why did all those Syrians flee to Europe ….

do you doubt it?
how would I know? I have ---in circumstances that
were not formal and very candid----even stressed.
How about Hindus? The various peoples of the planet
do have their own "peculiar cultural characteristics"----
Germans do PRECISION
and then complain that food and morals are different from home ….

why did they not flee to some country with similar food and morals?

Probably too much Germy mentality and blood .

The Germs were exactly the same , and look where they are now .

Kings of the rubbish dump .
^^^^ a good reason to flee---but it does not
explain why those who disdain "western" culture
did not flee to the countries with cultures similar
to their own
Could it be those countries wouldn’t allow them in?
Muslims are raised to believe they own the entire planet, and are actually entitled to subservience from all infidels, so why be grateful for people merely doing what is expected from them? Europeans are to be used, plundered, raped, and then murdered.
^^^^ a good reason to flee---but it does not
explain why those who disdain "western" culture
did not flee to the countries with cultures similar
to their own

2 million of them are living in Arabia and the Gulf States as brothers in distress, not refugees.
2 million of them are living in Arabia and the Gulf States as brothers in distress, not refugees.

Future terrorists for hire; their pet faux palestinians' are embarrassing their fellow Arabs yet again and they need replacements.
Muslims are raised to believe they own the entire planet, and are actually entitled to subservience from all infidels, so why be grateful for people merely doing what is expected from them? Europeans are to be used, plundered, raped, and then murdered.

you are only too right!

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