Why Confront Islam?

And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright fucking genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.
Are you still talking?

Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
View attachment 231245

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.


Fucking liar.
Try not to take too long with your apology. :biggrin:
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism
And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright f----g genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to. You seem to imagine that everyone was a Christian. If I was Islamic, and living in the Mideast somewhere, I'd likely consider you a Christian. All Americans are "Christians" don't you know. Just because people killed Jews and murdered "heretics" doesn't mean that they were Christian. The guy who wrote Amazing Grace was a drunken, lecherous, slave trader. He didn't become a Christian until he almost died in a storm at sea. And then suddenly he changed and wasn't the sort of jerk you seem to be now...
Which branch of Islam?
The one based on the Koran and Hadiths.
If you’re claiming there’s only one branch I wonder how you explain the slaughter between Shia and Sunni?
Wouldn’t it be more fruitful to analyse and critique the contents of the Koran in the light of the different cultures relying upon it as their ‘moral’ guide?
Shall we examine Surah 9?
Why just Sura 9? If you’re suggesting anything like Sura 3: V19 I can assure you I’m not one of the ‘rightly guided'
Or to put it more simply (and I include all so called holy books) ‘Know thine enemy’.
Would you like to examine the Hadiths of Bukhari?
Why do you presume I haven’t and if I had why would I want to repeat the experience endlessly? If you're driven by evangelical ambition I can assure you you’re wasting your time an mine.
As to the democrats loving Islam I wasn’t aware the party had a clearly defined policy towards any particular religion. Maybe you’ve been goaded by xenophobia into Trumpian conspiracy theory? And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we are in no danger from Islamic extremists However we should take into account the behavior of the so called Christian west towards Muslim nations over the last hundred years and ask ourselves if we aren’t in some way experienc in understanable revenge.

You pay no attention at all.
I do not respond to Ad hominem arguments .

And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behaviour. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Sorry , but your grammar has me confused here. I’m also unfamiliar with ‘logical fallacy of tu quoque’ or why you claim ’No doubt you seek to engage etc'
However, I find it hard to believe you actually think Christians are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction with the world. What was the Spanish Inquisition, a party?

As with all Muslim apologists, you have to reach back a thousand years to make your moral equivalency fallacy (tu quoque). Islam is savage TODAY, not in 1250, but TODAY.

As for Muslim sects, 40 years ago we were taught that Sunni were savages but the Shi'ite were the "civilized Muslims." Then came Khomeini and the fact that all Muslims are beasts became irrefutable.
And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright fucking genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!

You're such a fucking liar, Stalin.
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.

Oh my Allah, that's just terrible.

Since we are in Israel circa 3500 BC it's really relevant to.

Say Sploogy, don't Muslims practice slavery TODAY, RIGHT THIS SECOND?

You fucking bigots are something else. You'll excuse any atrocity just so you can spew your hatred at Christians and whites.

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.


Fucking liar.
Try not to take too long with your apology. :biggrin:
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism

Apology for what, Comrade?

I addressed the article by "Hate" yesterday. So, where is the "force?" Charter schools are entirely voluntary. Looks like what makes you bigots angry is that those schools reflect the values of the parents instead of indoctrinating children with the agenda YOU seek to force.
And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright f----g genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to. You seem to imagine that everyone was a Christian. If I was Islamic, and living in the Mideast somewhere, I'd likely consider you a Christian. All Americans are "Christians" don't you know. Just because people killed Jews and murdered "heretics" doesn't mean that they were Christian. The guy who wrote Amazing Grace was a drunken, lecherous, slave trader. He didn't become a Christian until he almost died in a storm at sea. And then suddenly he changed and wasn't the sort of jerk you seem to be now...
As with most issues, the Bible is so riddled with contradictions it can be used to justify almost anything. Although Exodus 21:16 appears to preach against slavery Leviticus 25:44 tells us "As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you."
And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright f----g genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to. You seem to imagine that everyone was a Christian. If I was Islamic, and living in the Mideast somewhere, I'd likely consider you a Christian. All Americans are "Christians" don't you know. Just because people killed Jews and murdered "heretics" doesn't mean that they were Christian. The guy who wrote Amazing Grace was a drunken, lecherous, slave trader. He didn't become a Christian until he almost died in a storm at sea. And then suddenly he changed and wasn't the sort of jerk you seem to be now...
As with most issues, the Bible is so riddled with contradictions it can be used to justify almost anything. Although Exodus 21:16 appears to preach against slavery Leviticus 25:44 tells us "As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you."

Which IF you were honest, you would acknowledge were no different than the illegal aliens that democrats keep as slaves today. It was NOT chattel slavery.
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.

Oh my Allah, that's just terrible.

Since we are in Israel circa 3500 BC it's really relevant to.

Say Sploogy, don't Muslims practice slavery TODAY, RIGHT THIS SECOND?

You fucking bigots are something else. You'll excuse any atrocity just so you can spew your hatred at Christians and whites.
Are you trying to say I support slavery? Never have and never will.
Spew my hatred at Christians? There are so many branches of so called Christianity and associated sects any generalised claim about ‘all Christians’ is bound in part to be wrong.
Contrast Rome with, say, the Quakers. As to whites, what group to you imagine I belong to?
Maybe a more careful reading of others posts before you have a hissy fit would be a good idea?
“Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?
Psalm 77:V.9.
Are you trying to say I support slavery? Never have and never will.

No, I'm saying you are a bigot who employs logical fallacy to attack the object of your hatred.

You point to Hebrew texts from 5000 years ago in an attempt to claim that Christians today are "just like your Muslim allies."

It's entirely dishonest, as is the way of bigots.

Spew my hatred at Christians? There are so many branches of so called Christianity and associated sects any generalised claim about ‘all Christians’ is bound in part to be wrong.
Contrast Rome with, say, the Quakers. As to whites, what group to you imagine I belong to?

What "group?" Communist, democrat.

Maybe a more careful reading of others posts before you have a hissy fit would be a good idea?
“Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?
Psalm 77:V.9.

Again, this is a thread about Islam, which you attempted to defend by bigoted attacks on Christianity.
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to.

Bullshit. Actually read the rules of slavery in the bible. They are hardly voluntary... and the few rules protecting slaves only applied to Hebrews who were enslaved, not members of other religions or nations.
And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright f----g genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!
Not just that but the parts of the Old Testament support slavery.
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to. You seem to imagine that everyone was a Christian. If I was Islamic, and living in the Mideast somewhere, I'd likely consider you a Christian. All Americans are "Christians" don't you know. Just because people killed Jews and murdered "heretics" doesn't mean that they were Christian. The guy who wrote Amazing Grace was a drunken, lecherous, slave trader. He didn't become a Christian until he almost died in a storm at sea. And then suddenly he changed and wasn't the sort of jerk you seem to be now...
The Old Testament slavery amounted to being an indentured servant. You only remained a servant if you wanted to.

You only remained a servant if you wanted to ...


that's on the litter side, nipper - either you are mentally challenged or you are insanely reactionary ... simply put.

Can you point out where this practice is endorsed by the Koran?

You know, you pride yourself on being a writer and doing research, but you didn't even do the basics...

Let's look at these highlights from Wiki on the subject.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia

Bacha bazi is a form of pederasty which has been prevalent in Central Asia since antiquity.[citation needed] A number of Western travellers through Central Asia have reported on the phenomenon of the bacchá. Visiting Turkestan in 1872 to 1873, Eugene Schuyler observed that, "here boys and youths specially trained take the place of the dancing-girls of other countries. The moral tone of the society of Central Asia is scarcely improved by the change". His opinion was that the dances "were by no means indecent, though they were often very lascivious." At this date there were already signs of official disapproval of the practice.

During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi apparently carried the death penalty under Taliban law.[11][12] The practice of dancing boys is illegal under Afghan law, being against Islam,[13] but the laws are seldom enforced against powerful offenders and police have reportedly been complicit in related crimes.[14][15]

So by your logic, the Taliban, the nuttiest of the nutty Muslims, banned the practice!

I should also point out that Ancient Greece, the founders of what we laughingly call "Western Civilization" had similar practices, or I could point out that the Catholic Church would castrate young boys so they would have high singing voices into adulthood.

Castrato - Wikipedia

In the 1720s and 1730s, at the height of the craze for these voices, it has been estimated that upwards of 4,000 boys were castrated annually in the service of art.[11]Many came from poor homes and were castrated by their parents in the hope that their child might be successful and lift them from poverty (this was the case with Senesino). There are, though, records of some young boys asking to be operated on to preserve their voices (e.g. Caffarelli, who was from a wealthy family: his grandmother gave him the income from two vineyards to pay for his studies[12]). Caffarelli was also typical of many castrati in being famous for tantrums on and off-stage, and for amorous adventures with noble ladies.[13] Some, as described by Casanova, preferred gentlemen (noble or otherwise).[14] Only a small percentage of boys castrated to preserve their voices had successful careers on the operatic stage; the better "also-rans" sang in cathedral or church choirs, but because of their marked appearance and the ban on their marrying, there was little room for them in society outside a musical context.[15]

Can you point out where this practice is endorsed by the Koran?

You know, you pride yourself on being a writer and doing research, but you didn't even do the basics...

Let's look at these highlights from Wiki on the subject.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia

Bacha bazi is a form of pederasty which has been prevalent in Central Asia since antiquity.[citation needed] A number of Western travellers through Central Asia have reported on the phenomenon of the bacchá. Visiting Turkestan in 1872 to 1873, Eugene Schuyler observed that, "here boys and youths specially trained take the place of the dancing-girls of other countries. The moral tone of the society of Central Asia is scarcely improved by the change". His opinion was that the dances "were by no means indecent, though they were often very lascivious." At this date there were already signs of official disapproval of the practice.

During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi apparently carried the death penalty under Taliban law.[11][12] The practice of dancing boys is illegal under Afghan law, being against Islam,[13] but the laws are seldom enforced against powerful offenders and police have reportedly been complicit in related crimes.[14][15]

So by your logic, the Taliban, the nuttiest of the nutty Muslims, banned the practice!

I should also point out that Ancient Greece, the founders of what we laughingly call "Western Civilization" had similar practices, or I could point out that the Catholic Church would castrate young boys so they would have high singing voices into adulthood.

Castrato - Wikipedia

In the 1720s and 1730s, at the height of the craze for these voices, it has been estimated that upwards of 4,000 boys were castrated annually in the service of art.[11]Many came from poor homes and were castrated by their parents in the hope that their child might be successful and lift them from poverty (this was the case with Senesino). There are, though, records of some young boys asking to be operated on to preserve their voices (e.g. Caffarelli, who was from a wealthy family: his grandmother gave him the income from two vineyards to pay for his studies[12]). Caffarelli was also typical of many castrati in being famous for tantrums on and off-stage, and for amorous adventures with noble ladies.[13] Some, as described by Casanova, preferred gentlemen (noble or otherwise).[14] Only a small percentage of boys castrated to preserve their voices had successful careers on the operatic stage; the better "also-rans" sang in cathedral or church choirs, but because of their marked appearance and the ban on their marrying, there was little room for them in society outside a musical context.[15]

In spite of all your apologizing about raghead practices, the truth is exactly what the meme pointed out - it is a common practice and accepted by Muzzie religious leaders.
In spite of all your apologizing about raghead practices, the truth is exactly what the meme pointed out - it is a common practice and accepted by Muzzie religious leaders.

It's not a "common" practice. It's a practice in one country out of dozens, where it is illegal, was prosecuted under some governments, and predated Islams.

But you do go on with using racist terms like "Raghead", they totally strengthen your argument.

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