Why are we still investigating the CIA?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
Below is a link to a story in the NY Post, asking why Obama's Justice Dept is still pursuing charges against CIA personnel for using waterboarding and/or other EIT. His own CIA Director is on record saying those techniques helped find OBL, and the president himself lauded the CIA's intel gathering to find the SOB. And yet the investigation is stil ongoing.

One of the family members asked Obama at ground zero if he would advise Holder to drop the investigation, answer NO. Doesn't it seem hypocritical to praise somebody for doing a good job helping to bring justice to our greatest enemy and at the same time pursuing charges against the same people for doing what they did that led to the event taking place?

The Justice Department must drop prosecutions of CIA interrogators in post-9/11 terrorism cases
Nobody wants to defend the Obama Admin for investigating with the intent of prosecuting the CIA agents who used EIT to help find OBL?
Of course they can't defend it.

Its amazing that the Hussein is STILL against the policies that helped lead us to OBL and other terrorists as well as busting terror plots.
Doesn't it seem hypocritical to praise somebody for doing a good job helping to bring justice to our greatest enemy and at the same time pursuing charges against the same people for doing what they did that led to the event taking place?

No - one has nothing to do with the other.

One doesn’t get a pass on committing a crime because he followed it up with a good deed. If that were the case few would ever be convicted.

In addition, it would be criminally irresponsible for Holder to end an investigation for any crime for reasons other than a lack of evidence or procedural error.
Because its the thing to do. Inside the NYT, the WaPo, and among the Liberal chattering class the Islamofascists are the good guys. Khaleid Sheik Mohammed, the man who planned and coordinated the murder of 3,000 Americans is their very own George Washington, by gum, and he deserves a civilian trial where he'll have a good chance of walking.
A long time ago, in December, 1944, near a place called Malmedy, Belgium a German SS Colonel, Joachim Pieper, and the tank brigade he commanded captured a bunch of American Soldiers, mostly cooks, typists and mechanics. Not having the time to deal with prisoners according to the Geneva Convention, he surrounded the helpless prisoners with his tanks and used the tank mounted machine guns to dispatch them and lightened his load. After the war ended Colonel Pieper was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for his war crime.
You don't use heavy weapons to execute helpless men. At least in civilized societies. In ours lately, we prosecute the men who keep us free and extoll the virtues of these animals.

Video shows Taliban executing Afghan police commander with recoilless rifle - The Long War Journal
Doesn't it seem hypocritical to praise somebody for doing a good job helping to bring justice to our greatest enemy and at the same time pursuing charges against the same people for doing what they did that led to the event taking place?

No - one has nothing to do with the other.

One doesn’t get a pass on committing a crime because he followed it up with a good deed. If that were the case few would ever be convicted.

In addition, it would be criminally irresponsible for Holder to end an investigation for any crime for reasons other than a lack of evidence or procedural error.

Holder didn't seem to take an investigation of the SEIU's actions regarding voter intimidation too seriously. Why one law for one group and another law for another group?

He can fuck off investigating the CIA. They do more to keep America save than that fucking asshole Holder.
Below is a link to a story in the NY Post, asking why Obama's Justice Dept is still pursuing charges against CIA personnel for using waterboarding and/or other EIT. His own CIA Director is on record saying those techniques helped find OBL, and the president himself lauded the CIA's intel gathering to find the SOB. And yet the investigation is stil ongoing.

One of the family members asked Obama at ground zero if he would advise Holder to drop the investigation, answer NO. Doesn't it seem hypocritical to praise somebody for doing a good job helping to bring justice to our greatest enemy and at the same time pursuing charges against the same people for doing what they did that led to the event taking place?

The Justice Department must drop prosecutions of CIA interrogators in post-9/11 terrorism cases

It's easy for a lib to be for and against something.

Remember "I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it"

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