Why Confederate monument removal is a questionable mission for all Americans, black and white.

You live in the south. Colour me surprised. Those monuments are speaking for you.
I was born in NYC, so stuff it c/b...
But you live in the south, the Gulf of Mexico. Those monuments are speaking for you. Unless, of course, you're lying about your location.
You're not even an American and your going to tell me about the Confederate War and where I live, just STFU c/s. F you and Eloy...2 4 1
Buy the way, when you erase the confederacy you erase SLAVERY, don't come to me and say my ancestors were slaves I'll tell you according to the Libarts slavery didn't exist...


Did someone give you a star for changing the subject, I wonder.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I never changed the subject either.
In contrast, you began writing about killing policemen.
I'M not going to argue with a europeeon it's a waste time, besides you got bigger problems with the islamic invasion you'd better worry about...
I accept your concession.
You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I never changed the subject either.
In contrast, you began writing about killing policemen.
I'M not going to argue with a europeeon it's a waste time, besides you got bigger problems with the islamic invasion you'd better worry about...
I accept your concession.

You said I live in the south, I was correcting you, but I understand your typical libtart response. Carry on...
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I never changed the subject either.
In contrast, you began writing about killing policemen.
I'M not going to argue with a europeeon it's a waste time, besides you got bigger problems with the islamic invasion you'd better worry about...
I accept your concession.

Thanks for kicking his ass.
Did someone award you a star for confusing me with someone else, I wonder; I never mentioned anything about where you live.
Your right my bad, But I didn't change the subject, YOU DID...
I never changed the subject either.
In contrast, you began writing about killing policemen.
I'M not going to argue with a europeeon it's a waste time, besides you got bigger problems with the islamic invasion you'd better worry about...
I accept your concession.

Thanks for kicking his ass.
CandyAss you get one of your own...


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