Why did God create humans?

God created humans to live , all of us ;man created religion to limit the number of people they think should be in Gods Kingdom. Religions are "Condemnation mongers", Hell mongers who try to take the Kingdom by the violence of their doctrines. Jesus taught in Matt. 23:14 that these kind of believers try to " Shut up the Kingdom from men";

you know , condemn you and tell you to go on your way , all the while believing your way is to end up in their hell.
Karl Marx believed that man created religion to control other men too.

I agree with Marx , and I agree when he said religion is " The Opiate of the people." Its why I want nothing to do with religion ,especially Christianity . I want nothing between me and God ;no human meddling.
Are you a Marxist? Do you believe that socialism is good?
God created humans to live , all of us ;man created religion to limit the number of people they think should be in Gods Kingdom. Religions are "Condemnation mongers", Hell mongers who try to take the Kingdom by the violence of their doctrines. Jesus taught in Matt. 23:14 that these kind of believers try to " Shut up the Kingdom from men";

you know , condemn you and tell you to go on your way , all the while believing your way is to end up in their hell.
Karl Marx believed that man created religion to control other men too.

I agree with Marx , and I agree when he said religion is " The Opiate of the people." Its why I want nothing to do with religion ,especially Christianity . I want nothing between me and God ;no human meddling.
Are you a Marxist? Do you believe that socialism is good?

Can you read? How many times must I tell you that I am not in any religion? You really , really NEED to put me in a group. There are well over 3,000 religious groups in the world , I am in NONE of them.

I am not in a non religious group. I am not a Marxist , I am not a Christian , I am not in anything your mind needs to put me in and define me. I walk alone in my views and belief. You can't seem to get that into your consciousness.
God created humans to live , all of us ;man created religion to limit the number of people they think should be in Gods Kingdom. Religions are "Condemnation mongers", Hell mongers who try to take the Kingdom by the violence of their doctrines. Jesus taught in Matt. 23:14 that these kind of believers try to " Shut up the Kingdom from men";

you know , condemn you and tell you to go on your way , all the while believing your way is to end up in their hell.
Karl Marx believed that man created religion to control other men too.

I agree with Marx , and I agree when he said religion is " The Opiate of the people." Its why I want nothing to do with religion ,especially Christianity . I want nothing between me and God ;no human meddling.
Are you a Marxist? Do you believe that socialism is good?

Can you read? How many times must I tell you that I am not in any religion? You really , really NEED to put me in a group. There are well over 3,000 religious groups in the world , I am in NONE of them.

I am not in a non religious group. I am not a Marxist , I am not a Christian , I am not in anything your mind needs to put me in and define me. I walk alone in my views and belief. You can't seem to get that into your consciousness.
Well you did agree with Karl Marx on at least one thing, now didn't you? And for the record, I am not labeling or defining you. It is called asking questions. You on the other hand are labeling and defining Christians in an unflattering way. Have you ever heard the phrase, guilty dog barking?
You know what , talking to a Christian is just totally useless.
Its too late ,no Atheist or Christian can change the future of all of humanity ; no matter how much Christians try to condemn people , no matter how much Atheist try to erase the future of humanity and claim we only live once ; humanity has a pre determined future with God!
Except you.

Why do I get all the spit experts and vampires?? Why do I attract the website bullies?

What have I done to deserve such an honor?
You're an idiot spouting nonsense, plain and simple.
Jesus never said anything, you read that in a book of fiction. Or do you have some proof of how Noah got kangaroos from Australia and back again?
How would you know that "Jesus never said anything, [I have] read in [that] book of "fiction?"
Because the closest anyone can date the earliest fragments of the bible is several generations after the events are supposed to have happened. And those are just a few fragments, most of the earliest bible can only be dated as close as hundreds of years.
And the left out the part about the aliens. :D
God created humans because Jesus was the perfect son and that pleased God.
Its all about the fruits of the Spirit

they are the keys of life!
God created humans as embryos of another life he will give us. And the Universe will be ours to use.
So why did Mr Invisible then banish Adam & Eve for being in love and making love?
The account of the "Garden of Eden" is allegorical.
So you're saying that Adam and Eve never happened? Good for you.
It's a little deeper than that. Basically what it means is that men know right from wrong and when they violate it instead of abandoning the concept they rationalize that they didn't do wrong. You're probably familiar with that, right?
Now Acts 17:28 "In him we live and move and have our being." This is referring to the Father God , we live because of him , its another reason we are alive. Notice again Jesus teaching in John 6:57,"I live BECAUSE of the Father." Plain and simple , Jesus is alive because of God, not because of himself.Now the Father does not live BECAUSE of anyone other than himself. So the Father is not Jesus. Jesus had to die ; he died before , God the Father cannot die. There's a distinct difference between them. Jesus or the Word , is alive BECAUSE of God! Jesus , like us , was birthed or created by God. And God is PLEASED with Jesus; because Jesus is perfectly obedient to his Father. He Loves his Father , he lives to do his Fathers will , John 6:38. Because Jesus turned out like that , this is what really made God WANT to have MORE children!
In Mormonism we have an axion.
This is the Father speaking:
This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
Now Acts 17:28 "In him we live and move and have our being." This is referring to the Father God , we live because of him , its another reason we are alive. Notice again Jesus teaching in John 6:57,"I live BECAUSE of the Father." Plain and simple , Jesus is alive because of God, not because of himself.Now the Father does not live BECAUSE of anyone other than himself. So the Father is not Jesus. Jesus had to die ; he died before , God the Father cannot die. There's a distinct difference between them. Jesus or the Word , is alive BECAUSE of God! Jesus , like us , was birthed or created by God. And God is PLEASED with Jesus; because Jesus is perfectly obedient to his Father. He Loves his Father , he lives to do his Fathers will , John 6:38. Because Jesus turned out like that , this is what really made God WANT to have MORE children!
In Mormonism we have an axion.
This is the Father speaking:
This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

I like That.
So why did Mr Invisible then banish Adam & Eve for being in love and making love?
The account of the "Garden of Eden" is allegorical.
So you're saying that Adam and Eve never happened? Good for you.
It's a little deeper than that. Basically what it means is that men know right from wrong and when they violate it instead of abandoning the concept they rationalize that they didn't do wrong. You're probably familiar with that, right?
But is that story a real story or made up?
God created humanity because his mind was expanding. Going ahead and beyond. This means God's consciousness has great range ; or you can say God has "Extension." We , humanity , are a part of that extension. In Genesis 2:7 God " Breathed "into Adam the breath of life; or one can say ,in a sense , that God "Extended a part of himself into Adam." God is life and he extended life into us.

And God is not a waster of time ;each one of our lives means something to him. He does not care about how we argue and quibble over what we think life is , God knows exactly what he is doing ;

we just don't know!
God created humanity because his mind was expanding. Going ahead and beyond. This means God's consciousness has great range ; or you can say God has "Extension." We , humanity , are a part of that extension. In Genesis 2:7 God " Breathed "into Adam the breath of life; or one can say ,in a sense , that God "Extended a part of himself into Adam." God is life and he extended life into us.

And God is not a waster of time ;each one of our lives means something to him. He does not care about how we argue and quibble over what we think life is , God knows exactly what he is doing ;

we just don't know!
"God created humanity because his mind was expanding", do you just make this stuff up as you go along?

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