Why Do Dems Hate America? Schumer Killing Infrastructure Plan Before It’s Even Announced

Everything they stand for is in opposition to America.

They are globalists. If they cannot win the hearts and minds of The American People they will cheat them at the polling booths, if they cannot win, they will Bludgeon them with Big Government and invade their communities with Hostile Cultures!

These are the people one can imagine who would usher in The End Times and with it The Death of Sovereign Nations and Moral Sanity!

They are the Children of Hell and they will stop at nothing to bring Hell on Earth!
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And of course they offer no solutions.

The left just plain hate America.

Chuck Schumer is torpedoing the infrastructure plan before it's even announced

I like it when you morons use sites that do not even hide they are full of shit.
How does he make this conclusion when it’s not even released?

“It would leave out large parts of America, particularly rural America, where local governments don’t have the money or the traffic to attract private-sector investment. Small towns and cities throughout the heartland have waited too long for upgrades to their municipal water systems and schools and roads, as well as access to high-speed Internet.”

Opinion | Chuck Schumer: What I’m listening for in Trump’s State of the Union
Chuck Schumer will always lie to The American People
And of course they offer no solutions.

The left just plain hate America.

Chuck Schumer is torpedoing the infrastructure plan before it's even announced

I like it when you morons use sites that do not even hide they are full of shit.
How does he make this conclusion when it’s not even released?

“It would leave out large parts of America, particularly rural America, where local governments don’t have the money or the traffic to attract private-sector investment. Small towns and cities throughout the heartland have waited too long for upgrades to their municipal water systems and schools and roads, as well as access to high-speed Internet.”

Opinion | Chuck Schumer: What I’m listening for in Trump’s State of the Union
Had Hillary won we'd never know that Democrats turned the FBI into an American SS.
The Nazi SS operated outside the german military to exterminate any jews or communists.
The only FBI activities are investigating crimes.
There is just no comparison between an organization which murders vs an organization which investigates crime.
But whatever the FBI is now, you had all the time during Obama admin to figure it out, but you dropped the ball.

By contrast, its Trump who wants to build his own private CIA.
"How would the plan be paid for?

What we know about Trump's infrastructure plan

"At the Conference of Mayors, Gribbin explained that the Trump administration is not proposing a specific funding mechanism for the infrastructure plan, saying that will be a conversation with Congress.

"But that discussion just got a lot harder following the passage of a tax plan that is expected to expand the deficit by over a trillion dollars over ten years.

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has proposed hiking the federal gas tax, which hasn't gone up since 1993, to raise $394 billion over 10 years. Gribbin said the White House is open to that idea, but hasn't ruled anything out.

"Over the past year, Democrats have accused Trump of seeking to create the $200 billion infrastructure fund by proposing cuts to other infrastructure-related programs. Gribbin committed to leaving major pots of money intact, such as the Highway Trust Fund, but said that some existing spending may be 'repurposed.'"

Will this be another public/private partnership where profits are privatized while the public bears the costs of greater transportation costs from toll roads, for example.
You realize the government literally ran out of money the day after the tax cuts became law .

Now u want to add a bazillion dollars to the tab?
Every time Obama asked for money for infrastructure, the GOP swore on a stack of bibles that even though we need it, "WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY." We have LESS money now!!!!!
From what I understand, Trump has proposed $200B in federal funding for the interstate highway system. The rest are state, county, and city highways, streets, and bridges. With the flood of tax money coming from the economic boom, it will be up to the states, counties, and cities to move their increased revenue from garbage "social justice" spending to the actual needs of their communities....ie infrastructure This is what Schumer and the rest of the rodents oppose....spending local taxpayer money on something that actually benefits local communities and doesn't come from Uncle Sugar. He wants the states dependent on federal funding to control them.
And of course they offer no solutions.

The left just plain hate America.

Chuck Schumer is torpedoing the infrastructure plan before it's even announced
One of the first things Trump does after being handed a strong economy, is obliterate revenue for the federal government by granting permanent tax cuts for multinational corporations and the wealthiest citizens. Then he proposes a $1 trillion infrastructure plan? Ridiculous.
Dufus calls a 1.4% GDP growth a strong economy. :290968001256257790-final:

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