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Why did Obama lie in October that Russia didn't hack the election when he knew in August they did?

Obama didn't want Hillary to win anymore than he wanted Trump to win. If Hillary won he knew that she and Bill would make him pay for beating her in 08 and if Trump won he knew or thought he could undermine Trumps administration via his deep state. An easy mark if you will, Of course he now knows he was wrong and may have to sit back and watch his entire work while in office dismantled and witness people he cares about from his administration go to prison.
He said specifically that it's impossible to hack an American election because of how decentralized the process is.

Then he told Trump to stop whining about the election and get more votes.

It seems like Trump took Obama's advice.

Think about this. When Obama was speaking here, he already knew Russian was actively trying to hack the election.

Obama lied right to the faces of the American public because he thought Hillary was going to win.

Obama Tells Trump No Hacking Stop Whining

Wow man, you really have comprehension problems. Obama was talking about hacking voting booths and changing votes. Trump was pushing this "rigged" narrative to cushion what looked to be an inevitable defeat. He was assigning blame to illegal votes and planting seeds of a rigged system which is what Obama was speaking to. Nobody has claimed that Russia hacked our voting machines and changed votes.
You are fucking stupid. It's that simple
Really? in your one liner you show more stupidity than anyone else on the board today.

No, really, you are stupid. Don't want to look stupid? Say non-stupid things. :slap:

There is just no other explanation for what you say given the stakes for Obama's legacy and everything he has been working his butt off to do.
I want to know why Obama didn't force the intelligence agencies to examine the DNC server. Why did the government allow a DNC employee to tell America it was the Russians?

It has caused a major international incident, mega hours spent on investigations and STILL no freaking government agency has examined the server.

Only because you are running out of bullshit straws to grasp at.

FBI is very clear about it's findings, I don't know wtf don't you understand or why you would refuse their high confidence assessments.

I don't give a rats ass about the FBI or any intelligence agencies findings when they have not examined the server themselves. And it's not grasping at straws. I've been on this part of the ridiculous assertion that the Russians did it coming from CrowdStrike. I know who they are and who they get financed by. And most importantly their heavy duty association with the Atlantic Council who are in part funded by none other than a heavy duty donor to the Clinton Foundation Mr. Victor Pinchuk.

Who also happens to be a Ukrainian oligarch who loathes Russia.
No, really, you are stupid. Don't want to look stupid? Say non-stupid things.
And if you don't want to look stupid you should tell us all what you believe was stupid in what I said. if you think Obama was comfortable with Hillary and Bill taking over his agenda you don't know squat. Bill hates Obama like "no other man on earth" and has said so over and over again. Obama thought Trump would be a push over while in office and trusted that Trump would never uncover his deep state but he did with that one famous tweet....Obama is wire tapping me. Bingo Obama realized his big mistake.
...could it be that he thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want the election questioned?

Seems unethical at best.

He told Trump to "stop whining".

Why didn't he give Hillary the same advice?

I dont know what to think about this news. I would assume that he thought this would be a Democratic win and no reason to bother. But thats why he was President..it was his job to bother. I like him, but this was disappointing because this is a mess.

I think he didn't because he did not want to be accused of trying to influence the election.

Consider the environment - Trump claiming it was rigged (but only if he lost) - a very contentious election with polarizing candidates who were not very popular. I guarantee if he had questioned it he would be accused of rigging by the right.
September 2016: U.S. investigating potential covert Russian plan to disrupt presidential election

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said.

The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia's ability to spread disinformation.

He omitted saying anything until the election was over. In reality, if you were in his shoes with an opponent saying the election was rigged already..what do you do? I dont like the rationale, but really how do you handle a mess like this? Stop the election for two years until we can figure it out? Wow I can see republicans now. It had to play itself out...no choice after it was let go after initial dump of emails and executive branch was aware..

Officials are also examining potential disruptions to the election process, and the FBI has alerted state and local officials to potential cyberthreats.

It "seems to be a global campaign," the aide said. As a result, the issue has "moved up as a priority" for the intelligence agencies, which include the FBI and Department of Homeland Security as well as the CIA and the National Security Agency.

Some congressional leaders briefed recently by the intelligence agencies on Russian influence operations in Europe, and how they may serve as a template for activities here, have been disturbed by what they heard.

The Department of Homeland Security has offered local and state election officials help to prevent or deal with Election Day cyber-disruptions, including vulnerability scans, regular actionable information and alerts, and access to other tools for improving cybersecurity at the local level. It will also have a cyber-team ready at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center to alert jurisdictions if attacks are detected.

So much for the totally bullshit meme "Obama did nothing".
Obama is a professional politician who is firmly in the permanent political class. He is going to do or say what is expedient at the time as he sees it, and it doesn't much matter whether he means it or not. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Who can forget?

When it was assumed by most on the left, most especially the media, that Hillary's presidency was to be a coronation--a done deal--Obama certainly didn't want to create any doubt about that in anybody's mind that a fair and honest election didn't bring that about..

But the polls were wrong. The media was wrong. The leftist prognosticators were wrong. We have a President Trump now.

So of course it was rigged. (cough)

Every word out of his mouth in his October 2016 speech was a lie, and he knew he was lying because he was told about Russia trying to hack the election in August.

Why didn't Obama do something about it when he found out in August?

He thought Hillary would win the election and it would all go away.

He ignored Russia trying to hack the election and lied to the American public about it to help out Hillary...who already had her deal on place with Loretta Lynch not to prosecute Hillary.

Fucking corrupt scumbags who should all be on trial for treason.

He asked the republicans nicely if they would please issue a bipartisan statement with him.

They refused.

He puss'd out and did very little until after the damn broke, then it was too late. and the plan to re-distribute America's wealth was put in reverse.

Baloney. Bipartisan to the Democrats meant the Republicans cave and agree to anything and everything they proposed. When the Republicans asked to participate in the stimulus package they were told "I won." They were not even allowed a place at the table when the ACA was being put together. President Obama summed it up pretty clearly here:

There can be no bipartisanship when the Democrats are unified in demonizing the President and/or his team and will object to anything and everything that even looks like a reform.

And the whole Russian conspiracy theory is a glaring illustration of that. Even though there is zero evidence of any collusion or interaction with the Russians re the campaign, the accusations have been non stop and we are spending mega millions on a special prosecutor whose job is to find some reason to impeach President Trump.
...could it be that he thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want the election questioned?

Seems unethical at best.

He told Trump to "stop whining".

Why didn't he give Hillary the same advice?

What lie?
So you agree that Russia could not alter the vote? Thanks for admitting it.

What lie did Obama tell in October?

As far as what you said - Russia did not directly alter any votes, and I never claimed they did.

Whether or not what the Russians did had an affect on the election is an unknown - there is no way to measure whether or not what they did had an affect - it might have, it might not have. It's water under the bridge.

Both the FBI and CIA top people agree that any Russian meddling in the U.S. election had pretty much zero effect. There is certainly no evidence of any kind that Russia affected a single vote. And there is zero evidence that there was any collusion between Trump and his team and the Russians.

There was certainly more reason for the Russians to help; Hillary, however, than there was for them to help Trump.

  • Hillary Clinton seen as honest and trustworthy by just 38 per cent of Americans, new poll shows
  • New headaches include revelations about foreign funds flowing into the Clintons' family foundation while she was secretary of state
  • $2.35 million came from family foundation of company chairman involved in selling Canadian uranium company to Russian state-owned firm
  • Hillary helped approve that $610 million sale in 2010, which gave Vladimir Putin-linked company control over one-fifth of America's uranium
  • Bill Clinton received $26 million in speaking fees from foundation donors, including $500,000 from an investment bank tied to Putin and the Kremlin
Read more: Hillary under siege as new details emerge about foundation donors | Daily Mail Online

If that was candidate Trump, the media would have been screaming for his head. Oh wait, they did that anyway.

But since it involved Hillary, coverage was quick and cursory and then immediately move on if it was covered at all.

The issue is not that Obama lied about it. But as I previously posted, in August he was blasting candidate Trump for saying that the election process couldn't be rigged even though he knew of Russian meddling at that time. And then in October, when the Russian rhetoric was heating up, he was joining the chorus that Trump benefited from Russian meddling?

You don't think that a bit disingenuous?

I don't entirely agree because there is NO WAY to measure what effect if any - the Russian hacking, fake news and wikileaks material had on the election. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the intelligence agencies addressed that aspect.Those same intelligence agencies have also said that the Russians were attempting to swimg the election in Trumps favor - not Clinton's favor, and there is a much more compelling reason to do so: lifting the sancti0ns.

Those sanctions are causing a lot of pain for Russia and there was no way Clinton was going to lift them.

As far as collusion - there is no evidence thus far of collusion between Trump and the Russians. It is not that clear however whether or not there is with his campaign staff and Russia, that is all under investigation and it would be premature to make claims one way or the other don't you think?

Obama was correct in stating the election couldn't be rigged and, there was no evidence of Russians rigging it - the term repeatedly used was "influencing" and "meddling" so how did Obama lie? I don't think it's disingenuous.

They said nothing about the Russians wanting to swing the election in Trump's favor. I'm pretty sure they preferred Hillary to Trump anyway. She wouldn't give them any grief.

All that has been said is that the Republicans wanted to create chaos and disruption here. Not that they cared who won.

If anything the whole thing got votes for Hillary since the media was non stop in accusing Trump and his team and was pointing no fingers whatsoever at Hillary.
...could it be that he thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want the election questioned?

Seems unethical at best.

He told Trump to "stop whining".

Why didn't he give Hillary the same advice?

What lie?
So you agree that Russia could not alter the vote? Thanks for admitting it.

What lie did Obama tell in October?

As far as what you said - Russia did not directly alter any votes, and I never claimed they did.

Whether or not what the Russians did had an affect on the election is an unknown - there is no way to measure whether or not what they did had an affect - it might have, it might not have. It's water under the bridge.
So the lie is now when the press and ALL the lefties are claiming the election was hacked. I notice you attack anyone that says what I just said. More of that double speak of yours?
I want to know why Obama didn't force the intelligence agencies to examine the DNC server. Why did the government allow a DNC employee to tell America it was the Russians?

It has caused a major international incident, mega hours spent on investigations and STILL no freaking government agency has examined the server.

Only because you are running out of bullshit straws to grasp at.

FBI is very clear about it's findings, I don't know wtf don't you understand or why you would refuse their high confidence assessments.
THEY never saw the server they relied on the word of a Democratic operative as to what he claimed he found.
Obama is a professional politician who is firmly in the permanent political class. He is going to do or say what is expedient at the time as he sees it, and it doesn't much matter whether he means it or not. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Who can forget?

When it was assumed by most on the left, most especially the media, that Hillary's presidency was to be a coronation--a done deal--Obama certainly didn't want to create any doubt about that in anybody's mind that a fair and honest election didn't bring that about..

But the polls were wrong. The media was wrong. The leftist prognosticators were wrong. We have a President Trump now.

So of course it was rigged. (cough)

Every word out of his mouth in his October 2016 speech was a lie, and he knew he was lying because he was told about Russia trying to hack the election in August.

Why didn't Obama do something about it when he found out in August?

He thought Hillary would win the election and it would all go away.

He ignored Russia trying to hack the election and lied to the American public about it to help out Hillary...who already had her deal on place with Loretta Lynch not to prosecute Hillary.

Fucking corrupt scumbags who should all be on trial for treason.

He asked the republicans nicely if they would please issue a bipartisan statement with him.

They refused.

He puss'd out and did very little until after the damn broke, then it was too late. and the plan to re-distribute America's wealth was put in reverse.

Baloney. Bipartisan to the Democrats meant the Republicans cave and agree to anything and everything they proposed. When the Republicans asked to participate in the stimulus package they were told "I won." They were not even allowed a place at the table when the ACA was being put together. President Obama summed it up pretty clearly here:

There can be no bipartisanship when the Democrats are unified in demonizing the President and/or his team and will object to anything and everything that even looks like a reform.

And the whole Russian conspiracy theory is a glaring illustration of that. Even though there is zero evidence of any collusion or interaction with the Russians re the campaign, the accusations have been non stop and we are spending mega millions on a special prosecutor whose job is to find some reason to impeach President Trump.

Come back to reality man... Seriously! What you are critiquing the Dems for doing to the R's over the past 7 years, the R's are now doing 10 fold. You are upset that the Dems didn't give Republicans a seat at the table when the ACA was being drafted, but after it was drafted there were hearings, debate, analysis... The process lasted for over a year. Look at the joke of what the R's are now doing...

You bring up demonizing after the 4 year birther movement and Benghazi politicalization? Don't be a hypocrite. The dems are being just as hypocritical with their obstruction and politicalization of everything after condemning it for the past 7 years.

For you to call the Russia thing a conspiracy theory?? that is laughable. Trumps Birtherism campaign was a conspiracy theory... The Russia thing is based of real actions, an intelligence report that has been supported by every single intelligence agency we have, and multiple lies by Trump staffers which is cause for suspicion and investigation. The findings of this report are not refuted by ANYBODY... You call it fake, based on what? Name ONE PERSON who has seen the classified intel that challenges its findings
I want to know why Obama didn't force the intelligence agencies to examine the DNC server. Why did the government allow a DNC employee to tell America it was the Russians?

It has caused a major international incident, mega hours spent on investigations and STILL no freaking government agency has examined the server.

Only because you are running out of bullshit straws to grasp at.

FBI is very clear about it's findings, I don't know wtf don't you understand or why you would refuse their high confidence assessments.
THEY never saw the server they relied on the word of a Democratic operative as to what he claimed he found.

You don't know what you're talking about and your presumption that FBI's investigations would be conducted so incompetently is frankly ridiculous.

Server was analyzed by a reputable security firm DNC hired and they forwarded to FBI system logs and relevant files from the server
...could it be that he thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want the election questioned?

Seems unethical at best.

He told Trump to "stop whining".

Why didn't he give Hillary the same advice?

They hacked the DNC and Podesta, not the election, your saying they did is just playing into the regressive narrative.


We don't know they hacked the DNC or Podesta. That has never been established.
What has been established, beyond a doubt and irrefutably, is that software to hack and then misdirect blame to foreign states was (1) developed by the US security community and (2) released into the wild.
There is no refuting this as I said. It has been admitted.

Development Tradecraft DOs and DON'Ts
The worst thing that could happen to Democrats, being exposed in the light of day, did happen though. I thank whoever did it.
Why did Obama lie in October that Russia didn't hack the election when he knew in August they did?
Why did Obama go in front of the UN and say the Benghazi attack was due to a Video?
Why did Hillary go on news and say her private server was because she only wanted to carry a single phone?

Answer: 1. Because the whole Clinton/Obama machine is corrupt. 2. Because they believe that the American people are stupid, as Gruber let slip. 3.The MSM will cover their ass, if the truth ever gets out!
Hillary/Obama Hillary/Obama Hillary/Obama Hillary/Obama

the only answers RW shitsticks can muster from their 70 IQ

...could it be that he thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want the election questioned?

Seems unethical at best.

He told Trump to "stop whining".

Why didn't he give Hillary the same advice?

They hacked the DNC and Podesta, not the election, your saying they did is just playing into the regressive narrative.


We don't know they hacked the DNC or Podesta. That has never been established.
What has been established, beyond a doubt and irrefutably, is that software to hack and then misdirect blame to foreign states was (1) developed by the US security community and (2) released into the wild.
There is no refuting this as I said. It has been admitted.

Development Tradecraft DOs and DON'Ts

Feel free to run down that rabbit hole if you want, I don't care to.


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