Why do Hispanics come to America and expect us to speake Spanish?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Agree - but it is those same americans who believe in bilingual ed who are to blame. I sometimes wonder if it is a ploy to keep hispanics 'barefoot and pregnant' therefore hindering their ability to dominate the english language. It is a national tragedy and it only serves as a means to keep them 'underfoot'. Many have found that they are not able to communicate in neither english OR spanish - as I said, a national tragedy and about 2/3 generations of students who will suffer because of it.
In the 4 years I lived in New York City, not once did I ever encounter any Hispanic who did not speak English. In fact, sometimes I would actually speak Spanish to people who were obviously Hispanic and they'd only answer me in English for some reason. In fact, I met many a 2nd or 3rd generation 'hispanic' who barely spoke Spanish yet dominated English entirely. Never understood what was the deal with that. I've never met or heard of a single Hispanic person who has said anything to the effect that Americans are expected to speak Spanish to them, or that they refuse to speak English. Not once.

When I went to America I was 11 years old, barely spoke a word of English, I was fluent in 2 years and now I'd say I almost write better in English than in Spanish. I'm not a genius, anybody could do the same and I could almost assure you than anyone immigrating young enough already dominates English to a larger degree than Spanish.

Case in point: the insecure xenophobia is totally overblown.
What do you know about langues?

English is much harder to learn than spanish.
In the 4 years I lived in New York City, not once did I ever encounter any Hispanic who did not speak English. In fact, sometimes I would actually speak Spanish to people who were obviously Hispanic and they'd only answer me in English for some reason. In fact, I met many a 2nd or 3rd generation 'hispanic' who barely spoke Spanish yet dominated English entirely. Never understood what was the deal with that. I've never met or heard of a single Hispanic person who has said anything to the effect that Americans are expected to speak Spanish to them, or that they refuse to speak English. Not once.

When I went to America I was 11 years old, barely spoke a word of English, I was fluent in 2 years and now I'd say I almost write better in English than in Spanish. I'm not a genius, anybody could do the same and I could almost assure you than anyone immigrating young enough already dominates English to a larger degree than Spanish.

Case in point: the insecure xenophobia is totally overblown.

Correction: I live in a town just outside of Chicago (1400 miles from the Mexican border) that has been overrun by Mexicans and I can walk from my house, several blocks to the main shopping area and never hear anything but Spanish spoken.

The truth is that Mexicans will not speak English around Americans unless they have business to do with them. I can walk in the stores and never hear English until I run across an American of any race.

Now it is universally known that to speak in a language that is unfamiliar to one of the people in a group when all know English, for example, is considered an insult and in certain situations, can get you killed.

It is the obligation of the immigrant to learn English. People from the eastern hemisphere are all using English as the language of business. You can't be a commercial pilot that flies from country to country without knowing English because it has become the universal language of the commercial airlines.

Americans should not be expected to accommodate these "tourists" who have been feeding off of the United States because they have failed to run their own countries and insist on overpopulating and ruin every town they move to.

The facts are the truth!
In the 4 years I lived in New York City, not once did I ever encounter any Hispanic who did not speak English. In fact, sometimes I would actually speak Spanish to people who were obviously Hispanic and they'd only answer me in English for some reason. In fact, I met many a 2nd or 3rd generation 'hispanic' who barely spoke Spanish yet dominated English entirely. Never understood what was the deal with that. I've never met or heard of a single Hispanic person who has said anything to the effect that Americans are expected to speak Spanish to them, or that they refuse to speak English. Not once.

When I went to America I was 11 years old, barely spoke a word of English, I was fluent in 2 years and now I'd say I almost write better in English than in Spanish. I'm not a genius, anybody could do the same and I could almost assure you than anyone immigrating young enough already dominates English to a larger degree than Spanish.

Case in point: the insecure xenophobia is totally overblown.

Correction: I live in a town just outside of Chicago (1400 miles from the Mexican border) that has been overrun by Mexicans and I can walk from my house, several blocks to the main shopping area and never hear anything but Spanish spoken.

The truth is that Mexicans will not speak English around Americans unless they have business to do with them. I can walk in the stores and never hear English until I run across an American of any race.

Now it is universally known that to speak in a language that is unfamiliar to one of the people in a group when all know English, for example, is considered an insult and in certain situations, can get you killed.

It is the obligation of the immigrant to learn English. People from the eastern hemisphere are all using English as the language of business. You can't be a commercial pilot that flies from country to country without knowing English because it has become the universal language of the commercial airlines.

Americans should not be expected to accommodate these "tourists" who have been feeding off of the United States because they have failed to run their own countries and insist on overpopulating and ruin every town they move to.

The facts are the truth!

First off I am no racist, I have a lot of Hispanic friends, and co workers were I work. We all
get along fine. But throughout my years living in New York City metro area, I have actually have had hispanics tell me to learn Spanish, if I objected to them speaking Spanish. I have
had this debate with people speaking Spanish to me, thinking I was Hispanic. I am not. I am Jamaican American. My appearance is that of a Black American.

I just feel that many Spansih people come to America with this language arrogance, refusing to learn or speak English. And when you point it out to them how rude and disrespectful it is ,what they do, they get offended, and very combative. They make it seem as if you are disrepected them in their Spanish country, when in fact America is a English speaking country. Spanish speaking people must realize how disrepectful it is that they continue to speak spanish in America, amongst a majority English speaking population.

And the fact that the poster points out is in fact true, English is becoming the Global international language of choice for the entire world.
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What is seen in NY and what is seen in the southwest states are entirely two very different things. It's like comparing apples to oranges.
In the 4 years I lived in New York City, not once did I ever encounter any Hispanic who did not speak English. In fact, sometimes I would actually speak Spanish to people who were obviously Hispanic and they'd only answer me in English for some reason. In fact, I met many a 2nd or 3rd generation 'hispanic' who barely spoke Spanish yet dominated English entirely. Never understood what was the deal with that. I've never met or heard of a single Hispanic person who has said anything to the effect that Americans are expected to speak Spanish to them, or that they refuse to speak English. Not once.

When I went to America I was 11 years old, barely spoke a word of English, I was fluent in 2 years and now I'd say I almost write better in English than in Spanish. I'm not a genius, anybody could do the same and I could almost assure you than anyone immigrating young enough already dominates English to a larger degree than Spanish.

Case in point: the insecure xenophobia is totally overblown.

Correction: I live in a town just outside of Chicago (1400 miles from the Mexican border) that has been overrun by Mexicans and I can walk from my house, several blocks to the main shopping area and never hear anything but Spanish spoken.

The truth is that Mexicans will not speak English around Americans unless they have business to do with them. I can walk in the stores and never hear English until I run across an American of any race.

Now it is universally known that to speak in a language that is unfamiliar to one of the people in a group when all know English, for example, is considered an insult and in certain situations, can get you killed.

It is the obligation of the immigrant to learn English. People from the eastern hemisphere are all using English as the language of business. You can't be a commercial pilot that flies from country to country without knowing English because it has become the universal language of the commercial airlines.

Americans should not be expected to accommodate these "tourists" who have been feeding off of the United States because they have failed to run their own countries and insist on overpopulating and ruin every town they move to.

The facts are the truth!

First off I am no racist, I have a lot of Hispanic friends, and co workers were I work. We all
get along fine. But throughout my years living in New York City metro area, I have actually have had hispanics tell me to learn Spanish, if I objected to them speaking Spanish. I have
had this debate with people speaking Spanish to me, thinking I was Hispanic. I am not. I am Jamaican American. My appearance is that of a Black American.

I just feel that my Spansih people come to America with this language arrogance, refusing to learn or speak English. And when you point it out to them how rude and disrespectful it is what they to, they get offended, and very combative. They make it seem as if you are disrepected them in their Spanish country, when in fact America is a English speaking country. Spanish speaking people must realize how disrepectful it is that they continue to speak spanish in America, amongst a majority English speaking population.

And the fact that the poster points out is in fact true, English is becoming the Global international language of choice for the entire world.

The refusal for many to learn english or to speak it, is just their way of thumbing their noses at the country they love to hate but risk life and limb to live here! Go figure. It is their way of expressing dislike for what the USA stands for. I would guess that the most who are guilty of this, are the new immigrants as the past immigrants did all they could to assimilate and learning english was the primary way of doing it.
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Who says they're not making any attempt? That's just a lie. With every wave of immigration the first generation didn't speak English very well, but that ends in the 2nd and 3rd. As for us accomadating Spanish, we should. It's an American language and will be as long as we own Puerto Rico and all its citizens are American citizens. I have nothing but contempt for the sentiments of the OP. You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.
Correction: I live in a town just outside of Chicago (1400 miles from the Mexican border) that has been overrun by Mexicans and I can walk from my house, several blocks to the main shopping area and never hear anything but Spanish spoken.

The truth is that Mexicans will not speak English around Americans unless they have business to do with them. I can walk in the stores and never hear English until I run across an American of any race.

Now it is universally known that to speak in a language that is unfamiliar to one of the people in a group when all know English, for example, is considered an insult and in certain situations, can get you killed.

It is the obligation of the immigrant to learn English. People from the eastern hemisphere are all using English as the language of business. You can't be a commercial pilot that flies from country to country without knowing English because it has become the universal language of the commercial airlines.

Americans should not be expected to accommodate these "tourists" who have been feeding off of the United States because they have failed to run their own countries and insist on overpopulating and ruin every town they move to.

The facts are the truth!

This post is filled with strange assumptions. What you seem to be complaining about is the fact that you hear a foreign language spoken on the streets.

It seems incomprehensible to me why you would feel in any way shape or form demeaned because people talk amongst themselves in a foreign language. You yourself claim that when you need to do business, they speak in English. Why do you feel such an intense need to hear people's private conversations on the street? Why would anyone?

If I'm in the subway or go to the corner store and the owners are speaking in Korean over the phone, why should I give a damn? As long as they don't try speaking Korean with me when I ask for smokes, what do I care what they speak amongst themselves? There's nothing rude about that.

For the past 3 years I've been living in Montreal, which is bilingual, half the time you hear people speaking to each other in French and the other time in English. Sometimes I go blocks without hearing a word of English. So what? If I go into a store and try to get something, as long as the person knows what I'm trying to order or buy, what do I care if everyone else is speaking a different language?

In either which case, just because Hispanic people talk amongst themselves in Spanish doesn't mean they refuse to learn English. That's just moronic. As I said before, I talked in Spanish at home while I lived in America, and when walking down the street with my family or with someone who spoke Spanish, I'd be speaking in Spanish. Are you claiming that's somehow offensive?

Certainly when 1,000,000 gringos pass through my country every year as actual tourists, without knowing zip of Spanish, I don't feel in any way diminished if they're in a group speaking English, and I don't think anybody else does. And the 50,000 US expats who live in Costa Rica, I don't expect that they should be somehow MANDATED to speak in Spanish. Sure, if they don't it'll be pretty difficult to get around in any way, but that's up to them. If they wanna be isolated and confused all the time, it's their foot to shoot. But I would claim the vast majority of them simply learn the language to a working degree, just like the vast majority of Hispanics in America learn the language and can use it. To expect them that they HAVE to speak it at home and on the street so that you can evesdrop on people's conversation doesn't make any sense.
You might want to learn spanish because the Hispanics don't feel sorry for you like the whites do.
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Why do Hispanics come to America and expect us to speake Spanish?

Who says they do?
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

you think its just hispanics? how silly.

when people come from russia, the first generation here speaks russian.

when jews came from poland and russia, the first group spoke yiddish.

when people come from haiti, the first generation here speaks creole.

you're deluding yourself if you think it's only hispanic. and i'd say, once again, that someone who should know better engages in racial stereotyping.

do you think if you point fingers at other groups, no one will notice you're black?
You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.
The immigrants that built America, are not the same immigrants who are now destroying it.

It's the children of immigrants who are destroying America. We call them Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. They are anti education, anti gay, anti Hispanic. They start wars. They lie. Any many are very fat. It's a sign of gluttony.
This post is filled with strange assumptions. What you seem to be complaining about is the fact that you hear a foreign language spoken on the streets.

I should add that billboards are in Spanish too. WTF? Force these people to learn and speak ENGLISH. End PRESS 2 for Spanish.

It seems incomprehensible to me why you would feel in any way shape or form demeaned because people talk amongst themselves in a foreign language. You yourself claim that when you need to do business, they speak in English. Why do you feel such an intense need to hear people's private conversations on the street? Why would anyone?
I'm saying that people who can speak English should not insult AMERICANS by speaking in "code". Maybe we should start paying these people in pesos until they learn to drop their backward culture and join the 21st century like the rest of the world. What other culture has been so babied?

If I'm in the subway or go to the corner store and the owners are speaking in Korean over the phone, why should I give a damn? As long as they don't try speaking Korean with me when I ask for smokes, what do I care what they speak amongst themselves? There's nothing rude about that.
I don't care what culture they used to be. They expect AMERICANS to baby them because they are viewed as an endangered species and the "white man's burden".

For the past 3 years I've been living in Montreal, which is bilingual, half the time you hear people speaking to each other in French and the other time in English. Sometimes I go blocks without hearing a word of English. So what? If I go into a store and try to get something, as long as the person knows what I'm trying to order or buy, what do I care if everyone else is speaking a different language?
Did you know Quebec PAYS people to learn French?

And did you know that several years ago French was forced onto everyone in Quebec. Signs on businesses were only allowed in French. What happened? Major businesses fled Quebec because it was just to expensive for them to do business. Quebec went back to French and English, but many of those businesses never came back.

In either which case, just because Hispanic people talk amongst themselves in Spanish doesn't mean they refuse to learn English. That's just moronic. As I said before, I talked in Spanish at home while I lived in America, and when walking down the street with my family or with someone who spoke Spanish, I'd be speaking in Spanish. Are you claiming that's somehow offensive?
Why not forbid all use of Spanish on tv and radio until those stations also broadcast in ENGLISH? LA RAZA would get upset wouldn't they?

Certainly when 1,000,000 gringos pass through my country every year as actual tourists, without knowing zip of Spanish, I don't feel in any way diminished if they're in a group speaking English, and I don't think anybody else does. And the 50,000 US expats who live in Costa Rica, I don't expect that they should be somehow MANDATED to speak in Spanish. Sure, if they don't it'll be pretty difficult to get around in any way, but that's up to them. If they wanna be isolated and confused all the time, it's their foot to shoot. But I would claim the vast majority of them simply learn the language to a working degree, just like the vast majority of Hispanics in America learn the language and can use it. To expect them that they HAVE to speak it at home and on the street so that you can evesdrop on people's conversation doesn't make any sense.
But those English speaking Americans are visiting that country as tourists, not as invaders like Latin American are, forcing their language on the locals.

You forget, my standard of living and quality of life dropped when these people moved into my neighborhood. Suddenly, it became a gang town and no decent person wanted to live here.

Why would an American send their kids to schools that are the worst in the area.

Why would a business set up shop in an area that is now filled with people who refuse to adapt to English?

Why would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood that's so overpopulated with squatters that these taxpayers won't be able to receive the same services that all Americans should be receiving?
you think its just hispanics? how silly.

when people come from russia, the first generation here speaks russian.

when jews came from poland and russia, the first group spoke yiddish.

when people come from haiti, the first generation here speaks creole.

you're deluding yourself if you think it's only hispanic. and i'd say, once again, that someone who should know better engages in racial stereotyping.

do you think if you point fingers at other groups, no one will notice you're black?

What are the 2 languages that are in virtually all business phone menus?

English or Spanish.

Where is Russian, Polish, or Yiddish or any other language?

When did those immigrants ever force their culture on Americans?

They wanted to be Americans. Mexicans want Americans to speak Spanish and view them as the true owners of North America. And you help them do it!

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