not want less Govt, they do not want less spending, they do not want more freedom and liberty. They want a nanny state Govt taking care of them and keeping them safe from themselves.
BINGO! You just nailed it.
See, you globalists have manifested and fostered a new American, one who can’t give two-fucks about our founding principles, values and moral order…one who barely knows what the Constitution is….one with less ambition and desire to achieve, to do better, to be better…one with no standards and no expectations.
What you have is a new American who NEEDS government, one who NEEDS free shit, one who will behave like the uncivilized savage they are without government keeping them in check at every turn…you globalist have exactly what you’ve manifested. You have imported too many cultures…too many who don’t see the value in freedom, in liberty, in a less intrusive government.
You have what you built and now you want to govern like you’re governing over a white 1950’s real, core American…IT CAN’T WORK!!
You fucked yourselves with your retarded “we love everyone, everyone is welcome” bullshit.
As I’ve said before…Americans, by and large are ignorant dumbfucks who can’t and won’t get out of their own way.
Enjoy and embrace what you’ve built…OWN IT!

See, you globalists have manifested and fostered a new American, one who can’t give two-fucks about our founding principles, values and moral order…one who barely knows what the Constitution is….one with less ambition and desire to achieve, to do better, to be better…one with no standards and no expectations.

Do not blame your views on me.

What you have is a new American who NEEDS government, one who NEEDS free shit, one who will behave like the uncivilized savage they are without government keeping them in check at every turn…you globalist have exactly what you’ve manifested. You have imported too many cultures…too many who don’t see the value in freedom, in liberty, in a less intrusive government.
You have what you built and now you want to govern like you’re governing over a white 1950’s real, core American…IT CAN’T WORK!!
You fucked yourselves with your retarded “we love everyone, everyone is welcome” bullshit.
As I’ve said before…Americans, by and large are ignorant dumbfucks who can’t and won’t get out of their own way.
Enjoy and embrace what you’ve built…OWN IT!

You are the one voting for more Govt, more spending and less freedom.

Quit blaming your shit on other people
It's the 'democratic' part of democratic republic that is changing the republic.

If Trump is elected, bing for you. If not, you lose, period.
Quit pretending you are selling governance to 1950 White America.
What does race have to do with this? The biggest violator of anyone's rights (in the world historically) especially black people (in the US) IS the government. Legal Slavery - Government Segregation and Jim Crow - Government. Japanese interment Government All the things surrounding Native Americans Government.

Can you name a single instance where MORE government has lead to MORE freedom?

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