Why Are You Still Talking About Hillary Clinton?

Because its still funny that you people selected her for your candidate and she got blown out of the water by a noob who had never run for office before. :laugh:
Losing the popular vote is not " blown out of the water."
Meanwhile in "Trump Country USA"...

Hate to break this to you but the Clintons are still pretty much the face of the Democratic Party they will be talked about until the left closes the book on them and moves on.
ummm, I hate to break it to you but .... you're wrong.
So who is the face of the party? Depending on how things are going with the country in 2020 I wouldn't be shocked to see Hillary try a third Presidential run nor would I be shocked if the Democrats nominated her again.
She's a private citizen, has nothing to do with politics but for some reason Trump bots are still obsessed with her.

Do you need someone to hate that badly?
Maybe a 12 step program might help.

Is there a statute of limitations on wrongdoing by government officials?

Secondly, as I recall, Hillary has been promoting a couple of books and did a tour in which she claimed she was "part of the resistance". I would say that as a private citizen she has injected herself quite strongly into the political discourse, with the help of her fawning media pals who are now second guessing their own judgement I'm sure.
Why is she important? That's funny.
The evidence of breaking top secret protocols is everywhere...we know she did it, we know her aides did it, we know her aid was sending privy data to her husband. We have copies of the emails. And, like it or not - IT IS ILLEGAL TO DO SO.
Losing an election is not a get out of jail free card.
Hillary is in the news almost every other day. She is influential in democrat politics and her husband runs a "foundation" that was allegedly established to sell political influence. Just because she is a private citizen it doesn't mean she is absolved from crimes that the Clintons and Hussein might have committed while she was Secy/State and during the campaign.
So the trump whores are still out for blood. Interesting.
They really do need someone to hate. We have a president in direct violation of the Constitution who is illegally enriching himself while on the public dime but you choose to hate private citizen Hilary instead..
Says soooo much about you.

Says more about you, believing without evidence.

But if you want to make it about me, I'm quite happy waiting for evidence. I don't think that's bad
When things are going well for Trump, he takes all responsibility...

When things are going bad for Trump, it is all Obama's fault and Hillary should go to prison...

Trump has yet to take responsibility for any of his failures, missteps or bonehead moves..
So the trump whores are still out for blood. Interesting.
They really do need someone to hate. We have a president in direct violation of the Constitution who is illegally enriching himself while on the public dime but you choose to hate private citizen Hilary instead..
Says soooo much about you.

Says more about you, believing without evidence.

But if you want to make it about me, I'm quite happy waiting for evidence. O don't think that's bad
There's no evidence that Trump is in violation of the emolument clause of the Constitution?
You really want to go with that?
He admitted it himself. Lol
Trump says won't divest from his business while president
Hate to break this to you but the Clintons are still pretty much the face of the Democratic Party they will be talked about until the left closes the book on them and moves on.

Many people didn't vote for Hillary but for their own party like many on the right did. Hillary is not the face of the democratic party so get over yourself...

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When things are going well for Trump, he takes all responsibility...

When things are going bad for Trump, it is all Obama's fault and Hillary should go to prison...


So Obama and the Dem's blaming Bush for 8 years came back to bite you in the ass?

The Republicans threw Bush under the bus after Cheney chew him up and spit him out $$$$...Even Bush knows this and is broke up about it all..I actually feel sorry for him.

Cheney is one evil man...

The country was in the sewer , and I recall the righties crying the day after Obama was in office wanting to know why he hasn't fixed America yet...so funny.

She's a private citizen, has nothing to do with politics but for some reason Trump bots are still obsessed with her.

Do you need someone to hate that badly?
Maybe a 12 step program might help.

I thought the same thing. Who cares about her? Nobody. But they feel naked without someone to hate as you note.
Hate to break this to you but the Clintons are still pretty much the face of the Democratic Party they will be talked about until the left closes the book on them and moves on.

Many people didn't vote for Hillary but for their own party like many on the right did. Hillary is not the face of the democratic party so get over yourself...
Until someone stands up and supplants her she is you may not want to accept it but that won't change it. It's the same with the Republicans Trump no matter how much some don't like it is now the face of the party and that to won't change until someone pushes him aside.
There's no evidence that Trump is in violation of the emolument clause of the Constitution?
You really want to go with that?
He admitted it himself. Lol
Trump says won't divest from his business while president
Which has nothing to do with the emoluments clause.

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."
She's a private citizen, has nothing to do with politics but for some reason Trump bots are still obsessed with her.

Do you need someone to hate that badly?
Maybe a 12 step program might help.

I thought the same thing. Who cares about her? Nobody. But they feel naked without someone to hate as you note.

Hate? Why hate the woman?

What we hate is injustice.
Did you just start a thread asking why others are talking about Clinton?

On topic, Donald Trump destroyed the Clintons. And at the moment he's destroying progressive ideology. It's about time someone with brains and bronze took out the trash.
So the trump whores are still out for blood. Interesting.
They really do need someone to hate. We have a president in direct violation of the Constitution who is illegally enriching himself while on the public dime but you choose to hate private citizen Hilary instead..
Says soooo much about you.

Trump rents rooms at his golf resorts and you call that enriching himself.
Hillery gets 100s millions from countries that need her approval for something, sounds a little hypocritical don't you think.
But not to worry, Trump is being investigated and now Hillery and her colleagues are getting their on special investigation without their protection from the DOJ and FBI

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