Zone1 Why can't there be a serious intellectual discusion about Jesus' gender and sexuality?

This was supposed to be their last Pope, if not, then they prove their prophecy skills are bogus (as we already know).
Time for the changing back of the guards to it's rightful place and platform.
It is ironic that the arch of Titus shows the items the Romans carried away from the sacking of the temple in Jerusalem and when the Vatican was asked to RETURN ( Hashev in Hebrew) said items there was only silence but hey that is okay because in typical Israeli fashion and hutzpa they have adapted and overcome this situation by making replicas everything is now in place that is needed to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem many have tried to thwart this coming event with bogus scare tactics and walling in walls and building over said ruins etc etc ultimately time will tell if they are sucessfull or not. It has been 77 years since Israel was reborn as a state in May of this year ( Double Sheva) and it is time whether St Malachi prophecies are forgeries or not… They have been trying to split the “ baby”( Israel into Palestine and Israel) for all this time but Solomon who ironically built the first temple would not allow it then and like Solomon we should not allow it now as Israel should be given to its rightfull heirs and to those who truly love it… Spliting the “ baby” was always a non starter from the very beginning and the building on the temple will give the Jewish people a proper platform to teach and RETURN all people’s to the original concepts that is why Mount Moriah means to Teach.. We have had a lot of bad teachers over the years teaching ridiculous ideas and concepts that have brought nothing but confusion and radicalization it is time to try something new/old to break the cycle of the last two thousand years… After all the concept of insanity is to try the same thing over and over expecting a different result have we not finally learned our lessons yet….Hmmmmm…
no as stated everyone who's a hinderer/adversary.
Example: when ADVERSARY Minority leader Hakim Jeffries tries to HINDER & OBSTRUCT Doge by abusing his power in stating defemation of the Doge workers by claiming they are stealing our personal private data, that is in legal terms Obstructing by U.S. law (hindering and baring false witness in God's law)
Trying to stop the healing of the ills of society and mankind is a hinderance and adversary our Essence to become Complete and Whole[stable] (in Hebrew: Shalem)
Ding and others are doing the same thing as Hakim, but in religion instead of politics. They are hindering(obstructing) and adversary any attempts to look up under the hood and point out the problems and removing the fraud waste and corruption. They are fighting against the refiners process- judgement fire. Because in their minds it's everyone else but them that needs the purifying=rules for thee but not for me.
Aka the Paulian- "no laws for me" tactic.
Yeah, I'm not interested in any of this crap. You've got some hatred for Christians going on, and you're angry no one will validate it.
Yeah, I'm not interested in any of this crap. You've got some hatred for Christians going on, and you're angry no one will validate it.
see there's your problem, you should be, since it's the same complacency to allow the gradual slow decline of society permeate our tolerance and acceptability levels till suddenly you drown in your own cesspool of behavior flaws, corruption, crime, violence, immorality, lower standards, Nhilism, power abuse and enslavement (subversion).
see there's your problem, you should be, since it's the same complacency to allow the gradual slow decline of society permeate our tolerance and acceptability levels till suddenly you drown in your own cesspool of behavior flaws, corruption, crime, violence, immorality, lower standards, Nhilism, power abuse and enslavement (subversion).
Jesus was a male. End of story.
see there's your problem, you should be, since it's the same complacency to allow the gradual slow decline of society permeate our tolerance and acceptability levels till suddenly you drown in your own cesspool of behavior flaws, corruption, crime, violence, immorality, lower standards, Nhilism, power abuse and enslavement (subversion).
That's nice, kid. Go play.
Jesus was a male. End of story.
That right it was a “ Story” In the gospels or good news he was depicted as such no different then Gandalf or Bilbo or Frodo etc etc were depicted in the lord of the rings or any other novel or paperback…
That right it was a “ Story” In the gospels or good news he was depicted as such no different then Gandalf or Bilbo or Frodo etc etc were depicted in the lord of the rings or any other novel or paperback…
He was a living, breathing historical person.

Don’t highlight your ignorance.
He was a living, breathing historical person.

Don’t highlight your ignorance.

much to be said their fame made so by the heavens for its validity became destined to have an untimely ending by assailants using their crime to bolster their own false agenda and is the true tragedy of jesus, the 1st century events and the fruition of the christian bible in the 4th century.
Is that a mature way to talk to a grown man.. Do you have children do you treat them with such disrespect as well…
You get the respect you deserve. You act like a petulant child, you get treated like a petulant child.

Don't like it? Then don't act like a petulant child.

Ball's in your court, Slappy.
He was a living, breathing historical person.

Don’t highlight your ignorance.
no the people making up portions of his image were, there'a a big difference.
RE-READ THE QUESTION: "Was 1 of those figures that make up the Jesus image a woman confused or assumed male?
The Bible, the Koran and every historic text that mentions him all state he was a cis male

Seems pretty shut and closed
The Bible, the Koran and every historic text that mentions him all state he was a cis male

Seems pretty shut and closed
No the Koran mentions 1 of the 3 christs or they are using the combined image themselves, and the Compiled new bible using the compiled stories and figures is no mentioning a singular historical man, but an image of a man. An image of a man is not a man, and if a woman created that image it makes the reflection even more arguable.
You’re a moron and a troll.
No you are acting the role of a troll, remember it's my thread and you are the intruder acting up.
Otherwise you'd be able to answer a simple question: which historical JEWISH NAMED figure are you calling Jesus? Just about EVERYONE FAILS this simple question.
No you are acting the role of a troll, remember it's my thread and you are the intruder acting up.
Otherwise you'd be able to answer a simple question: which historical JEWISH NAMED figure are you calling Jesus? Just about EVERYONE FAILS this simple question.
If you won't accept any answer other than the one you've dictated is correct, you're not here for discussion.

No one has any obligation to validate your lunacy. Run along now, kid.
No you are acting the role of a troll, remember it's my thread and you are the intruder acting up.
Your thread is a troll thread offered by a fucking imbecile.

And I’m not intruding, you shit head. I’m replying. It’s a message board. An invitation isn’t required. You’re dumber than shit.
Otherwise you'd be able to answer a simple question: which historical JEWISH NAMED figure are you calling Jesus? Just about EVERYONE FAILS this simple question.
You’re beyond ignorant. Jesus is the name of the man under discussion.
No you are acting the role of a troll, remember it's my thread and you are the intruder acting up.
Otherwise you'd be able to answer a simple question: which historical JEWISH NAMED figure are you calling Jesus? Just about EVERYONE FAILS this simple question.
Simple. The Jewish named person we are calling Jesus, is the one told of in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Historical mentions of him have are from Tacitus, Josephus, and Pliny the Younger. These have been found and verified by scholars. Anyone doing the research can verify this.

HaShev, you did no research on verifying the claims in your OP, and that could have been easily done. Some atheists spend a lot of time digging up reasons for not believing in God. In the same way, those who do not believe in Jesus of the New Testament spend a large amount of time digging for reasons not to believe Jesus ever lived or was resurrected or ascended into heaven.

A simple, "I don't believe that" suffices for those who don't believe in God and the same who do not believe in Jesus.

Time is valuable, don't waste it. Spend it on people/issues you do believe in.
Simple. The Jewish named person we are calling Jesus, is the one told of in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Historical mentions of him have are from Tacitus, Josephus, and Pliny the Younger. These have been found and verified by scholars. Anyone doing the research can verify this.

HaShev, you did no research on verifying the claims in your OP, and that could have been easily done. Some atheists spend a lot of time digging up reasons for not believing in God. In the same way, those who do not believe in Jesus of the New Testament spend a large amount of time digging for reasons not to believe Jesus ever lived or was resurrected or ascended into heaven.

A simple, "I don't believe that" suffices for those who don't believe in God and the same who do not believe in Jesus.

Time is valuable, don't waste it. Spend it on people/issues you do believe in.
See your answer fails.
1)you have no idea why it's the wrong answer
2)you don't even care to know the answer via the way you repeated the mistakes already addressed with historical facts here, that you never refuted.
3)you never even gave a legittimate answer (because you still left no name) which is what giving the character acnew name does, takes it out of the historical context whereby you can study the failures of that historical figure to deliver as promised and required.

Once again Josephus mentions 2 of the 3 christs but not Jesus, the later mentions are PROVEN forgeries placed into later editions of the texts. Earlier editions have no mention of this Jesus.
Lastly I did a geneology essay on how Josephus was distantly related to Salome- (Jannaeus' wife) who was supposed to be related to Yeshu (of 100bc) just as in the Christian accounts.
That means Josephus didn't even mention nor seem to know of, nor thought special enough to write about this relative mirale worker, a distant relative who was at least 1/3 the trinity of christs used for your Jesus who you can't name singularly- historically.
Your thread is a troll thread offered by a fucking imbecile.

And I’m not intruding, you shit head. I’m replying. It’s a message board. An invitation isn’t required. You’re dumber than shit.

You’re beyond ignorant. Jesus is the name of the man under discussion.
once again, Jesus isn't a historical nor Jewish name and was only once mentioned in History as a Woman's name in 70 or 90ad,( I forget which).
You need to look up the list of HISTORICAL Christ figures and pick one, because you are embarassing yourself using ad hominem replies instead of answering the simplest of questions. This is like that "can men have babies" question and your staling is just as embarassing as the time the liberals were triped up on that one.

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