Why Dem's In Panic For 2014?; Blacks And "The Dumb-Informed" Don't Vote.

So long as the typical Obama&Liberal supporter resembles "Obama-Phone Girl", we don't have to worry about 2014.

So our leader has no plans to govern for at least another 2 or so years? Still needs to campaign for the mid-terms? Why? is he worried that the House will remain red?
It hasn't been mentioned yet on cable/radio news, but remember in 2010 how they brought up the issue that "Well, Obama isn't on the ballot"?, well, there you go. Obama isn't on any ballots in 2014, therefore, Blacks, Latino's, Ill-informed, Dumb-informed, Low-information, the stupid voters, and those who are too busy with their "Obama-Phones", Free TV, Free Internet, Food Stamps, etc, will not take the time to vote, if anything, they wont even know we were having a mid-term in November 2014.
But "THE WELL-INFORMED" Will Vote and they will come out in the masses!!! In 2014, Obama-Care will collapse and the 60 or so million people who voted for Romney will come out again, if not even more than in 2012.


Time will tell.
Obama will panic if things to improve, more people working means more votes for the GOP, the 47% that wont vote for the GOP no matter what will shrink to 44/45% if unemployment keeps dropping, even at this slow pace.
thank god a lot of dems can't read. and keep in mind, it was the "Stupid Vote" of a few million that gave Obama the win last year. If they are still that dumb, they wont even know when Election Day is come November. they will be too busy playing games on their PC and Weeee!

Still a sore loser?
Typical Liberal Voter: Mid Terms? Wad's Dat? Eye ain't know nottin' bowt no mid-ass-term, all eye no iz dat I got my Obama-Phone, my big-ass TV screen, my welfare-check, my rent is paid, dats all I need. !!

I simply cannot understand why, with such attitudes as yours on the Right, why minorities don't FLOCK to the Republicans.....

It's a mystery to me as well. And to the Rethugs.
and it was all over conservative radio today how now the world is laughing at Obama for his "Cry Wolf Adventure" that went on for 2/3 weeks. Gee, according to the stock market, all Dem's/Libs who believed that the world was coming to an end on March 1 or 2 all look like a bunch of dodo birds. If we are in a slow acopolypse then how did we just create 200,000 jobs with a 14,000 DOW?

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