Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Everything is political to libs, even the security of their own Country. Remember how Clinton treated the first attempt to blow up the symbol of Capitalism? He didn't want to be bothered. He said it was a "stupid act by stupid people" and then he went back into the Oval Office to enjoy another session of sodomy with Monica.
Everything is political to libs, even the security of their own Country. Remember how Clinton treated the first attempt to blow up the symbol of Capitalism? He didn't want to be bothered. He said it was a "stupid act by stupid people" and then he went back into the Oval Office to enjoy another session of sodomy with Monica.

Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I'll take the "terror" threat seriously when government takes border and port security seriously.

How hard would it be for terrorists to sneak across the border with AK's and go to a mall or stadium and kill thousands? How hard would it be to put a huge bomb on a cargo ship and bring it through one of our ports and detonate it?

Both would be easy as hell if there was actually a group that wanted to do that.
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Everything is political to libs, even the security of their own Country. Remember how Clinton treated the first attempt to blow up the symbol of Capitalism? He didn't want to be bothered. He said it was a "stupid act by stupid people" and then he went back into the Oval Office to enjoy another session of sodomy with Monica.

Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I'll take the "terror" threat seriously when government takes border and port security seriously.

How hard would it be for terrorists to sneak across the border with AK's and go to a mall or stadium and kill thousands? How hard would it be to put a huge bomb on a cargo ship and bring it through one of our ports and detonate it?

Both would be easy as hell if there was actually a group that wanted to do that.

I consider you a muslim loving idiot .How hard would it be for muslims to fly large planes into large buildings and kill thousands? Oh thats right they already did fool!
Ram islam up your liberal Ass!
Everything is political to libs, even the security of their own Country. Remember how Clinton treated the first attempt to blow up the symbol of Capitalism? He didn't want to be bothered. He said it was a "stupid act by stupid people" and then he went back into the Oval Office to enjoy another session of sodomy with Monica.

Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I'll take the "terror" threat seriously when government takes border and port security seriously.

How hard would it be for terrorists to sneak across the border with AK's and go to a mall or stadium and kill thousands? How hard would it be to put a huge bomb on a cargo ship and bring it through one of our ports and detonate it?

Both would be easy as hell if there was actually a group that wanted to do that.

I consider you a muslim loving idiot .How hard would it be for muslims to fly large planes into large buildings and kill thousands? Oh thats right they already did fool!
Ram islam up your liberal Ass!

Sadly, this is the kind of reply I expected. We're at a point where replacing intellect with childish 2nd grade insults is celebrated amongst a lot of ppl.

You didn't even attempt to answer one of my questions. The reason is because they're truths too scary for you to deal with and it would cause you to have to think outside the tiny box that the media and the republican party has molded your brain into.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Because they are not afraid of everything that moves, unlike the GOP?
Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I'll take the "terror" threat seriously when government takes border and port security seriously.

How hard would it be for terrorists to sneak across the border with AK's and go to a mall or stadium and kill thousands? How hard would it be to put a huge bomb on a cargo ship and bring it through one of our ports and detonate it?

Both would be easy as hell if there was actually a group that wanted to do that.

I consider you a muslim loving idiot .How hard would it be for muslims to fly large planes into large buildings and kill thousands? Oh thats right they already did fool!
Ram islam up your liberal Ass!

Sadly, this is the kind of reply I expected. We're at a point where replacing intellect with childish 2nd grade insults is celebrated amongst a lot of ppl.

You didn't even attempt to answer one of my questions. The reason is because they're truths too scary for you to deal with and it would cause you to have to think outside the tiny box that the media and the republican party has molded your brain into.

To bad for you iam not a Republican.Bush was a liberal in my book.He also kissed the asses of the muslim islamic savage animals.Now get down on your knees and suck
muzzie co#k.Iam a proud infidel who keeps my AR15 loaded and ready to defend my family against intruders including muslim satanic bloodlusting vermin!
All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.
Where the hell do you get off making a statement like that? In every muslim country the native christians are terrorized by the islamic fundamentalists, and when a christian church is burned to the ground, the public remains mum and the perpetrators are celebrated. And as far as muslim victims are concerned, how many more are dying at the hands of other muslims, whether it be fundamentalists or the so-called "secular" crackpot dictators?

That was such an idiotic statement you made.
I consider you a muslim loving idiot .How hard would it be for muslims to fly large planes into large buildings and kill thousands? Oh thats right they already did fool!
Ram islam up your liberal Ass!

Sadly, this is the kind of reply I expected. We're at a point where replacing intellect with childish 2nd grade insults is celebrated amongst a lot of ppl.

You didn't even attempt to answer one of my questions. The reason is because they're truths too scary for you to deal with and it would cause you to have to think outside the tiny box that the media and the republican party has molded your brain into.

To bad for you iam not a Republican.Bush was a liberal in my book.He also kissed the asses of the muslim islamic savage animals.Now get down on your knees and suck
muzzie co#k.Iam a proud infidel who keeps my AR15 loaded and ready to defend my family against intruders including muslim satanic bloodlusting vermin!

My apologies, kudos I've never seen someone type so well while hiding under their bed.

I can imagine all the Q'urans you've had thrown through your windows, it's probably almost unbearable.
All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.
Where the hell do you get off making a statement like that? In every muslim country the native christians are terrorized by the islamic fundamentalists, and when a christian church is burned to the ground, the public remains mum and the perpetrators are celebrated. And as far as muslim victims are concerned, how many more are dying at the hands of other muslims, whether it be fundamentalists or the so-called "secular" crackpot dictators?

That was such an idiotic statement you made.

Muslims burn christian churches to the ground, I agree that's disgusting.

Christians start wars based on lies and kill hundreds of thousands of muslims.

It's really not that hard to figure you when you think about it.
I consider you a muslim loving idiot .How hard would it be for muslims to fly large planes into large buildings and kill thousands? Oh thats right they already did fool!
Ram islam up your liberal Ass!

Sadly, this is the kind of reply I expected. We're at a point where replacing intellect with childish 2nd grade insults is celebrated amongst a lot of ppl.

You didn't even attempt to answer one of my questions. The reason is because they're truths too scary for you to deal with and it would cause you to have to think outside the tiny box that the media and the republican party has molded your brain into.

To bad for you iam not a Republican.Bush was a liberal in my book.He also kissed the asses of the muslim islamic savage animals.Now get down on your knees and suck
muzzie co#k.Iam a proud infidel who keeps my AR15 loaded and ready to defend my family against intruders including muslim satanic bloodlusting vermin!

Do you turn in your homework written in serial killer prose as well?
I am for Muslims and against Jerusalem because of what the Jews did to me in my own city.

I'm for the Jews because of what you did to me in my city, I lived in NY on 9/11. That and it pisses you off.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Because it's completely overblown. In case you missed this the other night, wait a week or so and you can probably download the whole thing. This documentary is an example of the utter bigotry still found in the South. Ironically, there's a black man leading the charge who apparently has forgotten his history of the burning of black churches not that long ago. The white middle-aged real estate lady is a caricature, and the dipshit lawyer who brought the bogus lawsuit (thrown out eventually) reminds me of "Percy" the little big man "guard" in the movie "The Green Mile."

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Muslim-bashing has replaced Negro-bashing especially by white anglo southerners. I'm sure Muslim haters would love to see all Muslim Americans rounded up and placed in interment camps just as we did to the Japanese Americans following Pearl Harbor. I really have a problem with people who refuse to learn from history.
Ok, what do you think is a legit potential risk of what radical islam can do to the US?

(I'm not a democrat, just curious)

Blow up buildings in downtown Manhattan?

Now compare 9/11 to the wars in afghanistan/iraq/libya.

Which is worse? Which is 100 times worse? Which is 1,000 times worse?

9/11 was worse. You have way too much agenda in that loaded question to take it seriously
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Because it's completely overblown. In case you missed this the other night, wait a week or so and you can probably download the whole thing. This documentary is an example of the utter bigotry still found in the South. Ironically, there's a black man leading the charge who apparently has forgotten his history of the burning of black churches not that long ago. The white middle-aged real estate lady is a caricature, and the dipshit lawyer who brought the bogus lawsuit (thrown out eventually) reminds me of "Percy" the little big man "guard" in the movie "The Green Mile."

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Muslim-bashing has replaced Negro-bashing especially by white anglo southerners. I'm sure Muslim haters would love to see all Muslim Americans rounded up and placed in interment camps just as we did to the Japanese Americans following Pearl Harbor. I really have a problem with people who refuse to learn from history.
No,I would like to see the islamic beasts deported.islam and freedom are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms!!!!With PRIDE I HATE islam!!!!!!!!!!

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