Why Confront Islam?

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Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
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No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Are you still talking?

Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
View attachment 231245

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Are you still talking?

Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
View attachment 231245

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism
Can't you go to another school?
No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism
Can't you go to another school?
Your concession is duly noted.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism
Can't you go to another school?
Your concession is duly noted.
I don’t believe anyone was forced to do anything. How were they forced?
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism
Can't you go to another school?
Your concession is duly noted.
I don’t believe anyone was forced to do anything. How were they forced?
You've already conceded the point. Better luck next time, don't beat around the bush.
Can't you go to another school?
Your concession is duly noted.
I don’t believe anyone was forced to do anything. How were they forced?
You've already conceded the point. Better luck next time, don't beat around the bush.
Only in your mind.
No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
Actually if we were only dealing with nutjobs it would be easier. The neuropsychology of religious experience and a few other esoteric areas of recent research shine a light on our species propensity for tribal delusions of the religious kind and the nature and evolutionary function of religious experience.
The real problem comes from our species ability to remain ‘in the world’ when dealing with everything EXCEPT religious belief. This allows the believer to attain material wealth, status in society etc with the exception of their great pixie in the sky theories. As a species we are able to compartmentalise our thought processes to such an extent centuries of theological study have used a form of twisted logic to justify totally irrational beliefs. There’s even a specific academic discipline devoted to this game, biblical apologetics. How the practitioners can even use that term without embarrassment is in itself a puzzle.
Then we have the widespread phenomena of so called holy books being so riddled with contradictions and obscurities they can be used to justify just about any action from circumcision to murdering the tribe over the hill. So, I think what I’m trying to say is the problem isn’t just religion or ideology, it’s the very nature of the human mind and the convoluted delusions we’re able to maintain whilst still able to construct weapons of mass destruction and other nasty toys.
Women still need to be liberated in this world. Institutions dedicated to keeping them subjugated all need to be confronted and dethroned.
i agree to practice Tolerance with Muslim women being, "pornographic enough to bare their ankles", on Thursdays.
From my perspective as a gay man I find it puzzling middle eastern men of various branches of Islam want to hide their women for fear of them turning other men on when they themselves know they’re at times sexually attractive to other men yet feel no need to cover up themselves. It’s as insane as what goes on in all male bath houses in the Middle East about which I have some experience but will simply allow you to use your imaginations.
Which branch of Islam?

The one based on the Koran and Hadiths.

Wouldn’t it be more fruitful to analize and critique the contents of the Koran in the light of the different cultures relying upon it as their ‘moral’ guide?


Shall we examine Surah 9?

Or to put it more simply (and I include all so called holy books) ‘Know thine enemy’.

Would you like to examine the Hadiths of Bukhari?

As to the democrats loving Islam I wasn’t aware the party had a clearly defined policy towards any particular religion. Maybe you’ve been goaded by xenophobia into Trumpian conspiracy theory? And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we are in no danger from Islamic extremists However we should take into account the behavior of the so called Christian west towards Muslim nations over the last hundred years and ask ourselves if we aren’t in some way experiencin understanable revenge.


You pay no attention at all.

And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.
As to the democrats loving Islam I wasn’t aware the party had a clearly defined policy towards any particular religion. Maybe you’ve been goaded by xenophobia into Trumpian conspiracy theory? And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we are in no danger from Islamic extremists However we should take into account the behavior of the so called Christian west towards Muslim nations over the last hundred years and ask ourselves if we aren’t in some way experiencing understandable revenge.

We do worse than that. We arm crazy people (Saddam, Bin Laden) and then wonder why they turn on us.

Thanks Adolf.

Tell us again about how you want to end Israel and engage in genocide of the Jews? Such a democrat position...
Are you still talking?

Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
View attachment 231245

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.


Fucking liar.
Are you still talking?

Let me know when you have something to add to the conversation other than your usual religious stupidity.
View attachment 231245

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.

The left has to lie, to justify the evil they support.

No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
The only one here who is trying to force other people what to believe is you, Joey.
Creationinsts are trying to force schools to teach their unfounded myths.
Sounds like a boogeyman in the closet to me.
Texas Public Charter Schools Are Teaching Creationism

Charter schools don't "force" anyone to attend, that is the point of them.

What do the regular public schools teach? Also, Slate is a rabidly leftist anti-Christian hate site. As all leftist hate sites, they specialize in incendiary headlines that are not supported by the actual facts.
No, the nutjobs are the ones who want to run other people's lives because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky told them to.
Actually if we were only dealing with nutjobs it would be easier. The neuropsychology of religious experience and a few other esoteric areas of recent research shine a light on our species propensity for tribal delusions of the religious kind and the nature and evolutionary function of religious experience.
The real problem comes from our species ability to remain ‘in the world’ when dealing with everything EXCEPT religious belief. This allows the believer to attain material wealth, status in society etc with the exception of their great pixie in the sky theories. As a species we are able to compartmentalise our thought processes to such an extent centuries of theological study have used a form of twisted logic to justify totally irrational beliefs. There’s even a specific academic discipline devoted to this game, biblical apologetics. How the practitioners can even use that term without embarrassment is in itself a puzzle.
Then we have the widespread phenomena of so called holy books being so riddled with contradictions and obscurities they can be used to justify just about any action from circumcision to murdering the tribe over the hill. So, I think what I’m trying to say is the problem isn’t just religion or ideology, it’s the very nature of the human mind and the convoluted delusions we’re able to maintain whilst still able to construct weapons of mass destruction and other nasty toys.

If you could kill all Christians by pressing a button, would you stop for a beer first?

Which branch of Islam?
The one based on the Koran and Hadiths.
If you’re claiming there’s only one branch I wonder how you explain the slaughter between Shia and Sunni?
Wouldn’t it be more fruitful to analyse and critique the contents of the Koran in the light of the different cultures relying upon it as their ‘moral’ guide?
Shall we examine Surah 9?
Why just Sura 9? If you’re suggesting anything like Sura 3: V19 I can assure you I’m not one of the ‘rightly guided'
Or to put it more simply (and I include all so called holy books) ‘Know thine enemy’.
Would you like to examine the Hadiths of Bukhari?
Why do you presume I haven’t and if I had why would I want to repeat the experience endlessly? If you're driven by evangelical ambition I can assure you you’re wasting your time an mine.
As to the democrats loving Islam I wasn’t aware the party had a clearly defined policy towards any particular religion. Maybe you’ve been goaded by xenophobia into Trumpian conspiracy theory? And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we are in no danger from Islamic extremists However we should take into account the behavior of the so called Christian west towards Muslim nations over the last hundred years and ask ourselves if we aren’t in some way experienc in understanable revenge.

You pay no attention at all.
I do not respond to Ad hominem arguments .

And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behaviour. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Sorry , but your grammar has me confused here. I’m also unfamiliar with ‘logical fallacy of tu quoque’ or why you claim ’No doubt you seek to engage etc'
However, I find it hard to believe you actually think Christians are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction with the world. What was the Spanish Inquisition, a party?


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And yes, find me a Christian theocracy and I'll be happy to examine their behavior. No doubt you seek to engage in the logical fallacy of tu quoque. Christians are not Muslims and are not guilty of the crimes against humanity that define Muslim interaction in the world.

Uh, no Christians have done a lot worse, spreading outright fucking genocide to Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe... Because Jesus loves you to death!

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