Why can't women win Nobel prizes in Physics??

Another question. If women are mentally equal to men, why do they insist on having female only chess tournaments.?
Look at the bellcurve. Who has most of the 120 iq's or above?

We can encourage women until we're blue in the face and crap on our young boys, but that isn't seeming to help them very much.
Another question. If women are mentally equal to men, why do they insist on having female only chess tournaments.?

Female based classes
Female colleges
A system rigged in their favor through affirmative action.

IF they were they would just do it.
Look at the bellcurve. Who has most of the 120 iq's or above?
We can encourage women until we're blue in the face and crap on our young boys, but that isn't seeming to help them very much.

This has been noticed for centuries. All the geniuses are men.

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