Why Aren’t Liberal Women Outraged By Sharia Law?


Oh really? Then explain people like Mia Love, Michele Bachman, or Deneen Borelli? Explain why Democrats treat Republican women as a subclass, and then explain your hypocrisy on the subject. No two women are the same to Democrats, the one who agrees with them is an angel, while the one who doesn't is demonized as someone who doesn't know what's good for her.

And you call Republicans misogynistic?[/QUOTE]

Are you still pushing this failure of logic?

When Democratic men demonize Democratic women as well as nutbag Republican women......and support policies that oppress women and prevent equal treatment under the law for women......you might have something. They don't.

What you are witnessing is opposition to Republicans coming from Democrats. Outrage!!!!
One has to wonder why this is never discussed!

Where is Michelle Obama’s hashtag campaign #BanShariaLaw? I guess she’d rather ban cupcakes from kindergartners.
Yet ISIS, the Taliban and other Muslim extremist groups are committing horrific acts of violence against women and children every day. Under Sharia Law, women have virtually zero rights and are routinely raped, beaten and sold off as sex slaves or child brides. Many are forced to wear a burqa and can’t even show their faces in public. Women and girls are abused, tortured, stoned, gang-raped or outright killed if they do anything their male rulers deem wrong....

Huntington Beach Feature

Easy. Islam is a PC-protected religion.

So, while liberal women do in fact loathe that religion's take on women's rights, abortion, etc. (I assume that, anyway), they are ideologically obligated to deflect from it at all times. To wit:

If you say, "Islam treats women horribly, as second or third class citizens, and here are 6,834 examples including savage murder", they are ideologically obligated to say something like "Republicans are waging a war on women".

My guess is that, somewhere deep down, they realize they are in effect spinning for and enabling the horrible way Islamists treat women, but ideology always trumps intellectual honesty.

One has to wonder why this is never discussed!

Where is Michelle Obama’s hashtag campaign #BanShariaLaw? I guess she’d rather ban cupcakes from kindergartners.
Yet ISIS, the Taliban and other Muslim extremist groups are committing horrific acts of violence against women and children every day. Under Sharia Law, women have virtually zero rights and are routinely raped, beaten and sold off as sex slaves or child brides. Many are forced to wear a burqa and can’t even show their faces in public. Women and girls are abused, tortured, stoned, gang-raped or outright killed if they do anything their male rulers deem wrong....

Huntington Beach Feature

Easy. Islam is a PC-protected religion.

So, while liberal women do in fact loathe that religion's take on women's rights, abortion, etc. (I assume that, anyway), they are ideologically obligated to deflect from it at all times. To wit:

If you say, "Islam treats women horribly, as second or third class citizens, and here are 6,834 examples including savage murder", they are ideologically obligated to say something like "Republicans are waging a war on women".

My guess is that, somewhere deep down, they realize they are in effect spinning for and enabling the horrible way Islamists treat women, but ideology always trumps intellectual honesty.


ISIS Torture and World Silence About Women Dr. Elise Collins Shields

We must exercise a greater voice to expect what we want of our respective countries in responding to sexual violence as weapons of war. The U.S. permanent ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, is tasked with taking the U.S. message to the world. Having written, A Problem for Hell: America and the Age of Genocide she knows the issues well. Let us enlist Power's assistance to solidify a response to ISIS -- "No more." No more sexual violence against women throughout conflict situations that proliferate around the ISIS world. Women and children deserve more from us.

In addition to U.S. and U.N. officials, we should demand greater and swifter attention be paid to the common practice of sexual violence as a weapon of war. The sexual atrocities committed against the Yazidi will certainly continue without immediate action by the U.S. and the U.N. We must demand that our government take immediate steps, not just to retaliate against the killings of U.S. and Britain, but also to interrupt the sexual violence against Yazidi women and girls.

The United Nations must condemn the attacks against women as war crimes to the full extent, and direct that ISIS fighters be prosecuted in International Criminal Court. This, too, is an international outrage.
And another question for the liberal ladies, why don't you declare water to be wet?

I question why they haven't defended Apple Pie, Baseball or Mother too!
pot, meet kettle...

The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’

The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?

To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”

Just last week we saw another example of creeping Christian Sharia Law with a bill passed by Kansas’ House of Representatives that would allow people and businesses to deny services to same sex couples if it violated their “religious beliefs.” This proposed law would in essence legally sanction discrimination against gay Americans because same sex marriage is not approved by the Bible. Similar bills are pending in other State's including Mississippi, Idaho, and Arizona.

And in the past few years, we have seen pro-life Christian groups successfully lobby State legislatures to restrict access to abortions. They have also raised religious, not public policy, objections to the government funding birth control.

But here’s the alarming thing: These views are no longer the fringe of American politics. They are increasingly become mainstream conservative fare. ref
Lets try this REALLLY slow so you understand the difference:

Conservative oppose gay marriage.

Shari stones gays to death.

I am sure that you can point out the difference for the rest of us - right?


1 opposes gay marriage. And the other REALLY opposes gay marriage!

Am I right? :eusa_think:
Sure, killing and opposing social acceptance is certainly the same thing.

Thanks for clarifying the fact that you do not have 2 working neurons in your skull - it makes understanding why you post such nonsense simpler.
Sharia law pffffffffff, you all should feel ashamed of your state sanctioned murders.

do you mean executions, abortions or what?
you cant murder a fetus

It depends on the case. There have been cases where the murder of a pregnant woman
carrying a child also killed counted as two deaths.

I believe if you are going to respect free choice of the mother,
then if she says it's a child and killing it is murder, than spiritually that is how that is experienced.

This is a spiritual connection for the mother to know when the soul of the child
enters the body. I have heard of all kinds of cases,
where the soul was not inside the fetus after conception
or the soul was already within the mother before conception
(and some cases where the soul remains outside and does not enter until after birth).

So I believe it is up to the mother if it is murder or not,
depending on the spiritual relationship and the incarnation process.

That is why it is not for govt to decide,
because people have different beliefs
and even individual cases are different and are up to the people to figure out what's going on spiritually.

Not for outside people, you or me or govt,
to tell someone else it is or it is not murder.
pot, meet kettle...

The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’

The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?

To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”

Just last week we saw another example of creeping Christian Sharia Law with a bill passed by Kansas’ House of Representatives that would allow people and businesses to deny services to same sex couples if it violated their “religious beliefs.” This proposed law would in essence legally sanction discrimination against gay Americans because same sex marriage is not approved by the Bible. Similar bills are pending in other State's including Mississippi, Idaho, and Arizona.

And in the past few years, we have seen pro-life Christian groups successfully lobby State legislatures to restrict access to abortions. They have also raised religious, not public policy, objections to the government funding birth control.

But here’s the alarming thing: These views are no longer the fringe of American politics. They are increasingly become mainstream conservative fare. ref

Hi Bfgrn
The difference is where Christian laws teaches to respect civil law (ie, Constitutional laws) to be equal authorities to be followed, even if it means being persecuted for one's religious beliefs, followers must still obey civil authority.

That is why you will find such agreement between Christians and Constitutionalists who believe both the sacred laws of the church and the natural laws of the state came from God and are compatible, not in conflict.

What makes Jihadist laws so dangerous is that when these are mixed with government and military authority and use of force, there IS NO Constitutional checks and balances or faith that natural laws come from the same God.

True Islam incorporates and follow the Bible and Christianity equally.

But these Jihadists take military strategies out of context with the rest of Mohammad's teachings, and practice that without the other checks that Christians and Constitutionalists respect in America.

Both Christian scripture and Constitutional principles proscribe the "due process"
for establishing truth among the people where there is an ACCUSATION
of a trespass, rebuke or other correction.

so as long as religions follow one or both of these, as Islam calls for followers
to respect the Bible and prophets as sent by God, and Christianity calls
for followers to respect civil authority and govt,

then there is a CHECK against religious abuses and we don't have
the same problems with Jihadists or Zionists/Armageddonists
taking justice into their own hands and declaring war or executions
without going through govt and democratic process.

THAT is the critical difference I have found.

And all cases of political, religious or corporate abuses of collective power
involve violating the Bill of Rights that is supposed to check against this for govt.
I hold we need to start practicing this for all collective groups, not just govt, to
check against abuses of individual rights, freedoms and protections of citizens.
The OP is total Bullshit

Only the Red States have Sharia Law
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Sharia Law is only in effect in our red states....word is that the women love it
Redneck heaven

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