Why can't Public Assistance increase?

That wasn't what you started with. Can you say "move the goal posts"? Sure, I knew you could.

And Bush was an economically liberal president. The only economically conservative thing he did was cut taxes.

That wasn't what you started with. Can you say "move the goal posts"? Sure, I knew you could.


I stated: Name one Republican politician that either authored or supported any legislation that benefited the middle class, without giving rich/wealthy/corporations a bigger boost?

Your (s) answer was W. Bush, that caused to worst economic crash in US history.

And the answer is correct. Medicare expansion, for one.

And Bush was an economically liberal president. The only economically conservative thing he did was cut taxes.
How did eight years of BushCo work for the middle class?
It worked quite well until the housing bubble popped, but you knew that. The middle class hasn't fared so well since, either, even though we've had enough time for a decent recovery.

And the answer is correct. Medicare expansion, for one.

Nice try. Mega payday for big pharma, and well as one of the largest cover-ups by Scully.

And yet the democrats all went along with it. Based on your criteria, obamadon'tcare is a MAJOR mess because it is a huge payday for the insurance companies. Willing to go down that road?

It worked quite well until the housing bubble popped, but you knew that. The middle class hasn't fared so well since, either, even though we've had enough time for a decent recovery.
Why wouldn't an economy based on loans and spec not work? Oh yeah, it didn't.
And Bush tried to regulate it, but was denied by the democrats in Congress. They must really hate people.

And yet the democrats all went along with it.

You seem to have glossed over 'one of the largest cover-ups by Scully.'

Ted Kennedy was a major factor in writing the bill. Whatever, it's still a huge giveaway to the middle class supported by Bush.

Based on your criteria, obamadon'tcare is a MAJOR mess because it is a huge payday for the insurance companies. Willing to go down that road?
What do you expect when you have insurance companies owning the majority of hospitals and Doctors?
It was a democrat bill, written by democrats, pushed by democrats, and voted for by democrats. I therefore expect either the democrats, if they really cared more about the middle class than the insurance companies, to make it more of a benefit for the middle class, or to do exactly what they did if they are in fact owned by big business. They clearly are.

Think logically for a change. They wrote a bill that forces the American people to purchase a product, which then is allowed to explode in price. What could possibly go wrong with that? Obviously, democrats are owned by big business and Republicans were fighting for the little guy in that one.
What do you expect when you have insurance companies owning the majority of hospitals and Doctors?
It was a democrat bill, written by democrats, pushed by democrats, and voted for by democrats. I therefore expect either the democrats, if they really cared more about the middle class than the insurance companies, to make it more of a benefit for the middle class, or to do exactly what they did if they are in fact owned by big business. They clearly are.

Think logically for a change. They wrote a bill that forces the American people to purchase a product, which then is allowed to explode in price. What could possibly go wrong with that? Obviously, democrats are owned by big business and Republicans were fighting for the little guy in that one.

I wouldn't necessarily say the Republicans were fighting for the little guy (I think they just wanted to drive the bus), but obviously Congress cannot be trusted with this kind of power. No government can. This is the lesson liberalism is learning. Giving government power over our economic decisions is every bit as corrupting and wrong as giving them power over our religion.
What do you expect when you have insurance companies owning the majority of hospitals and Doctors?
It was a democrat bill, written by democrats, pushed by democrats, and voted for by democrats. I therefore expect either the democrats, if they really cared more about the middle class than the insurance companies, to make it more of a benefit for the middle class, or to do exactly what they did if they are in fact owned by big business. They clearly are.

Think logically for a change. They wrote a bill that forces the American people to purchase a product, which then is allowed to explode in price. What could possibly go wrong with that? Obviously, democrats are owned by big business and Republicans were fighting for the little guy in that one.

I wouldn't necessarily say the Republicans were fighting for the little guy (I think they just wanted to drive the bus), but obviously Congress cannot be trusted with this kind of power. No government can. This is the lesson liberalism is learning. Giving government power over our economic decisions is every bit as corrupting and wrong as giving them power over our religion.
That is true. The only way to reduce and eliminate corruption in government is to reduce government power, because power will ALWAYS attract money seeking access to that power.
The current republican approach seems to be to make the US enough of an armpit that illegal immigrants will 'self deport'. I don't know anyone who wants bleeding borders except maybe the corporations that can take advantage of such a thing.

The people going through those bleeding borders will be voting Democrat once Democrats get enough power to create law allowing them to vote legal or not. Why do you think the Democrats are pushing so hard for this?
I know that Democrats are are fighting Republican efforts to gerrymander and restrict voting rights for minority American citizens but you say they're pushing to give illegal immigrants the right to vote? Show me.
I know that Democrats are are fighting Republican efforts to gerrymander and restrict voting rights for minority American citizens but you say they're pushing to give illegal immigrants the right to vote? Show me.

No, it's actually not happening yet. The country is heading more towards conservatism. But when Democrats get enough power, they will pass legislation to make it legal for them to vote.

In California for instance, they register you to vote when you get a drivers license, and they allow illegals to drive in that state. And then there is this:

‘Radical idea’ to let illegals vote in NYC!
Why can't we just cut it to ZERO???
Because every non-third-world-nation in the World recognizes that part of the social contract of an enlightened society is that we care for our poor. I'm sorry if you cannot recognize the social, economic, and health benefits of reducing poverty in our nation. Perhaps you should move to one of those third-world countries where they don't care, and let the rich freely rape, and pillage the poor.
First, where is this social contract?
Second,. We do not take care of the poor. Able bodied people who are collecting benefits because it is easier to work at menial jobs and collect, should be given a period of time to find gainful employment. Their stipend will no longer be paid. Rather, the money will go to either a tech school or a adult continuing education school of the client's choice. If the student meets attendance guidelines and makes passing grades, the money keeps flowing. Upon graduation or earning of certificate, once the client finds a job, the money stops.
We should be caring for those who cannot care for themselves. That includes, the very young who have lost their parents. The disabled( mentally of physically( and these people with little aches and pains like this carpal tunnel crap and those with letters from their doctor) should not be eligible...and of course the way we toss our senior citizens aside is a disgrace.

I don't get what's so hard for other people to get this simple notion. Somebody who has Down's Syndrome, I'm ok helping. A 80 year old retired person, I'm ok helping. A minor who has no family, I'm ok helping. Somebody with a physical disability that prevents them from working (like ALS), I'm ok helping.

An able-bodied 35 year old adult who wants to sit on their ass eating Cheetos all day? I'm not ok helping. A person whose only qualifications are working at McDonald's due to decisions they made earlier in their life, I'm not ok helping.

Why shouldn't McDonalds pay a living wage, after all, they are making BIG bucks.

McDonalds should be a job for high school kids (maybe college students).

If your only skills in life are "would you like fries with that?", why should I have to pay for you to live when I did things the "right" way by gaining skills/education to support myself?
Why shouldn't McDonalds pay a living wage, after all, they are making BIG bucks.

An employees pay is not based on what a company is worth, it's based on what the worker is worth.

An employees pay is not based on what a company is worth, it's based on what the worker is worth.

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?
Why can't we just cut it to ZERO???
Because every non-third-world-nation in the World recognizes that part of the social contract of an enlightened society is that we care for our poor. I'm sorry if you cannot recognize the social, economic, and health benefits of reducing poverty in our nation. Perhaps you should move to one of those third-world countries where they don't care, and let the rich freely rape, and pillage the poor.
First, where is this social contract?
Second,. We do not take care of the poor. Able bodied people who are collecting benefits because it is easier to work at menial jobs and collect, should be given a period of time to find gainful employment. Their stipend will no longer be paid. Rather, the money will go to either a tech school or a adult continuing education school of the client's choice. If the student meets attendance guidelines and makes passing grades, the money keeps flowing. Upon graduation or earning of certificate, once the client finds a job, the money stops.
We should be caring for those who cannot care for themselves. That includes, the very young who have lost their parents. The disabled( mentally of physically( and these people with little aches and pains like this carpal tunnel crap and those with letters from their doctor) should not be eligible...and of course the way we toss our senior citizens aside is a disgrace.

I don't get what's so hard for other people to get this simple notion. Somebody who has Down's Syndrome, I'm ok helping. A 80 year old retired person, I'm ok helping. A minor who has no family, I'm ok helping. Somebody with a physical disability that prevents them from working (like ALS), I'm ok helping.

An able-bodied 35 year old adult who wants to sit on their ass eating Cheetos all day? I'm not ok helping. A person whose only qualifications are working at McDonald's due to decisions they made earlier in their life, I'm not ok helping.

Why shouldn't McDonalds pay a living wage, after all, they are making BIG bucks.

McDonalds should be a job for high school kids (maybe college students).

If your only skills in life are "would you like fries with that?", why should I have to pay for you to live when I did things the "right" way by gaining skills/education to support myself?

McDonalds should be a job for high school kids (maybe college students).

If your only skills in life are "would you like fries with that?", why should I have to pay for you to live when I did things the "right" way by gaining skills/education to support myself?

Licensed degrees aside, which aren't?
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

If McDonalds opened and their were no employees to take the order, collect the payment, make the 'food', serve the 'food', and clean-up after you, what kind of revenue would the restaurant make?
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

If McDonalds opened and their were no employees to take the order, collect the payment, make the 'food', serve the 'food', and clean-up after you, what kind of revenue would the restaurant make?

Zero. Fortuanely though there's an
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

If McDonalds opened and their were no employees to take the order, collect the payment, make the 'food', serve the 'food', and clean-up after you, what kind of revenue would the restaurant make?

Fortunately, there is an endless supply of mindless unskilled people available able to say "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?

Hardly worth $31,200 per year.
Why shouldn't McDonalds pay a living wage, after all, they are making BIG bucks.

An employees pay is not based on what a company is worth, it's based on what the worker is worth.

Simply put, if you have it, they're entitled to it.

Simply put, if you have it, they're entitled to it.

Simply put, an employer should pay a living wage?

An employer is under no obligation to pay you a "living" wage.
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

If McDonalds opened and their were no employees to take the order, collect the payment, make the 'food', serve the 'food', and clean-up after you, what kind of revenue would the restaurant make?

There will always be people looking to work at McDonalds/minimum wage jobs. You know whose fault it is that they're stuck working there? THEIRS! If you don't want to say "would you like fries with that?", you have two options:

1) Get skills to make more money in a job and/or your own business
2) Get an education to make more money in a job and/or your own business

The truth is when you have no skills to perform your job-you are expendable because anybody can do your job. If your local McDonalds owner fired all of their workers, within 2-3 weeks they would have an entire new crew, no problem.

You're as expendable as you allow yourself to be.
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

No employee makes all the money. They are a very small part of what makes all the money. They contribute and they are paid for that contribution. But you lack any understanding of how a business plan works... strange for someone who boasts of being so wealthy from business.

Lots of things go into what generates a profit for a given business. It's too complicated to outline them all here and they vary from business to business. You have raw materials suppliers, vendors, accountants, advertising and marketing, equipment and technology, maintenance, location, logistics, taxation, regulatory costs, legal costs, certifications and licenses, payroll expenses, fuel costs and transpiration, shipping, insurance, state, local and federal compliance, competition... the list goes on and on. ALL of this factors in to bottom line profits. So it's simply NOT just the worker who makes all the profit for a corporation.

Many of the things listed above will vary and fluctuate and it takes someone pretty sharp to stay on top of all of it and keep the company making a profit... that's why CEOs command such a high salary.

When you're a brain-dead nitwit who doesn't comprehend how a business works.... it's EASY to sit there munching your Cheetos and imagining a money-grubbing CEO making a fortune off the backs of his slave laborers. But you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.

If McDonalds opened and their were no employees to take the order, collect the payment, make the 'food', serve the 'food', and clean-up after you, what kind of revenue would the restaurant make?
Quite a lot when you place your order at a push button kiosk, swipe your card to pay, have a machine grind the beef, cook your burger, assemble it, bag it and put it in the window for you to take and a roomba comes out after hours to sweep and mop the floor. IOW, there's little actual need for human interaction at tomorrow's McDonalds, and within 20 years you likely won't see a whole lot of employees working there. The biggest job will be for the guy who keeps the machines running and calls tech support. Of course, most machines can call tech support themselves, so not much need for that either.

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