Why did Trump turn down $25 billion for wall...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...in return for permanent legal status for 1.7 million dreamers?
I would think that he never really wanted a wall and used that to get elected. But it is strange while his party had both houses he turned it down but now that dems took congress wants to blame his whole fiasco on them.
Very confusing as legislation also failed in the Senate never got to Trump? Which one?

Just a guess, DemRino larded up the language so as to do nothing to about Chain migration or future immigration.
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Trump is a lousy negotiator.

We’ve seen it because of all his bankruptcies.

But he’s good at tricking the uninformed.

And those that have been ill used by the Republican Party.

I agree with Trump. No to blackmail. No amnesty for DACA. He should not have to barter for homeland security.
I believe Trump will have most of the democrat Party leadership working on the South side the wall before the year is out

I'm on your side.
But if you still really believe Trump's not part of the swamp......oh well.

I wonder what the Right will do when Trump's term ends and Dems take over...with no wall...and the Swamp alive and well?

I suspect Kleenex sales will soar.
I believe Trump will have most of the democrat Party leadership working on the South side the wall before the year is out

I'm on your side.
But if you still really believe Trump's not part of the swamp......oh well.

I wonder what the Right will do when Trump's term ends and Dems take over...with no wall...and the Swamp alive and well?

I suspect Kleenex sales will soar.

I suspect 2019 will be as transformative as 1776
...in return for permanent legal status for 1.7 million dreamers?
No body actually wants the wall in government it is a boondoggle. Purely to keep our eyes off real issues and further divide us. Nohting but a continual cost that does nothing.
Trump is a lousy negotiator.

We’ve seen it because of all his bankruptcies.

But he’s good at tricking the uninformed.

And those that have been ill used by the Republican Party.

How many businesses have you run?
I suspect 2019 will be as transformative as 1776

Didn't we ALL say that in 2016 before Trump was elected? And...and....didn't Reagan promise us a "Wall"? Heck, even the LEFT has talked about building and funding a "Wall". WHERE IS IT??? I'm hoping someday the Right will stop fantasizing and wake up to reality...and do something. NO ONE IN WASHINGTON WILL EVER HAVE OUR BACKS. PERIOD.
They are the ruling class....we are the peasant class to them.
We need a leader from within the ranks to rise to the occasion. Someone NOT RICH.

The Left is taking full advantage of the stupor and denial state we're in (The Collective right)
We're all waiting for someone else to earn our Freedom. A losing strategy.

Pat Buchanan: How the establishment won't let the Right make policy and why rebellion may be the only choice
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Trump has not given in or given up on the wall with his lifting the shutdown. Sometimes you have to give a little to get what you want. Remember Trump is a businessman.
Any mention of a wall and it will fail, despite the demagoguery on both sides.

They're in total and irreconcilable denial....and the dogged belief that Trump is the Champion of their values.

Donald J. Trump is the Champion of Donald J. Trumps values.
Not a bad man, just a businessman.
...in return for permanent legal status for 1.7 million dreamers?
There is a difference between ok for a Border wall and the money for the Border wall.
When the IRCA or Simpson-Mazzoli Act finally passed, it supposedly required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status; made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants; it legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants and it legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt.

One of the “sweeteners” to obtain the votes necessary to pass the bill was also a Congressional promise to fund and build a border fence.

Sound familiar?

I would think that he never really wanted a wall and used that to get elected. But it is strange while his party had both houses he turned it down but now that dems took congress wants to blame his whole fiasco on them.

Well he definitely wanted a wall. Something built with his name attached to it even if DHS and the DEA say that money would be better used in other projects to curb immigration and illegal drugs. What he never wanted was Mexico to pay for it. Instead he wanted a transfer of wealth from private individuals/groups in the USA to the public/state to build his project (There's a word for that... Socialism).

And you are right. Him not being able to get his own party behind it really has hurt him. Of course had he shut down the gov't because a Republican Senate, and a Republican house wouldn't fund his wall, that would have been awful. So waited until he could switch the blame.

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