Why can't the public understand government and special interests aren't Friends?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Today we have full blown out of control money powers....who are controlling our Government.

You know we started this nation fighting these guys, but today no one remembers. :(

Well, we have public ED...and who controls that? ...

Blah Blah Blah... so easy to see, but few see it. :(

Government never comes to help "we the people"...it is run by people not "Just" people...., who if have "Special Interests" will not do as they promise. At that point, the lies are called "Just Politics" And that is suppose to be alright..via the MSM...which they also control.

Blah Blah Blah... Blah :eusa_whistle:
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Public Erectile Dysfunction? :eusa_eh:

So the public thinks, the elites don't care, they think they are gods and can never die.

One thing they do support in their minds is "We the people" can die. But they think they have all the time in the world..................................................

All the time in the world to ruin mankind. :evil:
"Special interests" are what keeps government in check.

It's why I spent three days in D.C. last year, lobbying for a "special interest" that is facing a set of taxes on their industry that is capricious and arbitrary and will result in the loss of over 100,000 jobs.

If there were no such interests to teach the dumb fuck legislators about life in the real world, there would be no real world left in which people could work.
We are all special interest. Practically everybody is a lobbyist from AARP to the NRA to PETA because the Constitution allows for petitioning the government and freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers gave us the power to hire and fire the politicians who represent us but some people would rather whine about the unfortunate luck of living in the greatest Country in the world than get off their asses and take an interest in government.
"Special interests" are what keeps government in check.

It's why I spent three days in D.C. last year, lobbying for a "special interest" that is facing a set of taxes on their industry that is capricious and arbitrary and will result in the loss of over 100,000 jobs.

If there were no such interests to teach the dumb fuck legislators about life in the real world, there would be no real world left in which people could work.

Which Special interests? The big ones are controlled by the bad guys.

It's called Controlled Opposition. Today those that report to be our biggest saviors are already lost in a game they can't understand or will not.

Hegelian Dialectic, controlled arguments for wanted outcomes......
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Too many in the public like free stuff - they can't spell special, or interest.
We are all special interest. Practically everybody is a lobbyist from AARP to the NRA to PETA because the Constitution allows for petitioning the government and freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers gave us the power to hire and fire the politicians who represent us but some people would rather whine about the unfortunate luck of living in the greatest Country in the world than get off their asses and take an interest in government.

Well do most know the difference between the things you state, no probably not. Not all interests are special and not all special interests are good.

We have right and wrong, that is something most have forgotten. Getting off ones ass as you say means standing up for something, and for sure that something will be called something from someone.

Not everything is the Truth, if it was everything it would be a lie. The Truth is one thing, not everything as the PC crowd bemoans while they attack everyone around them who disagrees with their selfish sickness of self.

Yeah, we need more people to stand on their marbles, and not let the world over come them. The king of this world is a liar, and most special interests follow him.
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Maybe I need to get drunk before I re-visit this thread.

Special interests in todays world just mean big money, old power with new masks.

Telling the Truth, honoring the Constitution and doing good...isn't "Special" its basic for Truth.

Also most important is following the God of the Bible. Not all Monotheist are the same. One has to be right...MONO "Theist" not many.
Gov't run by greedy idiot special interests suqs, gov't run by selfless, well meaning self interests can be very good indeed...hint: Greedy idiot mega rich Pubs suq. See sig para 1, oh all of it...lying greedy hypocrites and silly dupes.

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