Why are these types of people most attracted to Democrats?

An elitist only speaks to the 'common man' when they want something from them. You're apparently stupid, easy led or a combo of both.

Yes, clearly Trump has sacrificed nothing whatsoever.

You can tell by the lost profits, media hatred, and multitude of indictments.

His life was far worse before he ran for President.

You fucking stooge.
Say, did you read where the number of Millennials identifying as LGBT doubled than those before them? And that's nothing, because generation Z doubled that amount again. 1 in 5 pretend they're LGBT.

Youth has been so fucked over by the weight of the left's propaganda and info. sources, they don't know who they are or what they want, beyond being hip.
Pretend being the key word.
Yes, clearly Trump has sacrificed nothing whatsoever.
I give zero fucks about Mr. Trump's financial sacrifices. He was elected to the highest office in the land. Buy the ticket, take the ride. You expect people to have sympathy for the finances of president. :auiqs.jpg: You are dumber than a stump and belong to Cult45. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Cry harder, you fucking magaturd chump.
Pretend being the key word.

I get to return to the Sacramento area and Davis Ca. tomorrow. Can't stand Ca., but my gal lives there. She's a real gal too, and I'm a real guy, weird. You should see Davis, they're real hip Democrats and think an awful lot of themselves. A bunch of fat guys in whiskers wear dresses.
I get to return to the Sacramento area and Davis Ca. tomorrow. Can't stand Ca., but my gal lives there. She's a real gal too, and I'm a real guy, weird. You should see Davis, they're real hip Democrats and think an awful lot of themselves. A bunch of fat guys in whiskers wear dresses.
Thankfully I left CA in 2003 before they got weird.
^^This is hilarious considering Nancy Pelosi’s penchant for insider trading and Biden’s money laundering and influence selling.
Insider trading is always bad and everyone who does it should pay the price, but I'm surprised to see you parroting the crazy Biden conspiracy theories.
That's sort of a biased article.

If creating leadership PACs is scamming voters? Every politician in D.C. is scamming voters.

There are leadership PACs that scam way more than the Save America PAC. Folks can have differences of opinion whether the 2020 election was unfairly influenced by the establishment or not, (hello, twitter files?) I hardly call that fraudulent marketing. The DNC has used that sort of rhetoric in the past itself, to encourage voter registration and voter turn-out.

As far as Trump and his organization using some of that money for his organization to meet at his hotels? That just happens to be a benefit to him owning the real-estate that his partisans meet at, and the rest of the establishment is just green with envy since none of them don't have any real businesses themselves, or had thought of it first.


I would hardly call that a, "scam."

We all know the currency of politics is money.

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