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Why Christianity's drive for conversion is idiotic

The atonement of Jesus Chris occurred. No one who has used it's power to heal can deny it. Because of his suffering we are healed.

Apply it and you will know and feel it.
If your god needs you to go door to door for Him then He isn't much of anything, is He?
Good One Taz...lol.... His Disciples are all Walter Mitty with vivid imaginations....Avatar Self testimony is self testimony.....As I have stated before with christians it is really a test to get all the mon e y..... Jesus doesnt save anything that is why you are all running around trying to get more mon ey....
So Avatar when you hit the door of Moshiach and ask him if he wants to be saved, what's the end result?
So Avatar when you hit the door of Moshiach and ask him if he wants to be saved, what's the end result?

Whose door?

I don't usually ask people if they want to be saved. I share the good news
The two evangelical religions

1. Christianity (2.2 billion people and 32% of world's population)
2. Islam (1.6 billion people and 23% of the population)

Judaism (14 million people and only 0.2% of the population)

Nuff said

right----it always pays to advertise
Jeremiah disagrees with Jesus:

Aug 22, 2014
Jeremiah quoted:
the tradition is to say "God Bless you". Because when someone sneezes their heart momentarily stops beating.

Jesus and his crew thought demons came out their nose when they sneezed.
snopes.com Etymology of Bless You
The Pope is considered the highest reflection(son of) Jesus, therefore Jeremiah on July 8th 2015
called Jesus the Devil:
"Stop making excuses for that son of the devil."
Also in the same post she goes on to bash mentally disabled people when she said:
"And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha!"

for the record------a sneeze---can be initiated by a VALSALVA---
depending on how things go------a valsalva maneuver can slow
the heart beat. My brilliant theory is that the ancients did notice
that slight momentary slowing of the heartbeat-----anyone interested---
The atonement of Jesus Chris occurred. No one who has used it's power to heal can deny it. Because of his suffering we are healed.

Apply it and you will know and feel it.

I was once very sick-----at death's door-----a missionary lady came to
my deathbed -----I said "I am jewish" and turned away------I recovered anyway. -----the docs had informed my family that I would
not survive------but I think (I am not sure) that the doc was jewish too. Of course, then again----Jesus was jewish too and he cured
people. I have a general question------do "other people" (you know that means 'gentiles' in this case other than christians) get all excited over "healers" like jews have
for thousands of years? Did muhummad cure people---actually
cure serious hopeless cases like Jesus did----and other jewish "healers" did according to legend? and saints cure Christians?
I wonder if Buddhists do the HEALER thing
If your god needs you to go door to door for Him then He isn't much of anything, is He?

You miss the point of going door to door then.
If your god really existed, it wouldn't need you to go door to door.

The Lord can do His own work. He has us go door to door for our benefit not His.
Then why the recruitment for your god? And do you not realize that 99.9% of the people you DISTURB hate you and wish you'd never come back?
Quote: Whose door?
I don't usually ask people if they want to be saved.
I share the good news

Ok in the same vain: who's good news?

I ask cause, does this sound like good news, someone wanting to blow up the world?

“... from my Father. To the one who conquers
(DESTROYS to gain) I will also give the morning
star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
John 6:66 they stoped following him after Jesus
makes the claim that He will ascend into heaven
liken to Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-19
The serpent speaks:
Genesis uses the term 'nachash' for the serpent.
This word means "serpent" at Numbers 21:9, and
Jesus used nachash (serpent) to refer to himself in
John 3:14
The serpent offers the fruit from his forbidden tree
asking to believe in his word that you will not die
partaking of that fruit.
In Genesis 3:4 the temptation by the Serpent (as
the shining one not a viper type snake) saying:
"eat from this tree and "ye shall not surely die."
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the
cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you
will not die” books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus
said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it."
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit.":
(Matthew 10: 34-40.)“Do not suppose that I have
come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to
bring peace but a sword [an Aramaic idiom
meaning division]. For I have come to set a man
against his father and a daughter against her
mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-
in-law. And a man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household. Whoever loves father or
mother more than me is not worthy of me; and
whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not
worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his
cross and follow me [worship death as he did] is
not worthy of me. He who is concerned about his
life shall lose it; and he who loses his life for my
sake shall find it. Whoever receives you, receives
me; and whoever receives me receives him who
sent me."
Thomas Verse 16 "Perhaps people think that I have
come to bring peace to the world. They do not
know that I have come to bring conflict to the
earth: fire, sword, war. For five people will be in a
house: It will be three against two, and two
against three, father against son, and son against
father, and they will stand
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a
thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall
pass away with a great noise, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the
works that are therein shall be burned up. --Does
this sound like a savior to save the world or the
Abbadon= (destroyer) to destroy the world that
G0d created?
Last edited:
The atonement of Jesus Chris occurred. No one who has used it's power to heal can deny it. Because of his suffering we are healed.

Apply it and you will know and feel it.

I was once very sick-----at death's door-----a missionary lady came to
my deathbed -----I said "I am jewish" and turned away------I recovered anyway. -----the docs had informed my family that I would
not survive------but I think (I am not sure) that the doc was jewish too. Of course, then again----Jesus was jewish too and he cured
people. I have a general question------do "other people" (you know that means 'gentiles' in this case other than christians) get all excited over "healers" like jews have
for thousands of years? Did muhummad cure people---actually
cure serious hopeless cases like Jesus did----and other jewish "healers" did according to legend? and saints cure Christians?
I wonder if Buddhists do the HEALER thing

I can't answer about our faiths but I know my church believes in the gift of healing. I've been healed myself. Joseph Smith healed a number of people with the power of God. I know several other saints who have as well
If your god needs you to go door to door for Him then He isn't much of anything, is He?

You miss the point of going door to door then.
If your god really existed, it wouldn't need you to go door to door.

The Lord can do His own work. He has us go door to door for our benefit not His.
Then why the recruitment for your god? And do you not realize that 99.9% of the people you DISTURB hate you and wish you'd never come back?

Because we love you.
The good news is that Jesus conquered death and sin. Because of Him everyone will rise from the dead. And because of Him we can be forgiven of our sins if we repent.
And so the delusion is to acredit it to a dead man who never lived just like when villagers see a lady image they automatically acredit it to Mary. So what happens when the village idiots study history to find out Mary is the harlot mother of the 100bc era christ and not the Herod era Galilean? They see what they want to see and relate it to the errors they are taught...period.
That is not a reason to live a lie and worse a lie that cost over 50 million lives and that tortured, abused and milked people out of wealth, health, and happiness.
Conquered death eh?
He died, his apostles died.
You complain your flock is dying in the Middle East.
You have Christian grave yards, and mortuaries, and Christian funeral home and life insurance Policies.
=epic fail= epic lie.
The resurrection will occur for all men as it did for christ.
Then why am I the one mentioned in the who's who of America as the founder of 3 methods of resurrection and not Jesus? Why is he just a plagiarism of predated Rabbi Yohoshua ben Chananiah's resurrection teachings in the OT and had no revealed process, just the church words that it's always a mystery aka "we don't know, so just shut up and let us hit you with our yard sticks".

If the NT states devil is the power of death& destruction and Michael is the remover of the devil then Michael not jesus is the remover of death and destruction.
Connect the dots, it's as easy as putting a round peg in a round hole, but you keep trying to shove that odd square peg in everyones one good hole.

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