Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

If you were serious about wanting an answer to these questions, you would be sitting in a science classroom asking them, instead of posting on a religion forum. Right, poser?

How can you say that? We are told over and over that you atheists are among the brightest people on the planet. You tell us that yourself over and over again.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Interesting question- has nothing to do with evolution though.
Of course it was. According to the Einsteins here, there was a big bang that created everything which began to evolve and now we landed on a comet, looking for creation. That's only half the story. What went bang and what did it evolve from? Should be a simple explanation for all the mega-brainpower here..

Don't you know? Somehow a big bang went off sometime way back in history out of nothing at all. This big bang hurled a fireball way out in spaced called the sun. Another chunk of the fireball was hurled 93 million miles away from that sun. This just luckily was just the right distance from the sun to allow life to begin and be sustained on this planet. Had the earth only been 92 million miles away from the sun, everything would have burned up. Had the earth been 94 million miles from the sun, everything would have burned up.. It was pure happenstance that the earth was positioned by natural causes to be 93 million miles away from the sun. Somehow a slime pool developed upon the earth. Out of this slime pool crawled dinosaurs, mastodons, birds, dogs, lions, tigers, apes, and every kind of living creature including man.

Make sense to you now? That's what these atheists say and they are the most intelligent beings to crawl out of that slime pool. Just ask any one of them. They will be more than happy to tell you.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Nothing for us naked monkeys with brains developed to survive in the biosphere of an insignificant planet, somewhere in a universe with phantastillions of galaxies, stars and plants.
We just learn since a mere hundred years, that there are invisible (to us), extremely hard detectable (only with technology just starting to develop) hence very difficult to understand underlying sub particle structures which are responsible for our impression to live in a material world.
And it seems that we don't, that it is only a special condition of energy and fields.
That includes time, where the concept of time of a few naked monkeys is absolutely irrelevant for the universe, the beginning of it's existance or before, because without time there is no before.

I am always atonished that religious people who constantly exaggerate the term "eternity" have no means to understand that.

Really? You don't say. It is the religious people who do understand that God is outside of time and space and therefore has existed for eternity past and eternity future simply because time and space limitations as well as gravity and other laws of physics do not apply to Him. God lives in a different dimension than we do. The spiritual world is the reality. God created this dimension for us. Ours is the virtual world, not God's world.
Somehow a slime pool developed upon the earth. Out of this slime pool crawled dinosaurs, mastodons, birds, dogs, lions, tigers, apes, and every kind of living creature including man.

Make sense to you now? That's what these atheists say and they are the most intelligent beings to crawl out of that slime pool. Just ask any one of them. They will be more than happy to tell you.

LOL... have you never stopped for a moment to consider your own origins when what eventually became you was just one of millions of swimming sperm with a tail in a pool of slimy semen that somehow found itself in another warm and slimy place where it burrowed into a waiting egg to develop peacefully until eventually you crawled out screaming like some sort of primitive life form filling your diapers with your very own slime pool......

Sounds like some far fetched bullshit to me, but here you are, the product of scum.

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Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.

Well your ignorance is not my concern.

Evolution didn't even begin as one man's theory- two men developed the concept independently.

Since then the concept of Evolution has been fleshed out by subsequent scientists, based upon both paleontology and genetics.

One my favorite examples is how whales evolved from land creatures into water creatures- that is fascinating evolutionary history.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
This is remarkably ignorant.

Actually, it's a very good question. If you have such a monkey please produce him.

Why is it a good question?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Again. Educate yourself. We don't know where or how 'life' begins. Any organic compound is a sign of life. Murchison meteorite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Organic compounds, it is theorized, were in the sea on Earth, and over billions of years evolved into aquatic life forms that evolved into terrestial life forms. Didn't you take any science classes in school?
Well then, since I have no education and am willing to learn, I need to know where the Earth came from. That might be a start, Captain Knowledge.

The Earth came from space dust coalescing over eons. Meteors and comets added lots of iron and water.

Lots of good shows on TV explaining the latest theories.

Theories are worth very little to people who can think for themselves.

Wow......considering that theories are the basis of much of science......that is an amazing statement.

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity
You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I don't attempt to know everything but I've run into a few here who are brilliantly in love with their own intelligence. So smart they can't think or speak in laymans terms.

You must not be an atheist then. Atheists would kill one another off if put into a group setting fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

God what a stupid statement. You really have a hard on about atheists....don't you?
Understand that atheists have every right to agitate as do evangelicals.

That does not mean we can't call either group for their errors.

Explain the obsession. Why is the fact that folks believe in God so profound on your minds that you can speak of nothing else.

Good question- explain the obsession. Why is the fact that folks don't believe in God so profound in your mind that you can speak of virtually nothing else?
Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.
The theory of evolution is among the most robust and well documented theories in science.

It should be pointed out that "Origin of Species" accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a catalog of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (assuming an understanding of the difference between levels of scientific certainty and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as biology, comparative anatomy,selective breeding, geography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the evidence and formed a working theory that evolution (descent with modification) had actually occurred.

His evidence was overwhelming. Within little more than a decade after his theory was published, most of the leading biologists of his day were convinced that evolution (descent with modification) was true.

Secondly, Darwin proposed a theory for explaining what we would learn to be fact: "Natural Selection." Contrary to the claim by IDiots that "the gawds did it" by magical means as a way to explain the diversity of life on the planet, (completely unsupported and it assumes the requirement for supernaturalism), Natural Selection makes no such requirement and makes no requirement for coincidence or supermagicalism. Evolution instead defines the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the completely natural mechanism for driving biological change.
Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.
The theory of evolution is among the most robust and well documented theories in science.

It should be pointed out that "Origin of Species" accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a catalog of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (assuming an understanding of the difference between levels of scientific certainty and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as biology, comparative anatomy,selective breeding, geography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the evidence and formed a working theory that evolution (descent with modification) had actually occurred.

His evidence was overwhelming. Within little more than a decade after his theory was published, most of the leading biologists of his day were convinced that evolution (descent with modification) was true.

Secondly, Darwin proposed a theory for explaining what we would learn to be fact: "Natural Selection." Contrary to the claim by IDiots that "the gawds did it" by magical means as a way to explain the diversity of life on the planet, (completely unsupported and it assumes the requirement for supernaturalism), Natural Selection makes no such requirement and makes no requirement for coincidence or supermagicalism. Evolution instead defines the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the completely natural mechanism for driving biological change.
"Natural selection" is also a theory, based only in supposition.

To say life on earth was born out of "chance" is wackier than to say it was created by a higher intelligence.
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Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.
The theory of evolution is among the most robust and well documented theories in science.

It should be pointed out that "Origin of Species" accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a catalog of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (assuming an understanding of the difference between levels of scientific certainty and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as biology, comparative anatomy,selective breeding, geography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the evidence and formed a working theory that evolution (descent with modification) had actually occurred.

His evidence was overwhelming. Within little more than a decade after his theory was published, most of the leading biologists of his day were convinced that evolution (descent with modification) was true.

Secondly, Darwin proposed a theory for explaining what we would learn to be fact: "Natural Selection." Contrary to the claim by IDiots that "the gawds did it" by magical means as a way to explain the diversity of life on the planet, (completely unsupported and it assumes the requirement for supernaturalism), Natural Selection makes no such requirement and makes no requirement for coincidence or supermagicalism. Evolution instead defines the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the completely natural mechanism for driving biological change.
"Natural selection" is also a theory, based only in supposition.

The relevant science community has shown otherwise. Here again, you're addled by conspiracy theories.

What many people (especially IDiots, creationists, or whatever invented term is used to describe their supernaturalism) do not understand is that during Darwin's lifetime, the young and growing scientific community (growing in sophistication and testing methods), did not embrace all of his theory. However, they were convinced by "Origin of Species" that the fact of evolution was true. It was only during the decades after his death that his basic theory was combined with the new science of population genetics that convinced biologists that Natural Selection provides the best answers toward explaining the biological diversity on the planet. The principle of the scientific method and process is that such theories are tested and open to peer review. Exceeding what Darwin could have hoped for, the testing that continues even now, and the continued scientific verification of theory, has only strengthened the support for biological evolution.
Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.
The theory of evolution is among the most robust and well documented theories in science.

It should be pointed out that "Origin of Species" accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a catalog of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (assuming an understanding of the difference between levels of scientific certainty and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as biology, comparative anatomy,selective breeding, geography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the evidence and formed a working theory that evolution (descent with modification) had actually occurred.

His evidence was overwhelming. Within little more than a decade after his theory was published, most of the leading biologists of his day were convinced that evolution (descent with modification) was true.

Secondly, Darwin proposed a theory for explaining what we would learn to be fact: "Natural Selection." Contrary to the claim by IDiots that "the gawds did it" by magical means as a way to explain the diversity of life on the planet, (completely unsupported and it assumes the requirement for supernaturalism), Natural Selection makes no such requirement and makes no requirement for coincidence or supermagicalism. Evolution instead defines the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the completely natural mechanism for driving biological change.
"Natural selection" is also a theory, based only in supposition.

To say life on earth was born out of "chance" is wackier than to say it was created by a higher intelligence.

Natural selection is also a theory, based upon the facts as we know them.

Has nothing to do with the origins of life.
Somehow a slime pool developed upon the earth. Out of this slime pool crawled dinosaurs, mastodons, birds, dogs, lions, tigers, apes, and every kind of living creature including man.

Make sense to you now? That's what these atheists say and they are the most intelligent beings to crawl out of that slime pool. Just ask any one of them. They will be more than happy to tell you.

LOL... have you never stopped for a moment to consider your own origins when what eventually became you was just one of millions of swimming sperm with a tail in a pool of slimy semen that somehow found itself in another warm and slimy place where it burrowed into a waiting egg to develop peacefully until eventually you crawled out screaming like some sort of primitive life form filling your diapers with your very own slime pool......

Sounds like some far fetched bullshit to me, but here you are, the product of scum.


Your opinion, not mine.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I don't attempt to know everything but I've run into a few here who are brilliantly in love with their own intelligence. So smart they can't think or speak in laymans terms.

You must not be an atheist then. Atheists would kill one another off if put into a group setting fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

God what a stupid statement. You really have a hard on about atheists....don't you?

I am applying your scientific method of observation. I can see and read the posts. The posts tell the truth.
Species gradually evolve.
No, what you're describing is adaptation, nothing more.

Evolution is one mans theory, nothing more. There is no proof.
The theory of evolution is among the most robust and well documented theories in science.

It should be pointed out that "Origin of Species" accomplished two very different things.

First:, it demonstrated through a catalog of scientific detail the historical fact of evolution (assuming an understanding of the difference between levels of scientific certainty and the theories that explain them). Using fields as diverse as biology, comparative anatomy,selective breeding, geography and animal behavior, Darwin laid out the evidence and formed a working theory that evolution (descent with modification) had actually occurred.

His evidence was overwhelming. Within little more than a decade after his theory was published, most of the leading biologists of his day were convinced that evolution (descent with modification) was true.

Secondly, Darwin proposed a theory for explaining what we would learn to be fact: "Natural Selection." Contrary to the claim by IDiots that "the gawds did it" by magical means as a way to explain the diversity of life on the planet, (completely unsupported and it assumes the requirement for supernaturalism), Natural Selection makes no such requirement and makes no requirement for coincidence or supermagicalism. Evolution instead defines the objective criterion of "reproductive fitness" as the completely natural mechanism for driving biological change.
"Natural selection" is also a theory, based only in supposition.

To say life on earth was born out of "chance" is wackier than to say it was created by a higher intelligence.

Natural selection is also a theory, based upon the facts as we know them.

Has nothing to do with the origins of life.
It has everything to do with the origins of life. Without the magical, mystical idea that somehow life was born out of lifeless molten lava, and then somehow by magical and mystical "selection" this life arranged itself into thinking, sensuous beings, this can only be believed by people that are more ignorant than those who believe it was created by a greater power / intelligence.

There are no "facts" that support either evolution or natural selection. There is only studies by those who seek to discredit those of faith, and attempt to present their work in a way that appears as fact, but falls short of actually proving anything beyond simple, basic, garden variety adaptation by organisms already present.
Really? You don't say. It is the religious people who do understand that God is outside of time and space and therefore has existed for eternity past and eternity future simply because time and space limitations as well as gravity and other laws of physics do not apply to Him. God lives in a different dimension than we do. The spiritual world is the reality. God created this dimension for us. Ours is the virtual world, not God's world.

Well, well, well.
Listen, i stated a theory. A theory is a fact based assumption of the situation as far as we can get a hold on it presently. It's advantage is: it can and will be corrected if proven false or amended if not complete.

What you do is: you state you know. But you don't know. You just repeat like a parrot the same old fairytale that is told by religious gurus since they sipped the first mushroom juice at meetings of stone age medicine men.
You have a god of the gaps. Not so long ago your god sat on a cloud and watched you fapping, making notes in his little book of everyrhing.
Now he retreated in another dimension and created this -THIS- !!! universe, this dimension, just for us.
You see, since beginning of history you religious people tell us you know everything about god. Well, this knowledge appearantly changed somehow over time and adapted to the scientific falsification of your claims. Step by step.

I would not object to you and your fellow believers in any religion if you were straigt and honest.
That means, you admit that never ever any god has spoken to you, nor had he given you any rules to impose them on other people. Which caused about 200 to 300 million victims killed in unspeakable ways by now.
Because, you know, even you should reckognize that it is more than weird to assume, a god who made the physics to create a 13,x billion year old universe with a few hundred million galaxies decides to speak to one specimen of some illiterate sand people in the middle east, and that without witnesses, of course.
(And, moreover, this idiots lost the stone plates, the one and forever only, even though very vague, proof of the single personal contact in all history of a human beeing to his god. I can't get over that, excuse me. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!)
If you believe that your god who created THIS universe gave a few engraved stone plates to Moses for us to live obeying this rules or burn in hell, I consider you merely on the level of a Cro Magnon man.
If you believe you have the right, or even the god given obligation to impose that on me you have me on defcon 1.

Would you simply say: "ok, I do not understand the physics or math behind recent discoveries, and I feel more comfortable with a kind of superior beeing behind all that, and the idea that there could be a plan where I am part of gives a meaning to my life", I would have no reason to object to that.
May your life be happy and prosperous.

So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Again. Educate yourself. We don't know where or how 'life' begins. Any organic compound is a sign of life. Murchison meteorite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Organic compounds, it is theorized, were in the sea on Earth, and over billions of years evolved into aquatic life forms that evolved into terrestial life forms. Didn't you take any science classes in school?
Well then, since I have no education and am willing to learn, I need to know where the Earth came from. That might be a start, Captain Knowledge.

The Earth came from space dust coalescing over eons. Meteors and comets added lots of iron and water.

Lots of good shows on TV explaining the latest theories.

Theories are worth very little to people who can think for themselves.

Wow......considering that theories are the basis of much of science......that is an amazing statement.

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

Einstein believed in intelligent design. I am surprised you chose to use him for an example since you claim to be much more intelligent than anyone who believes in intelligent design.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
This is remarkably ignorant.

Actually, it's a very good question. If you have such a monkey please produce him.

Why is it a good question?

Because you can't produce your monkey.

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