Why are these types of people most attracted to Democrats?

"pompous elites"? That's pretty much every republican politician in a nutshell.

The easily manipulated are on the other side.

Republicans are the ones seeking power and money.

The rest of them aren't so much attracted to the Democratic party as repelled by the other side's bigotry,

Uh huh. That’s what it is.
#1 -- those who are resentful because they don't amount to anything in life and want to blame others for that fact.
Trump's political entities were staying at his hotels. What the fuck do you want him to do? Give them free lodging and food there? I know it's hard for socialists like yourself to comprehend this, but freebies don't pay the bills.

These people never stayed in a hotel.
1. Single women

2. College youth

3. Blacks

4. Those challenged by the English language


6. Convicts

7. Drug addicts

8. The pompous elite

9. Hollywood types

10. Those in therapy

11. Those within the confines of over-populations

12. Those seeking one world order to benefit their pockets and power

13. Those who desire to be hip

14. Those easily manipulated

With_Progs?, I'm supposing that you're describing categories of people with opinions regarding politics and other topics that differ from your beliefs.​

Others similarly ask why those less educated and/or less intelligent chose to vote for Trump? I try, and too often fail to limit my discussions only to matters of facts and concepts. Respectfully, Supposn
"pompous elites"? That's pretty much every republican politician in a nutshell.

The easily manipulated are on the other side.

Republicans are the ones seeking power and money.

The rest of them aren't so much attracted to the Democratic party as repelled by the other side's bigotry,
^^This is hilarious considering Nancy Pelosi’s penchant for insider trading and Biden’s money laundering and influence selling.
There's not one democrat, not one I support. And there is not one republican who shares any of my ideals. Imagine and fathom that.
In the end Trump does turn off everyone.


Say, did you read where the number of Millennials identifying as LGBT doubled than those before them? And that's nothing, because generation Z doubled that amount again. 1 in 5 pretend they're LGBT.

Youth has been so fucked over by the weight of the left's propaganda and info. sources, they don't know who they are or what they want, beyond being hip.
Apparently you know very little about Trump. He speaks to the common man and woman. That's why the elitists hate him so much.
An elitist only speaks to the 'common man' when they want something from them. You're apparently stupid, easy led or a combo of both.

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