Why did a single Dem Senator destroy a bill to prevent 270 million Americans' deaths?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and All cost to SAVE 210 million Americans is $2 billion!
A one time investment of $2 billion – less than the cost of the 2012 Presidential election - would provide our national electric grid robust EMP protection. Yet, Congress hasn’t passed the SHIELD Act.
EMP, Congress & The SHIELD Act **Exclusive**

Sen. Murkowski (D) stripped H.R. 5026 of the main elements designed to protect our infrastructure and did not add them to her bill. The effect has been to destroy the original purpose of H.R. 5026

“Within 12 months of an EMP attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would perish” from lack of electricity, Pry said, quoting the conclusions from the EMP Commission's two public reports.

Murkowski Blocks Effort to Protect US Power Grid
I've been researching why Murkowski did this legislative stripping and can't find a reason.
Of all the messing around and screwing up of our country the very one REAL benefit and all at at cost of $2 billion!

The government gives out billions in foreign aid AND WE can't get our power grids hardened???
Actually Mur-COW-ski is a republicrat. A RINO type the bed wetters always insist the republicrat party needs to promote in order to win elections.
Actually Mur-COW-ski is a republicrat. A RINO type the bed wetters always insist the republicrat party needs to promote in order to win elections.

Doesn't make a difference.
Why at the cost of $2 billion to harden power grids preventing loss of electricity and 270 million american deaths regardless was this stripped?
Actually Mur-COW-ski is a republicrat. A RINO type the bed wetters always insist the republicrat party needs to promote in order to win elections.

Doesn't make a difference.
Why at the cost of $2 billion to harden power grids preventing loss of electricity and 270 million american deaths regardless was this stripped?

That I can't answer, I can only speculate that when a libtard is involved asinine decisions are the rule rather than the exception.

However to view the issue with rose colored glasses, most of the people who die will be the bed wetters in the densely populated areas that are clueless about where food even comes from.

Those of us in the countryside will probably prosper after we clean up the mess, because there won't be any democrooks left alive to steal from us.
FOLKS I apologize! I thought it was Barbara mikulski and I was so wrong!
And in that common event where a Conservative will criticize GOPs for not sticking with principles,
I was wrong...Again.. now 5 times I've admitted it!
Very sorry folks to blame Democrats for a GOP vote.
Regardless there should be EMP hardening of the grid and at $2 billion WHAT a bargain!
Actually Mur-COW-ski is a republicrat. A RINO type the bed wetters always insist the republicrat party needs to promote in order to win elections.

Was it lisa? I thought he meant barbara mulkoski the bitch from maryland

Didnt palin kick ass on lisas dad frankto become the govenor?
“within 12 months of an emp attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the u.s. Population would perish” from lack of electricity, pry said,


I've been researching why Murkowski did this legislative stripping and can't find a reason.
Of all the messing around and screwing up of our country the very one REAL benefit and all at at cost of $2 billion!

The government gives out billions in foreign aid AND WE can't get our power grids hardened???

This was four fucking years ago.....
and All cost to SAVE 210 million Americans is $2 billion!
A one time investment of $2 billion – less than the cost of the 2012 Presidential election - would provide our national electric grid robust EMP protection. Yet, Congress hasn’t passed the SHIELD Act.
EMP, Congress & The SHIELD Act **Exclusive**

Sen. Murkowski (D) stripped H.R. 5026 of the main elements designed to protect our infrastructure and did not add them to her bill. The effect has been to destroy the original purpose of H.R. 5026

“Within 12 months of an EMP attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would perish” from lack of electricity, Pry said, quoting the conclusions from the EMP Commission's two public reports.

Murkowski Blocks Effort to Protect US Power Grid

In a surprising election-year gambit, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski has gutted legislation with strong bipartisan support that would protect the U.S. power grid from solar flares and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons, to benefit a “clean” energy bill backed by Senate Democrats.

The original bill, known as the GRID Act, authorized the federal government to take emergency measures to protect some 300 giant power transformers around the country. It passed the House of Representatives by a unanimous voice vote in August, an unusual show of bipartisan support in this Congress.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Murkowski Blocks Effort to Protect US Power Grid
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Why won't Republicans protect our power grids and why are they trying to blame a MD Senator?
and All cost to SAVE 210 million Americans is $2 billion!
A one time investment of $2 billion – less than the cost of the 2012 Presidential election - would provide our national electric grid robust EMP protection. Yet, Congress hasn’t passed the SHIELD Act.
EMP, Congress & The SHIELD Act **Exclusive**

Sen. Murkowski (D) stripped H.R. 5026 of the main elements designed to protect our infrastructure and did not add them to her bill. The effect has been to destroy the original purpose of H.R. 5026

“Within 12 months of an EMP attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would perish” from lack of electricity, Pry said, quoting the conclusions from the EMP Commission's two public reports.

Murkowski Blocks Effort to Protect US Power Grid

And now this thread after your Netherlands disaster? tsk...tsk

"""Lisa Murkowski
United States Senator
Lisa Ann Murkowski is the senior United States Senator from the State of Alaska and a member of the Republican Party. She was appointed to the Senate in 2002 by her father, Governor Frank Murkowski. Wikipedia""

Well, that at least EXPLAINS the cavalier attitude towards 210,000,000 Americans, now doesn't it?

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