Why aren't hollywood celebrities helping out during this crisis

I have found one hollywood star that has helped......................Matthew McConaughey, the Creative Artists Agency and Ali Larter are among those who have pledged to help the Los Angeles Unified School District keep kids fed and in touch with their teachers during the coronavirus shutdown. School Superintendent Austin Beutner kicked off a program earlier this week, to provide hundreds of thousands of meals daily to low-income students. With 80% of the district’s students living at or below the poverty line, Beutner said children and their families can pick up “grab and go” meals at 60 different campuses across the district.

I just gave you a list, this thread is nothing but more of the same bullshit.
I have said it before.....I say it again.....more stupids on this board than any I have ever read.....this thread proves it.

They are either not reading what has been posted or they are so friggin dumb they cannot understand what they read.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

During a Pandemic, we don't really need Celebrities posing and lecturing us. They can't do anything REAL to help, so it's best if they just stay out of the way.

What utter bullshit....are you really that stoooopid boyo? They can hold benefits, donate some of their millions and millions of dollars to hospitals, doctors, nurses etc.

Again you friggin idiot....no one is asking them to open their pieholes and praise or critisize anyone....they should open their purse strings at least and try and help out those that are in need...especially first responders, hospitals, nurses etc.

How can they hold a benefit? Everything is closed.

Look at Elton John and how he is doing it.

I thought that was Fox, and it is basically a free concert for their viewers?

Elton John on Sunday will emcee "Fox Presents The iHeart Living Room Concert for America," a virtual concert to help fight the spread of coronavirus. The hourlong special airs commercial-free on Fox (9 ET/6 PT), as well as on iHeartMedia radio stations nationwide and the iHeartRadio app. Artists include Billie Eilish, Alicia Keys, Backstreet Boys, Mariah Carey, Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong and Tim McGraw, all of whom will perform from their homes. The benefit will pay tribute to health care professionals, first responders and others fighting the coronavirus outbreak. Viewers will be encouraged to support the organizations Feeding America and First Responders Children's Foundation.
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency.....quite unlike the hollywood stars during WWII

Good to see Elton John step up to the plate as well as some other celebrities mainly in the music industry or sports stars.

Look at how disgusting Cher and robert deniro are.....with all their money all they want to do is bash Trump.
John is the only one I've heard doing anything. DeNiro, well, he is a pig bladder. All these years you thought he was ACTING all those roles as an ignorant ass. Surprise. He wasn't acting. And Cher, I don't know what her latest bitch is, but when you consider that she was nothing but a bony, flat-chested session singer for albums that Sonny took, encouraged, trained and groomed into a star, then the bitch stood him up, stabbed him in the back and walked out on him first chance she had, you'll know all you need to know what I think of her.
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency

You need to be careful here.

Remember when the Dixie Chicks bad-mouthed Trump while touring overseas? Conservatives told them they should just shut the fuck up and sing, because singing is what their job is.

You really need to ask yourself if you want "celebrities" stepping to the fore and speaking their mind. Shouldn't they just act, or do whatever it is they do to earn a paycheck?

Look dummie....I was referring to hollywood stars.....celebrities in the music industry and the sports field have step;ped up to help. No hollywood star has as far as I have heard anyhow.

Also I am not talking about celebrities speaking out or up....I am asking why hollywood stars are not doing anything to help during this crisis...like donating money, holding benefits to benefit doctors, nurses and others?

Seriously? That's how you approach a discussion?

I say something you might disagree with and you instantly turn into a fucking two year old and start calling people "dummie".

If you had an IQ which exceeded your shoe size you would've known that Hollywood celebrities ARE donating. So, since you lack the requisite grey matter to perform a simple fucking Google search, here's just one article I spent about four seconds looking for:

These Celebrities Are Donating to Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic

Whoops! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul stepping up, as well:

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul Follow Ryan Reynolds' Example with Donation to Out-of-Work Bartenders

Oh, shit! Lookit that! Even more:

Coronavirus: Rosie O'Donnell's streams Broadway charity show, more stars donate to help

Next time you wanna' call someone a "dummie" [sic] because they make a comment, you should probably have your ducks ina row and not make it so fucking easy for someone to waste about 90 second on Google demonstrating how monumentally inept you are...
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency

You need to be careful here.

Remember when the Dixie Chicks bad-mouthed Trump while touring overseas? Conservatives told them they should just shut the fuck up and sing, because singing is what their job is.

You really need to ask yourself if you want "celebrities" stepping to the fore and speaking their mind. Shouldn't they just act, or do whatever it is they do to earn a paycheck?

Look dummie....I was referring to hollywood stars.....celebrities in the music industry and the sports field have step;ped up to help. No hollywood star has as far as I have heard anyhow.

Also I am not talking about celebrities speaking out or up....I am asking why hollywood stars are not doing anything to help during this crisis...like donating money, holding benefits to benefit doctors, nurses and others?

Seriously? That's how you approach a discussion?

I say something you might disagree with and you instantly turn into a fucking two year old and start calling people "dummie".

If you had an IQ which exceeded your shoe size you would've known that Hollywood celebrities ARE donating. So, since you lack the requisite grey matter to perform a simple fucking Google search, here's just one article I spent about four seconds looking for:

These Celebrities Are Donating to Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic

Whoops! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul stepping up, as well:

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul Follow Ryan Reynolds' Example with Donation to Out-of-Work Bartenders

Oh, shit! Lookit that! Even more:

Coronavirus: Rosie O'Donnell's streams Broadway charity show, more stars donate to help

Next time you wanna' call someone a "dummie" [sic] because they make a comment, you should probably have your ducks ina row and not make it so fucking easy for someone to waste about 90 second on Google demonstrating how monumentally inept you are...

Look here dumbass.....how many times do I have to say Hollywood stars....meaning hollywood actors? As in they are the ones that are conspicuously absent.....other than just the one I have found and posted about.


I have given credit to musicians and other celebrities that have stepped up and even to the one hollywood star i have heard about......
Matthew McConaughey,
Try and keep up with what has been said or take a hike.
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Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency

You need to be careful here.

Remember when the Dixie Chicks bad-mouthed Trump while touring overseas? Conservatives told them they should just shut the fuck up and sing, because singing is what their job is.

You really need to ask yourself if you want "celebrities" stepping to the fore and speaking their mind. Shouldn't they just act, or do whatever it is they do to earn a paycheck?

Look dummie....I was referring to hollywood stars.....celebrities in the music industry and the sports field have step;ped up to help. No hollywood star has as far as I have heard anyhow.

Also I am not talking about celebrities speaking out or up....I am asking why hollywood stars are not doing anything to help during this crisis...like donating money, holding benefits to benefit doctors, nurses and others?

Seriously? That's how you approach a discussion?

I say something you might disagree with and you instantly turn into a fucking two year old and start calling people "dummie".

If you had an IQ which exceeded your shoe size you would've known that Hollywood celebrities ARE donating. So, since you lack the requisite grey matter to perform a simple fucking Google search, here's just one article I spent about four seconds looking for:

These Celebrities Are Donating to Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic

Whoops! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul stepping up, as well:

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul Follow Ryan Reynolds' Example with Donation to Out-of-Work Bartenders

Oh, shit! Lookit that! Even more:

Coronavirus: Rosie O'Donnell's streams Broadway charity show, more stars donate to help

Next time you wanna' call someone a "dummie" [sic] because they make a comment, you should probably have your ducks ina row and not make it so fucking easy for someone to waste about 90 second on Google demonstrating how monumentally inept you are...

Look here dumbass.....how many times do I have to say Hollywood stars....meaning hollywood actors? As in they are the ones that are conspicuously absent.....other than just the one I have found and posted about.

Are you this stupid all the time, or just when you're awake?

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are "Hollywood stars". Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are "Hollywood stars". They're all... wait for it... HOLLYWOOD ACTORS.

Why are you ignoring what they're doing? Is it because it proves you wrong? Yes, of course it is. You're far to delicate to handle being wrong, and you're just stupid enough to believe that not acknowledging it makes in untrue.

I'm just guessing here, but I bet you were just one vodka & cranberry away from just bein' a blowjob...
Who ever heard of bryan cranston or aaron paul.........what movies were they in?

Lookee here boyo.....I gave credit to the one real hollywood star that has helped and said as far as I know he is the only one I have heard of. I did not say there were not others.

and this board does not need your queer talk....save that for your buddies down at the ymca where you proably heard one of them say it.

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Who ever heard of bryan cranston or aaron paul.........what movies were they in?

Lookee here boyo.....I gave credit to the one real hollywood star that has helped and said as far as I know he is the only one I have heard of. I did not say there were not others.

and this board does not need your queer talk....save that for your buddies down at the ymca where you proably heard one of them say it.

Bryan Cranston was the star of Breaking Bad, he was in one of the recent Godzilla movies, he's fairly well-known. Aaron Paul was his co-star in Breaking Bad and has been in movies as well. Both are better known for their TV work than their films, but have done both.

I notice you didn't say anything about Ryan Reynolds. I assume you know who he is and some movies he's been in? ;)
Never heard of ryan either....you got any big name hollywood stars that have helped out?....I would hope some have or that some will....but as I said.....only one major star I have heard of.

Yet we constantly hear from some major hollywood players and all we hear them do is to blame Trump.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

During a Pandemic, we don't really need Celebrities posing and lecturing us. They can't do anything REAL to help, so it's best if they just stay out of the way.

What utter bullshit....are you really that stoooopid boyo? They can hold benefits, donate some of their millions and millions of dollars to hospitals, doctors, nurses etc.

Again you friggin idiot....no one is asking them to open their pieholes and praise or critisize anyone....they should open their purse strings at least and try and help out those that are in need...especially first responders, hospitals, nurses etc.

How can they hold a benefit? Everything is closed.

What will really (and has already happened): Sanctimonious celebs posting virtue-signaling blather on Fakebook, Twits and Instamoron.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

During a Pandemic, we don't really need Celebrities posing and lecturing us. They can't do anything REAL to help, so it's best if they just stay out of the way.

What utter bullshit....are you really that stoooopid boyo? They can hold benefits, donate some of their millions and millions of dollars to hospitals, doctors, nurses etc.

Again you friggin idiot....no one is asking them to open their pieholes and praise or critisize anyone....they should open their purse strings at least and try and help out those that are in need...especially first responders, hospitals, nurses etc.

You don't really pay much attention do you?

Get the fuck off my thread shit for brains

Here's a little story about that: No.

I am here solely for my own amusement and will post where I decide to post.
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency.....quite unlike the hollywood stars during WWII

Good to see Elton John step up to the plate as well as some other celebrities mainly in the music industry or sports stars.

Look at how disgusting Cher and robert deniro are.....with all their money all they want to do is bash Trump.

Furthermore, for the same reasons Iran is sanctioned
and we don't want them having nuclear weapons and want to impede their nuclear capabilities
the same should go for China...China should not be able to have biotechnology labs
and be allowed to handle ANY pathogens, least of all, the most dangerous pathogens

This was an act of war...Trump should announce we are leaving the UN
there will be no further payments to WHO, imports/exports cease with China
no US based companies manufacturing their products in China are allowed in our market
no Chinese companies manufacturing their products outside of China are allowed in our market

Trump was clear when he was elected...AMERICA FIRST
He was threatened by UN SG in 2017 if Trump reduced UN funds.....

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the Trump administration on Tuesday that if the United States disengages from many issues confronting the international community it will be replaced — and that won’t be good for America or for the world.

Guterres made clear to reporters at his first press conference here since taking the reins of the United Nations on Jan. 1 that proposed cuts in U.S. funding for the U.N. would be disastrous and create “an unsolvable problem to the management of the U.N.”

UN chief: US will be replaced if it disengages from world

Well, guess what, he did

The United States remains the largest donor to the United Nations, contributing more than $10 billion in 2017, roughly one fifth of the body’s collective budget. President Donald J. Trump, however, has raised questions about how much the United States will continue to contribute. If the Trump administration is able to follow through on his proposed cuts to foreign aid spending, the United Nations will likely undergo significant changes.

The U.S. government contributed more than $10 billion to the United Nations in 2017, the most recent fiscal year with full data available. About $7 billion of this total was voluntary and $3.5 billion was assessed.
This represents roughly one-fifth of the $50 billion the United States spends annually on foreign aid,

the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, which previously depended on the United States for about a third of its budget, said it would be forced to cut 250 jobs in 2018 after the Trump administration eliminated over $300 million in funding. In a September 2018 letter [PDF], more than thirty U.S. senators warned the administration that the cuts could prevent 140,000 people from receiving food aid and more than 70,000 people from accessing clean water, though European and Gulf donors have helped to make up for the shortfall.


The Trump administration signaled early on its desire to pare down payments to the United Nations, targeting peacekeeping for initial cuts. In his 2018 budget proposal, President Trump requested cutting more than half of U.S. funding for UN programs, including all contributions to climate change programs. While Congress largely rejected the proposed cuts, it agreed to enforce a congressionally mandated cap on U.S. contributions to the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) that had been waived since 2001. The measure reduced U.S. contributions from 28 to 25 percent of the DPKO’s budget, which could amount to a more than $200 million decrease in 2019. As Washington scales back its contributions, China has been expanding its influence, committing to a $1 billion UN peacekeeping fund over the next decade.

President Trump’s 2019 budget proposal would take a knife to several UN bodies, slashing foreign aid contributions and zeroing out the United States’ voluntary payments to many UN entities, including UNICEF and UNDP. The administration has also voiced support for limiting aid to member states who vote against U.S. interests at the United Nations. But it is unclear how many of the president’s proposals will survive the federal budget process.

Funding the United Nations: What Impact Do U.S. Contributions Have on UN Agencies and Programs?

Many UN agencies, programs, and missions receive crucial funding from the United States.
President Trump’s budget cuts could jeopardize their work.

UN peacekeepers sent to Haiti were responsible for the cholera outbreak in Haiti
after they dumped asymptomatic cholera they were carrying around in main water streams

Only $10 million has been contributed to the $400 million fund to fight cholera
and provide material assistance to victims the UN announced in 2016


Guterres says at least three trillion US dollars, around 10 percent of the world’s GDP,
is needed to slow the spread of the coronavirus for vulnerable countries in the Global South.

According to figures published by the African Union, there are 3,924 cases of Covid-19 in Africa
and 117 recorded deaths across 46 countries.


“Africa is in urgent need of test kits, masks, ventilators, protective suits for health workers," said Guterres. "We can still prevent the worst in Africa but without a massive mobilisation we will have millions and millions of people contaminated, which means millions of deaths,” adding that Africa’s booming youth population will not be spared.

Covid-19 could kill millions in Africa without immediate action:
UN chief


The UN and WHO get BILLIONS from the US

Trillions and trillions of dollars WHO and the UN has had at their disposal
and shithole countries are still shithole countries
They much like pro athletes are not essential despite being paid like they are.
Never heard of ryan either....you got any big name hollywood stars that have helped out?....I would hope some have or that some will....but as I said.....only one major star I have heard of.

Yet we constantly hear from some major hollywood players and all we hear them do is to blame Trump.

Ryan Reynolds is a pretty big name. He’s done a number of rom-coms, but recently is known for playing Deadpool. He’s been in quite a few action-comedies and is also known for doing funny social media advertising.
Musicians are doing a lot of great thing to help people deal with this.
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency.....quite unlike the hollywood stars during WWII

Good to see Elton John step up to the plate as well as some other celebrities mainly in the music industry or sports stars.

Look at how disgusting Cher and robert deniro are.....with all their money all they want to do is bash Trump.
Oh, another attempt to bash the entertainment industry. Where are the people from the business industry? The religion industry, which is so big in the US?
Oh my bad......of course they are so busy trying to demonize Trump they have no time to go out and actually do something for the people in this time of a National Emergency

You need to be careful here.

Remember when the Dixie Chicks bad-mouthed Trump while touring overseas? Conservatives told them they should just shut the fuck up and sing, because singing is what their job is.

You really need to ask yourself if you want "celebrities" stepping to the fore and speaking their mind. Shouldn't they just act, or do whatever it is they do to earn a paycheck?

It was baby bush and they turned out to be 100% correct!
I have found one hollywood star that has helped......................Matthew McConaughey, the Creative Artists Agency and Ali Larter are among those who have pledged to help the Los Angeles Unified School District keep kids fed and in touch with their teachers during the coronavirus shutdown. School Superintendent Austin Beutner kicked off a program earlier this week, to provide hundreds of thousands of meals daily to low-income students. With 80% of the district’s students living at or below the poverty line, Beutner said children and their families can pick up “grab and go” meals at 60 different campuses across the district.
Great. But why concentrate on people in the entertainment industry? Why report just on entertainment stars? Where are all the others? The billionaires? The Mellons? The Green's, the Devoss/Prince families, the surviving Koch brother, etc.
Go here for a recent write up on the grocery store that was put together by country singer Brad Paisley and his actress wife Kimberly Williams Paisley.

God bless you and them always!!!

^^^ Go here for a list of Kimberly's acting credits and here for a list of everything that went to radio from Brad.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. Right here is their most recent joint professional project and what I want to know is if they had any cue cards in front of them to look at. :D :D :D


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