Zone1 Why can't there be a serious intellectual discusion about Jesus' gender and sexuality?

Yes I have there were as many as 40 shrouds at one time vying for money and fame I forget why the one in the city of Turin won out but if I check my notes I might remember why…
That's why I asked whether you had studied the most recent findings, and your thoughts on these. I'm interested in your perspective on current research.
As usual Meriweather you have mixed up a lot of things together Jesus was never anointed unless you call being washed by a sinful fwoman anointing…He certainly wasn’t anointed in the proper fashion that is for sure….lol..
I wasn't speaking of the anointing by oil usually reserved for kings/rulers and high priests. Aren't several prophets considered 'anointed by God' who did have a ceremony anointing them with oil? I love Elijah because his experiences, directions in finding God profoundly touched my life. I believe he was one of the prophets who is considered anointed by God, but who was not anointed with oil? Perhaps I have my words mixed up, but I thought the same Hebrew word for 'anointed' has been used both to signify the ceremony that included smearing of oil. and to recognize even without the smearing of oil, God can anoint someone for a specific purpose.

I understand Jews do not regard Jesus as being anointed by God for anything. I note Jesus saw himself as being anointed by God for a particular purpose.
Look to Greek mythology for The Pig Scene you will find it there...The Gospels just ripped off the story as they have an almost everything printed in the gospel tales....Hope That Helps clear up the issue
I don't need to look up Greek mythology. I've enjoyed Greek/Roman myths since childhood. Jesus permitting demons to enter into pigs does not resemble the story of Circe turning men into pigs.
I apologize for the garbage remark I posted that many years ago and forgot to take that out in my reply to you it had nothing to do with you
Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate that. Obviously, apology accepted.
I wasn't speaking of the anointing by oil usually reserved for kings/rulers and high priests. Aren't several prophets considered 'anointed by God' who did have a ceremony anointing them with oil? I love Elijah because his experiences, directions in finding God profoundly touched my life. I believe he was one of the prophets who is considered anointed by God, but who was not anointed with oil? Perhaps I have my words mixed up, but I thought the same Hebrew word for 'anointed' has been used both to signify the ceremony that included smearing of oil. and to recognize even without the smearing of oil, God can anoint someone for a specific purpose.

I understand Jews do not regard Jesus as being anointed by God for anything. I note Jesus saw himself as being anointed by God for

I wasn't speaking of the anointing by oil usually reserved for kings/rulers and high priests. Aren't several prophets considered 'anointed by God' who did have a ceremony anointing them with oil? I love Elijah because his experiences, directions in finding God profoundly touched my life. I believe he was one of the prophets who is considered anointed by God, but who was not anointed with oil? Perhaps I have my words mixed up, but I thought the same Hebrew word for 'anointed' has been used both to signify the ceremony that included smearing of oil. and to recognize even without the smearing of oil, God can anoint someone for a specific purpose.

I understand Jews do not regard Jesus as being anointed by God for anything. I note Jesus saw himself as being anointed by God for a particular purpose.
I wasn't speaking of the anointing by oil usually reserved for kings/rulers and high priests. Aren't several prophets considered 'anointed by God' who did have a ceremony anointing them with oil? I love Elijah because his experiences, directions in finding God profoundly touched my life. I believe he was one of the prophets who is considered anointed by God, but who was not anointed with oil? Perhaps I have my words mixed up, but I thought the same Hebrew word for 'anointed' has been used both to signify the ceremony that included smearing of oil. and to recognize even without the smearing of oil, God can anoint someone for a specific purpose.

I understand Jews do not regard Jesus as being anointed by God for anything. I note Jesus saw himself as being anointed by God for a particular

I wasn't speaking of the anointing by oil usually reserved for kings/rulers and high priests. Aren't several prophets considered 'anointed by God' who did have a ceremony anointing them with oil? I love Elijah because his experiences, directions in finding God profoundly touched my life. I believe he was one of the prophets who is considered anointed by God, but who was not anointed with oil? Perhaps I have my words mixed up, but I thought the same Hebrew word for 'anointed' has been used both to signify the ceremony that included smearing of oil. and to recognize even without the smearing of oil, God can anoint someone for a specific purpose.

I understand Jews do not regard Jesus as being anointed by God for anything. I note Jesus saw himself as being anointed by God for a particular purpose.
The holy anointing oil was in common use and was poured from the tip of the head usually thick enough to pour down the beard to the feet … Many people were anointed however the one you call Jesus was not anointed at all or in this fashion a wicked women washing his feet does not count… The interesting thing is The Shemen Afarshimon, the Holy Anointing Oil, from the Holy Temple, was found in April, 1988 by the VJRI excavation team. In the 1992 excavation, the VJRI team discovered a hidden silo in the bed rock that contained a reddish snuff-looking material that appeared to be organic in nature. When it was analyzed by the Weitzman Institute and two departments at Bar-Ilan University, the tests indicated that the reddish material was a compound of eleven ingredients in the Holy Incense. Over 900 pounds of the spices were removed that year. This Holy Incense, with the Anointing Oil, are two items listed in the Copper Scroll. Uniquely, they were found in the precise order that they occur written in the Torah… This means that people can be properly anointed again in our time esp the one whose right it is…
I don't need to look up Greek mythology. I've enjoyed Greek/Roman myths since childhood. Jesus permitting demons to enter into pigs does not resemble the story of Circe turning men into pigs.

Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate that. Obviously, apology accepted.
Circe was the daughter of Helios that turned Ulysses men into swine… Her symbol still adorns the front door of many a church since that is where the name Church possibly derives from…Greek mythology was swallowed up by the Romans who changed all the gods names and myths to Roman ones.. They attempted this with Israel too but could not digest them and spat them out whole… I guess we caused them a bad stomach ache….lol
Everybody who disagrees with him.
no as stated everyone who's a hinderer/adversary.
Example: when ADVERSARY Minority leader Hakim Jeffries tries to HINDER & OBSTRUCT Doge by abusing his power in stating defemation of the Doge workers by claiming they are stealing our personal private data, that is in legal terms Obstructing by U.S. law (hindering and baring false witness in God's law)
Trying to stop the healing of the ills of society and mankind is a hinderance and adversary our Essence to become Complete and Whole[stable] (in Hebrew: Shalem)
Ding and others are doing the same thing as Hakim, but in religion instead of politics. They are hindering(obstructing) and adversary any attempts to look up under the hood and point out the problems and removing the fraud waste and corruption. They are fighting against the refiners process- judgement fire. Because in their minds it's everyone else but them that needs the purifying=rules for thee but not for me.
Aka the Paulian- "no laws for me" tactic.
Aka the Paulian- "no laws for me" tactic.
Then let's look at this. Paul did not say, "No laws for me." He was speaking to the Gentiles, and said Jewish dietary laws, Sabbath keeping laws, circumcision. As God does not change, and the Ten Commandments were written by God, there was no change in these. Paul had an interesting theory about this. He said something to the effect that the Law/Commandments were for the lawless, not the righteous. He said the righteous could remain/pursue a higher righteousness by following Jesus who is one with God.

I see it differently from Paul. Picture a circle with Law on one side and love of God/Jesus on the opposite side. (Note: I am aware that unlike Christians, Jews do not see Jesus as one with God.) One can enter the circle by following the Law and run straight into love of God. King David loved the Law because he saw God's character in it. So...those entering the circle because they love God/Jesus find themselves, like King David, loving the Law.

I see the irony in Paul going back to what Jews already believed: The Gentiles (who Paul was among) needed only to keep the Noachide Law. Paul was a Jew. He told Gentiles to keep the Noachide Law. Jews today, like Paul, tell Gentiles the same. Nothing has changed, so be fair.
Then let's look at this. Paul did not say, "No laws for me." He was speaking to the Gentiles, and said Jewish dietary laws, Sabbath keeping laws, circumcision. As God does not change, and the Ten Commandments were written by God, there was no change in these. Paul had an interesting theory about this. He said something to the effect that the Law/Commandments were for the lawless, not the righteous. He said the righteous could remain/pursue a higher righteousness by following Jesus who is one with God.

I see it differently from Paul. Picture a circle with Law on one side and love of God/Jesus on the opposite side. (Note: I am aware that unlike Christians, Jews do not see Jesus as one with God.) One can enter the circle by following the Law and run straight into love of God. King David loved the Law because he saw God's character in it. So...those entering the circle because they love God/Jesus find themselves, like King David, loving the Law.

I see the irony in Paul going back to what Jews already believed: The Gentiles (who Paul was among) needed only to keep the Noachide Law. Paul was a Jew. He told Gentiles to keep the Noachide Law. Jews today, like Paul, tell Gentiles the same. Nothing has changed, so be fair.
No, Saul was a Jew, Sergius Paulus called Paul was most likely not and neither was Appollonias of Tyana called Pol. Listen to yourself explain the ideology, it's liken to the Dems explain immigration law and almost all laws that no longer needs to be followed as long as you recognize the end goal is to sign up people to the party you believe are lawless types and not if that party is doing good for the community or country.
"Paul had an interesting theory about this. He said something to the effect that the Law/Commandments were for the lawless, not the righteous. He said the righteous could remain/pursue a higher righteousness by following Jesus who is one with God."

I read 'the bibles' I don't remember Jesus
saying "it's ok to give up the torah laws"
or doing so himself or anything from Paul
stating that torah laws are strictures to keep
the bad guys in line
"Paul had an interesting theory about this. He said something to the effect that the Law/Commandments were for the lawless, not the righteous. He said the righteous could remain/pursue a higher righteousness by following Jesus who is one with God."

I read 'the bibles' I don't remember Jesus
saying "it's ok to give up the torah laws"
or doing so himself
or anything from Paul
stating that torah laws are strictures to keep
the bad guys in line

could that be why they waited 4 centuries to write their christian bible to deny as the jews what jesus did teach liberation theology, self determination the repudiation of judaism's false commandments and hereditary idolatry ... the true events of the 1st century purposely omitted by the romans (christians) in alliance with the jews.
could that be why they waited 4 centuries to write their christian bible to deny as the jews what jesus did teach liberation theology, self determination the repudiation of judaism's false commandments and hereditary idolatry ... the true events of the 1st century purposely omitted by the romans (christians) in alliance with the jews.
could be----after 4 centuries, with an illiterate audience---they could claim Jesus said ANYTHING they wanted Jesus to say he said
There is a recent movie called Conclave whereby I hear the disturbing conclusion (warning Plot reveal) is the new Pope is elected a Unsuspected Woman they think is a man.
My sign of 88 (age of the Pope) for Feb28th (in my post here)
and telling You the church is "regurgitating old mythologies"(post reference # 36318832 #177 on this thread) is called a tie in, tying it all together while on topic, showing you I'm always one step ahead of you, so you can never know where I'm going with this until the finale reveals itself at the end.

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There is a recent movie called Conclave whereby I hear the disturbing conclusion (warning Plot reveal) is the new Pope is elected a Unsuspected Woman they think is a man.
My sign of 88 (age of the Pope) for Feb28th (in my post here)
and telling You the church is "regurgitating old mythologies"(post reference # 36318832 #177 on this thread) is called a tie in, tying it all together while on topic, showing you I'm always one step ahead of you, so you can never know where I'm going with this until the finale reveals itself at the end.

Well I was waiting patiently very interesting and you are as usual one step ahead as you say… I should of twigged on the 88 those crazy 8’s just keep on popping up with no end in sight just like playing that game as a kid… Figures…Esp the part where he is having issues with his “ Nepes” or breath or Soul since that is tied to our breath… He has been very vocal on his viewpoint regarding current events in Israel and his vomiting crap about Israel and standing in the way like Satan or the adversary is very telling to say the least after all he wants to protect his counterfeit temple in the Vatican from loosing its power and sway it is rather obvious to say the least…
There is a recent movie called Conclave whereby I hear the disturbing conclusion (warning Plot reveal) is the new Pope is elected a Unsuspected Woman they think is a man.

who will select the next pope since their beginning have never deviated from their scripture ...


so sadly only as described an intervention from the twilight zone is all that will ever save them.
who will select the next pope since their beginning have never deviated from their scripture ...

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so sadly only as described an intervention from the twilight zone is all that will ever save them.
This was supposed to be their last Pope, if not, then they prove their prophecy skills are bogus (as we already know).
Time for the changing back of the guards to it's rightful place and platform.
This was supposed to be their last Pope, if not, then they prove their prophecy skills are bogus (as we already know).
Time for the changing back of the guards to it's rightful place and platform.
Forgeries generally are bogus. Check with scholars.

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