Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
Who says they are not evolving?

And, man did not evolve from monkeys, but trying to educate someone who could make such a post is senseless.

Are you an old coot from Mississippi?
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Why would anyone believe they are not.

Do people believe we can stand next to an evolving entity and actually see it evolving?

Yes we do. Where are they? We can't even find one within the fossil record. We can't even explain where consciousness comes from.

Paleontologists have identified many thousands of transitional fossils. Google it.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Long ago they taught us there were plants and animals.

Now they use a whole different classification system.

It's been 50 years since I graduated from HS, 40 since college, and 20 since I took a biology course.

I imagine theories have changed again.

Me, I subscribe to "God said "Let there be light, and there was light".

That is the Big Bang.

God set it in motion, physics did the rest.
Has anyone found an explanation of what existed from the beginning of time? Am I to believe that existance started with a big mass of matter that suddenly exploded and scattered round balls of matter to the far end of infinity and WHAM our solar system was formed and we had water and trees and plants and flowers and cute little monkeys running around and the flowers and trees and plants escaped evolution but the monkeys evolved to the point that we now have Obama and the Democrat party walking around on the ground and slinging shit at people?

I think you should stick to wrapping your head around wads of bubble gum. This(your) childlike reply would be an embarrasment to the average 5 year old.
So you have no idea where it began either. Just started with the big bang, Got it.
So tell us what you would explain to a 5 year old when he asked where everything came from.

I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
If you think that evolution claims that man evolved from monkeys...you don't know what evolution is.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
Again. Educate yourself. We don't know where or how 'life' begins. Any organic compound is a sign of life. Murchison meteorite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Organic compounds, it is theorized, were in the sea on Earth, and over billions of years evolved into aquatic life forms that evolved into terrestial life forms. Didn't you take any science classes in school?
Well then, since I have no education and am willing to learn, I need to know where the Earth came from. That might be a start, Captain Knowledge.

The Earth came from space dust coalescing over eons. Meteors and comets added lots of iron and water.

Lots of good shows on TV explaining the latest theories.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.
I think you should stick to wrapping your head around wads of bubble gum. This(your) childlike reply would be an embarrasment to the average 5 year old.
So you have no idea where it began either. Just started with the big bang, Got it.
So tell us what you would explain to a 5 year old when he asked where everything came from.

I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I think you should stick to wrapping your head around wads of bubble gum. This(your) childlike reply would be an embarrasment to the average 5 year old.
So you have no idea where it began either. Just started with the big bang, Got it.
So tell us what you would explain to a 5 year old when he asked where everything came from.

I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.

You're right. Huggy doesn't know, I don't know, no scientist knows, and neither do you.

Nobody knows how matter and energy formed, or from where the universe came, of if the Big Bang actually happened.

You're mostly right that everyone starts with the big bang. Really they should say, "The current available evidence suggests that about 14 billion years ago the universe as we know it expanded from a hot dense mass. No one has any real idea what happened before that or from where or what came that hot, dense mass, though there is some speculation..."
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.

1. Evolution IS a fact. Children aren't identical to their parents. That's evolution in its most minute step. Viral mutation is another example. Bacteria becoming more resistant to anti-biotics is another. The domestication of animals is another. Different breeds of domesticated animals is another.

Evolution is not a theory. Natural Selection is one theory that attempts to describe the fact of evolution. Another theory is Sexual Selection. Another is genetic drift. There are several different theories which work in conjunction.

2. Adaptation is one way life evolves. It is a component of evolution.
Sorry, but no.

The THEORY of evolution will remain the THEORY of evolution until which time it is PROVEN, and that hasn't happened yet.

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Because life is a complex dynamic system.

Linear algebra is a weak metaphor.


If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.
So you have no idea where it began either. Just started with the big bang, Got it.
So tell us what you would explain to a 5 year old when he asked where everything came from.

I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I don't attempt to know everything but I've run into a few here who are brilliantly in love with their own intelligence. So smart they can't think or speak in laymans terms.
So you have no idea where it began either. Just started with the big bang, Got it.
So tell us what you would explain to a 5 year old when he asked where everything came from.

I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.

You're right. Huggy doesn't know, I don't know, no scientist knows, and neither do you.

Nobody knows how matter and energy formed, or from where the universe came, of if the Big Bang actually happened.

You're mostly right that everyone starts with the big bang. Really they should say, "The current available evidence suggests that about 14 billion years ago the universe as we know it expanded from a hot dense mass. No one has any real idea what happened before that or from where or what came that hot, dense mass, though there is some speculation..."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".

Works for me.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.
Yes, I know what liberal Democrats are evolved from.
I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I don't attempt to know everything but I've run into a few here who are brilliantly in love with their own intelligence. So smart they can't think or speak in laymans terms.

Fuck 'em.

I understand God as God as seen fit to reveal Himself to me.

Works for both of us!

Born again, I am a new man in Christ, and like myself a whole lot better.

If that offends anyone, fuck 'em, they should be glad they never met the old me!
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.

1. Evolution IS a fact. Children aren't identical to their parents. That's evolution in its most minute step. Viral mutation is another example. Bacteria becoming more resistant to anti-biotics is another. The domestication of animals is another. Different breeds of domesticated animals is another.

Evolution is not a theory. Natural Selection is one theory that attempts to describe the fact of evolution. Another theory is Sexual Selection. Another is genetic drift. There are several different theories which work in conjunction.

2. Adaptation is one way life evolves. It is a component of evolution.
Sorry, but no.

The THEORY of evolution will remain the THEORY of evolution until which time it is PROVEN, and that hasn't happened yet.


I didn't make myself clear. The word evolution in the context of biology simply means that life forms change, eventually so much that speciation occurs.

The theories that attempt to describe and explain evolution are theories and always will be, as every theory will be, because theories are not proved and are never proved and no theory has ever been proved. The empirical sciences can't prove theories.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

What makes you think monkeys have stopped evolving?

The process can be very slow, on an observer's lifespan time scale.

I don't understand that if man evolved from the ape why didn't the ape and monkey not evolve out of existance.

Evolving out of existence just means going extinct and the early forms of apes and monkeys from which modern apes and monkeys are evolved have done just that. Their evolved offspring are all that remain.

Would you do me a favor and show me why not?
I don't spend much time talking to 5 year olds. "Where" everything came from may not even apply. One could go on and on into "the past" progressively asking the same question as the last known "creator" was revealed.

Much of the religious indoctrinated suggest god created everything. OK then who or what created this god and so on and so forth. Quickly(for some people) that strategy becomes futile. The suggestion that because the/a bible said so is perhaps the least likely path to the truth.

There are some questions that we with our human brains are just not able to proccess IMHO. To claim you or really any one living or one that has lived has the difinitive answer to this question is clown-like or worse a deception with the goal of attempting to take something from you or I for the inside track on the secrets of the universe.

I feel compelled to dress up in a costume within a room full of supposed artifacts and purported scribblings of ancient ones to address these questions. Nevermind that the farther back we go the less humans knew of the truth of their environment. Why would I ask the least informed people I know of for assistance to answer the toughest riddles?

No thanks...I'll pass on attempting to lie to a 5 year old.

You asked hime where God came from. He asked you where life came from. His question is just as fair and deserving of an answer as is yours.

I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.

You're right. Huggy doesn't know, I don't know, no scientist knows, and neither do you.

Nobody knows how matter and energy formed, or from where the universe came, of if the Big Bang actually happened.

You're mostly right that everyone starts with the big bang. Really they should say, "The current available evidence suggests that about 14 billion years ago the universe as we know it expanded from a hot dense mass. No one has any real idea what happened before that or from where or what came that hot, dense mass, though there is some speculation..."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".

Works for me.

Maybe God is responsible for it all. Who knows? I surely don't. And whether God did it or not, I would like to know how He did it or how it happened. Science seems to be on the right track. No human discipline has ever brought to us more knowledge, technology, and progress as a modern civilization than science. It seems to work pretty good.

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