Why Didn't God Stop The Shooting?

Jesus never said anything about abortion or gay marriage. He talked more about greed and gluttony.

Jesus also didn't say anything about the Syph, the clap or the HIV...

BUT he DID cite the laws of nature that prevents the contraction of such... and as reason requires, it's the same thing that prevents Homosexuality....

"Haven't you read, he replied, that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said, For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Mathew 19 4-6
The liberals have really fucked up the kids and the school system
The liberals have really fucked up the kids and the school system

True. we wasted their time teaching them how to maintain the worlds largest economy, while the home schooled kids were doing more important things, like taking a field trip through the Creationist museum, where they learned about Jesus riding a dinosaur.
God provided you the means to reason... and the laws of nature governing the consequences of your decisions.

Make sound choices, you benefit from the consequences of your choices. Make poor choices and you suffer the consequences of those choices.

When a nation tolerates Left-think... which is merely perversion, the nation suffers the consequences of that choice.

Thank you, Jerry Falwell. Why must you make God sound like such a prick?

He isn't...he wants us to do the right thing...not look to him to solve all of our problems....do you solve all of your children's problems or do you let them handle what they can on their own......

And yes....people died...but they are going back to where we came from....he sees a much bigger picture than we do....

I love it when nutter's speak for God, and claim they know what he/she wants.

And speaking as a mother, yes, I would protect my children from getting shot, in any way possible.

How do we know what HE wants? Its in the bible moron. You know, all the Jesus stuff.

Republican's don't act anything like Jesus. lol

Yes... we're Christians, not Christ. If it were possible to be Christ, there would have been no Christ.

Now, the simple truth is that Americans are those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to God's law...
Makes sense

These cartoons always make me laugh.

On the one hand, Christians insist that God created the world, is omnipresent, all-powerful, and is with his faithful every second of their lives. And then some Christians claim God is not with his faithful in school because of a court ruling. Which is it?

Does anyone REALLY think God would have stopped the school shootings if the SCOTUS had not ruled the way they did?
Makes sense

... because we have free will ... a Christian nation would still have crime and immorality, but, it would have God's blessing (not necessarily protection) if God honoring people ran it.

What men meant for evil, God means for good.

Even in the most vile circumstances -- people admitting they are Christian knowing they will die for it is glorifying to God -- the set a much better example of a committed Christian than Kim Davis ever will.........
I suspect the god is spending his time working on figuring out how to fix his mathematical error in creating the universe, rather than worry about what is going on in a school in Oregon. It seems that the laws of physics are going to result in the entire universe flying apart and going dark some day. Seems like a major mistake to me.
Maybe you two idiots can explain Church shootings. God is allowed at Church, isn't he/she?

God provided you the means to reason... and the laws of nature governing the consequences of your decisions.

Make sound choices, you benefit from the consequences of your choices. Make poor choices and you suffer the consequences of those choices.

When a nation tolerates Left-think... which is merely perversion, the nation suffers the consequences of that choice.

But nearly every First World country is a social democracy and much further to the left of the USA, and none of them have mass shootings on a weekly basis.

Many of these First World countries have free legal abortions, gay marriage, public education by liberal teachers and all of the things right wingers like yourself consider evil. And yet mass shootings are very rare in these countries.

Maybe God is telling you that being intolerant, selfish and worshipping money is wrong. Maybe God is punishing the US for its evil pursuit of unfettered capitalism.
God gave those of the earth free will.
And each of those Christians are in a far better place now, with no suffering.
But nearly every First World country is a social democracy and much further to the left of the USA, and none of them have mass shootings on a weekly basis.

Huh... Neither does the US.

But the US does have the product of Left-think murdering innocents, as do those Leftist shit-holes to which you refer... except in higher numbers than the US.

And that is because the Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY in Relativism... and relativism rejects the objectivity which is essential to respect for and empathy towards, others.
But nearly every First World country is a social democracy and much further to the left of the USA, and none of them have mass shootings on a weekly basis.

Huh... Neither does the US.

But the US does have the product of Left-think murdering innocents, as do those Leftist shit-holes to which you refer... except in higher numbers than the US.

And that is because the Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY in Relativism... and relativism rejects the objectivity which is essential to respect for and empathy towards, others.

Wrong again Bucko. Every left wing First World country you can name has a lower abortion rate than the US. Even when abortions are free they have a lower rate than you do. That's because they have paid maternity leave, single payer health care, subsidized day care, paid family leave.

Where governments mandate family friendly work environments, job security and other programs which aid income families, people can afford to increase their families. An unplanned pregnancy isn't a choice between the children you have and the child you're carrying.

That's why any reasonable person can recognize why rightwingers angst over the US abortion rate is just crocodile tears. You have to care about families, and put your money where your mouth is, to say that you care about the unborn.
Wrong again Bucko. Every left wing First World country you can name has a lower abortion rate than the US.

Based upon what? "Data" as 'recorded' by Relativists? People, who lack the means to reason objectively, thus who have no use for objective truth? Thus people who are unworthy of trust... You're standing on their statistical claims?

LOL! Seriously?

Wrong again Bucko. Every left wing First World country you can name has a lower abortion rate than the US.

Based upon what? "Data" as 'recorded' by Relativists? People, who lack the means to reason objectively, thus who have no use for objective truth? Thus people who are unworthy of trust... You're standing on their statistical claims?

LOL! Seriously?


Sounds like you're describing yourself.
Wrong again Bucko. Every left wing First World country you can name has a lower abortion rate than the US.

Based upon what? "Data" as 'recorded' by Relativists? People, who lack the means to reason objectively, thus who have no use for objective truth? Thus people who are unworthy of trust... You're standing on their statistical claims?

LOL! Seriously?


Sounds like you're describing yourself.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Reader, remember, the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two essential elements:

1 - Find a Leftist.
2 - Get them to speak.
Maybe you two idiots can explain Church shootings. God is allowed at Church, isn't he/she?
Do you REALLY want a God of instant judgement? In every matter?

Think about it.

HE wants you to obey His laws because you love Him. Not because you're afraid he'll gouge your eyes out if you're caught lusting over someone or cut your tongue out when you tell your friends her new hairdo looks great.
Maybe you two idiots can explain Church shootings. God is allowed at Church, isn't he/she?
Do you REALLY want a God of instant judgement? In every matter?

Think about it.

HE wants you to obey His laws because you love Him. Not because you're afraid he'll gouge your eyes out if you're caught lusting over someone or cut your tongue out when you tell your friends her new hairdo looks great.

After careful consideration, I have decided that the less I say about this, the better.

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