Why Black voters hate the republican party

Overall, conservatives believe that all are crreated equal and all are to be treated equally.
Democrats believe that moinorities should be singled out

Now beofre you say "yes, the should be singled out as there have been years of inequality to make up"....let me ask you this...

How would you react if they were singled out by democrats for things like "higher taxes"?

Actions speak louder than words fella.

The republican party has worked fro decades to keep legal black voters from voting and they have suceeded.

A very strong opinion backed by nothing but conjecture.

The evidence isw in court documents provided over and over again in this thread.

You sir are either lazy, stupid or a liar.
Actions speak louder than words fella.

The republican party has worked fro decades to keep legal black voters from voting and they have suceeded.

A very strong opinion backed by nothing but conjecture.

The evidence isw in court documents provided over and over again in this thread.

You sir are either lazy, stupid or a liar.

No....just busy at work...

I will no longer resppond to you. I do not deabte children.
No Yurt, YOU tell us.

So far TruthMatters has been posting nothing but facts.

You, on the other hand, have been posting nothing but opinions and false accusations.

What is it that we black people are being duped by the Democrats?

Spit it out.

liar and strawman, i never claimed they were

why is it truthmatters gives the dems a pass for racism because it happened in the past, but won't give the repubs a pass for stuff that happened nearly 3 decades ago? this entire thread is her claim she is the black people's spokesman....she hasn't posted just facts, she also posted lies, but i wouldn't expect a dishonest hack like you to acknowledge that

I dont give them a pass, they are fucking DEAD.

The live and breathing people who are in the republican party right now are the ones who have this century kept black voters from voting.
Not one of you are willing to accept the facts that the republican party repetedly tried to strip black voters of their voting rights?

Not one of you will accept history as it is?

yet you ignore your own party's racism and claim it doesn't matter because its in the past....

those court cases are decades old, why aren't you as forgiving as you are for your own party? perhaps because you're just an annoying party hack

why am i not surprised hackmatters has ignored this....

because she knows her position is racist and indefensible....you can't excuse dems racism because in the past without also excusing the gop racism which is also in the past...

Negroes and blacks weren't taught that Dems would rather have killed their own brothers instead of give up their slaves, or that Lincoln was a Republican. Instead they're taught that LBJ gave them a great deal with welfare, public education and public housing and intellectually honest Dems like Pat Monyihan are extinct

You are so fucking lost.

Lost? It's a fact that Democrat controlled states seceded from the Union and would rather kill their countrymen and brothers than give up their slaves
No Yurt, YOU tell us.

So far TruthMatters has been posting nothing but facts.

You, on the other hand, have been posting nothing but opinions and false accusations.

What is it that we black people are being duped by the Democrats?

Spit it out.

liar and strawman, i never claimed they were

why is it truthmatters gives the dems a pass for racism because it happened in the past, but won't give the repubs a pass for stuff that happened nearly 3 decades ago? this entire thread is her claim she is the black people's spokesman....she hasn't posted just facts, she also posted lies, but i wouldn't expect a dishonest hack like you to acknowledge that

I dont give them a pass, they are fucking DEAD.

The live and breathing people who are in the republican party right now are the ones who have this century kept black voters from voting.

Reid's dead? Byrd's dead? Yeah?
yet you ignore your own party's racism and claim it doesn't matter because its in the past....

those court cases are decades old, why aren't you as forgiving as you are for your own party? perhaps because you're just an annoying party hack

why am i not surprised hackmatters has ignored this....

because she knows her position is racist and indefensible....you can't excuse dems racism because in the past without also excusing the gop racism which is also in the past...


Look at the post right above this one you idiot
No Yurt, YOU tell us.

So far TruthMatters has been posting nothing but facts.

You, on the other hand, have been posting nothing but opinions and false accusations.

What is it that we black people are being duped by the Democrats?

Spit it out.

liar and strawman, i never claimed they were

why is it truthmatters gives the dems a pass for racism because it happened in the past, but won't give the repubs a pass for stuff that happened nearly 3 decades ago? this entire thread is her claim she is the black people's spokesman....she hasn't posted just facts, she also posted lies, but i wouldn't expect a dishonest hack like you to acknowledge that

I dont give them a pass, they are fucking DEAD.

The live and breathing people who are in the republican party right now are the ones who have this century kept black voters from voting.

are you really a twatwhistle?????
Florida Central Voter File - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Lee's testimony
On 17 April, 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.[8]

[edit] Errors in the list
Florida has re-edited its felon list five times since 1998 to correct errors

Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."

It is COURT documented fact that republicans have disenfranchised black voters.
Florida Central Voter File - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Lee's testimony
On 17 April, 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[7]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.[8]

[edit] Errors in the list
Florida has re-edited its felon list five times since 1998 to correct errors

Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."

It is COURT documented fact that republicans have disenfranchised black voters.

no, it's wiki documented, which is to say undocumented.

keep up the good work.
here they go insulting and denying facts.

Its their go to arguement every time.
Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls - Los Angeles Times

Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls
Politics: Thousands were wrongfully called felons. Errors may have affected presidential election.
THE NATIONMay 21, 2001|LISA GETTER, TIMES STAFF WRITERMIAMI — Harry Sawyer, election supervisor in Key West, was stunned when Florida officials sent him a list of 150 convicted felons to cut from county voter rolls in mid-1999.

Among those named: an election employee, another worker's husband--and Sawyer's own father. None was a felon. "It was just a mess," Sawyer said.
Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls - Los Angeles Times

Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls
Politics: Thousands were wrongfully called felons. Errors may have affected presidential election.
THE NATIONMay 21, 2001|LISA GETTER, TIMES STAFF WRITERMIAMI — Harry Sawyer, election supervisor in Key West, was stunned when Florida officials sent him a list of 150 convicted felons to cut from county voter rolls in mid-1999.

Among those named: an election employee, another worker's husband--and Sawyer's own father. None was a felon. "It was just a mess," Sawyer said.

Still trying to spin out of the Harry Reid comments I see. Is that all you got???? And all from 2001. :lol::lol::lol:

Why don't you run Al Gore again and see what happens. :lol::lol:

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