Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.

1. Evolution IS a fact. Children aren't identical to their parents. That's evolution in its most minute step. Viral mutation is another example. Bacteria becoming more resistant to anti-biotics is another. The domestication of animals is another. Different breeds of domesticated animals is another.

Evolution is not a theory. Natural Selection is one theory that attempts to describe the fact of evolution. Another theory is Sexual Selection. Another is genetic drift. There are several different theories which work in conjunction.

2. Adaptation is one way life evolves. It is a component of evolution.
Sorry, but no.

The THEORY of evolution will remain the THEORY of evolution until which time it is PROVEN, and that hasn't happened yet. Sorry.
That you don't understand evolution is your worry not ours. You are entitled to your opinion only, and, that means nothing to anyone else.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.
Yes, I know what liberal Democrats are evolved from.

So this isn't really an honest discourse for you, is it? You don't really care how science works, what the current scientific theories are, or how you're mistaken about or have mischaracterized science, right?

Arguing about whether Evolution or Creation are theories or facts is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they are on.

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.
Yes, I know what liberal Democrats are evolved from.

So this isn't really an honest discourse for you, is it? You don't really care how science works, what the current scientific theories are, or how you're mistaken about or have mischaracterized science, right?
It would be if someone would explain what went on up to the Big Bang everyone uses as a starting point.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.

1. Evolution IS a fact. Children aren't identical to their parents. That's evolution in its most minute step. Viral mutation is another example. Bacteria becoming more resistant to anti-biotics is another. The domestication of animals is another. Different breeds of domesticated animals is another.

Evolution is not a theory. Natural Selection is one theory that attempts to describe the fact of evolution. Another theory is Sexual Selection. Another is genetic drift. There are several different theories which work in conjunction.

2. Adaptation is one way life evolves. It is a component of evolution.
Sorry, but no.

The THEORY of evolution will remain the THEORY of evolution until which time it is PROVEN, and that hasn't happened yet.


Like the Theory of Gravity.
Text Is Gravity a Theory or a Law The Happy Scientist
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

If you were serious about wanting an answer to these questions, you would be sitting in a science classroom asking them, instead of posting on a religion forum. Right, poser?
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?
Species can evolve but species cannot evolve into other species.

I am not even sure what that this is supposed to mean.

Species gradually evolve.

After enough generations of evolution, descendents of a species can eventually become a new species.

An example would be the proto-Elephant that was the ancestor of wholly mamooths, mastodons and modern elephants.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Interesting question- has nothing to do with evolution though.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Interesting question- has nothing to do with evolution though.
Of course it was. According to the Einsteins here, there was a big bang that created everything which began to evolve and now we landed on a comet, looking for creation. That's only half the story. What went bang and what did it evolve from? Should be a simple explanation for all the mega-brainpower here..
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Interesting question- has nothing to do with evolution though.
Of course it was. According to the Einsteins here, there was a big bang that created everything which began to evolve and now we landed on a comet, looking for creation. That's only half the story. What went bang and what did it evolve from? Should be a simple explanation for all the mega-brainpower here..

Evolution is all about biological evolution.

Nothing about the Big Bang theory.
The fundamentalists have built their fortress around the Creation story in the book of Genesis. The theory of evolution is your battering ram and catapult. If you are to lay siege to the faith of so many, at least be prepared to defend what you say you believe in.

Tell me why monkeys are not still evolving into men. That is my first question. If you can answer that, I will ask more questions.

If you are not interested in this mental exercise, clear the room and don't distract the people who are interested.

Your question has already been answered. Monkeys did not evolve into Man, they both evolved from a common ancestor as shown by this simplistic diagram;


Most evolutionists agree this final split from the common ancestor happened about 25 million yrs. ago. And yes man and monkey are still evolving. Noticeable evolutionary changes can happen relatively fast (in geologic terms) but most take thousands of generations to amount to species level change. And the reason people urge you to read up on this stuff is that most of us are self-taught and are likely to give you wrong answers to some important questions and the knowledge in the field is expanding so rapidly we lay-people just can't keep up. Also some of the concepts are just hard to explain in a short sound bite. Here's Richard Dawkins, an acknowledged expert trying to answer your question to an unbeliever;

Here's a decent site for someone curious on the subject;

"Apes and humans are grouped together in the superfamily Hominoidea, which includes gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees. They
are all tailless and, except for gorillas and humans, are gifted climbers.
Gibbons are sometimes called the "lesser apes," and their clade was the first to branch off our lineage. Molecular evidence suggests this event took place about 12 to 18 million years ago, although the proto-gibbon fossil record is scanty. The first of the so-called "great apes" to branch off were the orangutans, about 12 million years ago, with good proto-orangutan fossil species known from 10 million years ago.
In evolution, it is important to understand that there were no gibbons nor orangutans 10 million years ago. There were only the ancestors of these groups, and they were not modern apes any more than their contemporary cousins were modern humans.
Likewise, there were no gorillas 8 million years ago, when the gorilla lineage is thought to have separated from the clade leading to humans and chimpanzees. The common ancestor of these three groups may have been the fossil primate Nakalipithecus or a similar species. Some time after that, perhaps 7 million years ago, the chimpanzee ancestor split from the human ancestor. No species in the human lineage after this final split is an ape.
Many species branched off from the lineage that led to modern humans, including species belonging to Ardepithecus, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Kenyanthropus. Later, several species evolved that are considered part of our genus, Homo, including H. habilis, H. erectus and H. neanterthalensis (Neandertal Man). Yet none of these species, even ones that may be direct ancestors rather than cousins, are considered apes".
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I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Interesting question- has nothing to do with evolution though.
Of course it was. According to the Einsteins here, there was a big bang that created everything which began to evolve and now we landed on a comet, looking for creation. That's only half the story. What went bang and what did it evolve from? Should be a simple explanation for all the mega-brainpower here..

Why do you say it should be a simple question to answer for us when Einstein himself couldn't answer it and all the geniuses since with super-computers and super-machines like CERN and super-Telescopes in space like Hubble haven't arrived at the final answers. But the gaps in knowledge are being filled in and just maybe some day the picture might be complete. It's tough, after all the human brain evolved to solve much more mundane questions, how to trap that wildebeest? How to evade that Lion? Should we stay close to this water or is there more game inland?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?

Clearly, from Adam's other rib.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
You're asking for reason and logic from people who quite clearly reject reason and logic. I think you are the one who came unprepared.

Use these people as a springboard for your own message. Simply post the truth and move on. If you argue with trolls they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Thanks... I can put away the tissues now. I feel much better.
I can't believe these right wingers could be so ignorant. No wonder the entire world is laughing at them.

If you were an employer, and you needed to hire an engineer or someone highly skill and you had two to choose between, would you hire the guy who believes in science or the one who believes the earth is 6,000 years old?
I can't believe these right wingers could be so ignorant. No wonder the entire world is laughing at them.

If you were an employer, and you needed to hire an engineer or someone highly skill and you had two to choose between, would you hire the guy who believes in science or the one who believes the earth is 6,000 years old?

Your post is the reason that they'd hire a cretin before they'd let you anywhere near their offices.
  • Thanks
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Drivel. I asked what went on up until the big bang. All the scholars say the big bang was the beginning. What went bang?

Nothing for us naked monkeys with brains developed to survive in the biosphere of an insignificant planet, somewhere in a universe with phantastillions of galaxies, stars and plants.
We just learn since a mere hundred years, that there are invisible (to us), extremely hard detectable (only with technology just starting to develop) hence very difficult to understand underlying sub particle structures which are responsible for our impression to live in a material world.
And it seems that we don't, that it is only a special condition of energy and fields.
That includes time, where the concept of time of a few naked monkeys is absolutely irrelevant for the universe, the beginning of it's existance or before, because without time there is no before.

I am always atonished that religious people who constantly exaggerate the term "eternity" have no means to understand that.

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