Why Do Democrats Find It So Hard NOT to Break the Law, Specifically the FOIA?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act seems to be a goal for Democrats!

Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests

Under Obama the Head of the EPA, Head of the DOE, Sect of State, etc... used private e-mail accounts to circumvent the FOIA and FRA. Some even used aliases to hide their identities and activities - Barak Obama, the President of the United States, was caught lying and using an alias to e-mail Hillary Clinton's personal e-mail account while claiming the 1st time he learned about her account was from the news. The Inspector General revealed that the Obama administration had set a record for violating the FOIA by illegally being non-compliant with the FOIA 73% of the total time.

So it should come as no surprise that ANOTHER Democrat has been exposed as having broken the law:

EXCLUSIVE: CFPB Head Cordray Used Private Device, Didn’t Create Records Of Messages

"A longtime Democrat from Ohio, Cordray has served as head of the CFPB since January 2012, a position he is scheduled to hold through July 2018.

A source told TheDC that he submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in August 2016 for more than a year’s worth of text messages on official devices to and from various CFPB staffers.

The bureau responded that there were no records on any “CFPB issued or CFPB reimbursed devices” for any text messages sent or received associated with Cordray."

'Incredibly' :)p) not one of the Democrats found guilty of breaking the law under Obama was ever actually punished. (Most lawless administration in history)

I would love to see the Trump administration throw the freakin' book at Cordray, punishing him to the full extent of the law and stripping him of his job, as he has proven he obviously can't handle it by obeying the law.

It's time to end the lawless bullshit of the last 8 years and start holding people accountable!

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