Why do Hispanics come to America and expect us to speake Spanish?

Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Your mistaken assumption is that America has a 'National Language'. Nowhere is it written into law that English shall be spoken here. Free means free..... at least in theory.

:eusa_think: What I don't get is why the first question the ATM machine asks when I stick my card in the slot is "English or Spanish?" - By the second transaction, it should know that I prefer English and it should use that as an obvious security measure by not offering Spanish.
[Your mistaken assumption is that America has a 'National Language'. Nowhere is it written into law that English shall be spoken here. Free means free..... at least in theory.

:eusa_think: What I don't get is why the first question the ATM machine asks when I stick my card in the slot is "English or Spanish?" - By the second transaction, it should know that I prefer English and it should use that as an obvious security measure by not offering Spanish.

You should be asking yourself "How can so many Mexicans be able to afford those $50,000 SUVs they drive when I can't get a bank loan?"
[Your mistaken assumption is that America has a 'National Language'. Nowhere is it written into law that English shall be spoken here. Free means free..... at least in theory.

:eusa_think: What I don't get is why the first question the ATM machine asks when I stick my card in the slot is "English or Spanish?" - By the second transaction, it should know that I prefer English and it should use that as an obvious security measure by not offering Spanish.

You should be asking yourself "How can so many Mexicans be able to afford those $50,000 SUVs they drive when I can't get a bank loan?"

That's too easy!

They're good savers because they split the rent 17 ways and they get a good deal because they have a brother-in-law that's in the car business.
It's the children of immigrants who are destroying America. We call them Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. They are anti education, anti gay, anti Hispanic. They start wars. They lie. Any many are very fat. It's a sign of gluttony.
Obesity is a epidemic with blacks and hispanics
[That's too easy!

They're good savers because they split the rent 17 ways and they get a good deal because they have a brother-in-law that's in the car business.

Unfortunately those $50,000 SUVs seem to go south then get lost crossing the border and the banks get stuck which means Americans get stuck.

You might be able to find that same SUV if you visit Tiajuana.
This post is filled with strange assumptions. What you seem to be complaining about is the fact that you hear a foreign language spoken on the streets.

I should add that billboards are in Spanish too. WTF? Force these people to learn and speak ENGLISH. End PRESS 2 for Spanish.

I'm saying that people who can speak English should not insult AMERICANS by speaking in "code". Maybe we should start paying these people in pesos until they learn to drop their backward culture and join the 21st century like the rest of the world. What other culture has been so babied?

I don't care what culture they used to be. They expect AMERICANS to baby them because they are viewed as an endangered species and the "white man's burden".

Did you know Quebec PAYS people to learn French?

And did you know that several years ago French was forced onto everyone in Quebec. Signs on businesses were only allowed in French. What happened? Major businesses fled Quebec because it was just to expensive for them to do business. Quebec went back to French and English, but many of those businesses never came back.

Why not forbid all use of Spanish on tv and radio until those stations also broadcast in ENGLISH? LA RAZA would get upset wouldn't they?

Certainly when 1,000,000 gringos pass through my country every year as actual tourists, without knowing zip of Spanish, I don't feel in any way diminished if they're in a group speaking English, and I don't think anybody else does. And the 50,000 US expats who live in Costa Rica, I don't expect that they should be somehow MANDATED to speak in Spanish. Sure, if they don't it'll be pretty difficult to get around in any way, but that's up to them. If they wanna be isolated and confused all the time, it's their foot to shoot. But I would claim the vast majority of them simply learn the language to a working degree, just like the vast majority of Hispanics in America learn the language and can use it. To expect them that they HAVE to speak it at home and on the street so that you can evesdrop on people's conversation doesn't make any sense.
But those English speaking Americans are visiting that country as tourists, not as invaders like Latin American are, forcing their language on the locals.

You forget, my standard of living and quality of life dropped when these people moved into my neighborhood. Suddenly, it became a gang town and no decent person wanted to live here.

Why would an American send their kids to schools that are the worst in the area.

Why would a business set up shop in an area that is now filled with people who refuse to adapt to English?

Why would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood that's so overpopulated with squatters that these taxpayers won't be able to receive the same services that all Americans should be receiving?

Many first generation hispanics came to America during the 1950's. It is past first generation hispanics.It is more like 3rd generation, and they are still speaking Spanish.
I think as one poster said , they do it to insult, or irritate English speaking Americans.
You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.
The immigrants that built America, are not the same immigrants who are now destroying it.

It's the children of immigrants who are destroying America. We call them Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. They are anti education, anti gay, anti Hispanic. They start wars. They lie. Any many are very fat. It's a sign of gluttony.

Still pissy because the Kenyan's Posse got handed their heads last Tuesday, eh.
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Why do Hispanics come to America and expect us to speake Spanish?

Who says they do?

WhiteHouse.gov en Español | The White House
I tried to find it in Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, and Samoan, but I couldn't.
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What, exactly, are those of you complaining about the use of Spanish advocating? Banning the speaking of Spanish in the country? Barring private businesses from using Spanish? I could accept the argument that government should conduct it's business solely in English, but other than that, do you really believe anything should or could be done?

The idea that there should be any sort of laws preventing the use of a foreign language by private businesses or citizens is ridiculous, but that is the impression I get from some of the posts in this thread.
What do you know about langues?

English is much harder to learn than spanish.

Only if you're jumping a border fence.

But our kids seem to have no problem learning English.

Wait a minute.....are you saying our kids can't handle the stress of learning English and need to learn an easier language?

I should add that billboards are in Spanish too. WTF? Force these people to learn and speak ENGLISH. End PRESS 2 for Spanish.

I'm saying that people who can speak English should not insult AMERICANS by speaking in "code". Maybe we should start paying these people in pesos until they learn to drop their backward culture and join the 21st century like the rest of the world. What other culture has been so babied?

I don't care what culture they used to be. They expect AMERICANS to baby them because they are viewed as an endangered species and the "white man's burden".

Did you know Quebec PAYS people to learn French?

And did you know that several years ago French was forced onto everyone in Quebec. Signs on businesses were only allowed in French. What happened? Major businesses fled Quebec because it was just to expensive for them to do business. Quebec went back to French and English, but many of those businesses never came back.

Why not forbid all use of Spanish on tv and radio until those stations also broadcast in ENGLISH? LA RAZA would get upset wouldn't they?

But those English speaking Americans are visiting that country as tourists, not as invaders like Latin American are, forcing their language on the locals.

You forget, my standard of living and quality of life dropped when these people moved into my neighborhood. Suddenly, it became a gang town and no decent person wanted to live here.

Why would an American send their kids to schools that are the worst in the area.

Why would a business set up shop in an area that is now filled with people who refuse to adapt to English?

Why would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood that's so overpopulated with squatters that these taxpayers won't be able to receive the same services that all Americans should be receiving?

Many first generation hispanics came to America during the 1950's. It is past first generation hispanics.It is more like 3rd generation, and they are still speaking Spanish.
I think as one poster said , they do it to insult, or irritate English speaking Americans.

If that is truly the attitude of anyone carrying on a conversation in Spanish in my public presence they can kiss my ass. I also think most people carry on however they please using the path of least resistance deep in their own comfort zone and don't give a flying fuck what I think about how they carry on.

:eusa_think: Does that seem 'Libertarian' to anyone else..?!?​
This post is filled with strange assumptions. What you seem to be complaining about is the fact that you hear a foreign language spoken on the streets.

I should add that billboards are in Spanish too. WTF? Force these people to learn and speak ENGLISH. End PRESS 2 for Spanish.

Oh please, so WHAT if a Billboard's in Spanish? Seriously why does that upset you so much?

I'm saying that people who can speak English should not insult AMERICANS by speaking in "code". Maybe we should start paying these people in pesos until they learn to drop their backward culture and join the 21st century like the rest of the world. What other culture has been so babied?

This doesn't make any sense. Again, what you're expecting is that people in the street somehow defer to you by speaking in english. The real question is why do you give a damn? Why, if I'm say, walking down a street in America with my sister, and I'm speaking Spanish, why should be required to speak in English? How am I insulting you in any way? What do you care about my private conversation? Once again, if I go to Chinatown and half everybody around is speaking Chinese, why should I give a damn?

The rest of the statement is just sad and overt xenophobia, which is why the rest of your post doesn't make any sense. Of course if you believe an entire "culture" (when you're really speaking about an entire linguistic group) is backward, all it boils down to is simple irrational racism, and of course no matter what you're presented with, your opinion will remain the same and your judgement clouded by hate.

I don't care what culture they used to be. They expect AMERICANS to baby them because they are viewed as an endangered species and the "white man's burden".

Overt xenophobia.

Did you know Quebec PAYS people to learn French?

And did you know that several years ago French was forced onto everyone in Quebec. Signs on businesses were only allowed in French. What happened? Major businesses fled Quebec because it was just to expensive for them to do business. Quebec went back to French and English, but many of those businesses never came back.

Yes, I'm familiar with Quebec's language issues, I live here after all. I was using my personal example. The Quebecois are pretty looney about their language, which is only slightly more understandable considering they're barely 20% of the population, but still kind of silly nonetheless. I think people should be free to speak in whatever language they want wherever they may be, anything less is either xenophobic, and authoritarian to boot.

Why not forbid all use of Spanish on tv and radio until those stations also broadcast in ENGLISH? LA RAZA would get upset wouldn't they?

No, not "why not" forbid, but WHY forbid? You don't watch these channels. Why do you care if they exist? Why should any chanel be mandated to broadcast in any particular language? You do realize that on cable you can get Chinese channels, French channels, German channels, Italian Channels, any sort of language channels. Why would you mandate any of these stations to broadcast in English? Are you really that curious as to their programing? Do you REALLY wanna understand the jokes on El Chavo del 8? I doubt it, so why are you so curious? Why does it hurt you so much?

You know what I do when I come across a channel in a language I don't understand? I switch the channel.

But those English speaking Americans are visiting that country as tourists, not as invaders like Latin American are, forcing their language on the locals.

You forget, my standard of living and quality of life dropped when these people moved into my neighborhood. Suddenly, it became a gang town and no decent person wanted to live here.

Why would an American send their kids to schools that are the worst in the area.

Why would a business set up shop in an area that is now filled with people who refuse to adapt to English?

Why would anyone buy a house in a neighborhood that's so overpopulated with squatters that these taxpayers won't be able to receive the same services that all Americans should be receiving?

There you go again with "Forcing their language on the locals." Nobody's forcing their language on you by speaking a different language with somebody else. Why are you so curious as to what they're saying? Do you really care that much?

All your other points don't have much to do with language at all. What it boils down to is that you hate Mexicans, and by extension all Spanish-speakers. I guess there's really nothing I can say to change that opinion. All I can tell you is that there are bad Spanish-speakers and there are good Spanish-speakers and there are regular Spanish speakers, just like any language or culture, and promoting the idea that somehow linguistic fascism would improve your situation in any way is misguided.
Oh please, so WHAT if a Billboard's in Spanish? Seriously why does that upset you so much?
These invaders are marking "their" territory. Declare war on Mexico and watch 'em come down.

This doesn't make any sense. Again, what you're expecting is that people in the street somehow defer to you by speaking in english. The real question is why do you give a damn? Why, if I'm say, walking down a street in America with my sister, and I'm speaking Spanish, why should be required to speak in English? How am I insulting you in any way? What do you care about my private conversation? Once again, if I go to Chinatown and half everybody around is speaking Chinese, why should I give a damn?
Chinese are not trying to force Americans into their culture. Since Mexico is so backward and China is so advanced, that wouldn't be so bad. At least Americans could get jobs.

The rest of the statement is just sad and overt xenophobia, which is why the rest of your post doesn't make any sense. Of course if you believe an entire "culture" (when you're really speaking about an entire linguistic group) is backward, all it boils down to is simple irrational racism, and of course no matter what you're presented with, your opinion will remain the same and your judgement clouded by hate.
I can't be xenophobic if I just admired a foreign race of people who are living in the 21st century by forcing birth control on their people in order to survive. China will only recognize one child.If you have two, the second one must be supported solely by the parents. Try that on LA RAZA.

Overt xenophobia.
You must like that word.

Yes, I'm familiar with Quebec's language issues, I live here after all. I was using my personal example. The Quebecois are pretty looney about their language, which is only slightly more understandable considering they're barely 20% of the population, but still kind of silly nonetheless. I think people should be free to speak in whatever language they want wherever they may be, anything less is either xenophobic, and authoritarian to boot.
Do they have PRESS 2 for Spanish in Quebec?


Those damn xenophobic Frenchies!!!!!

No, not "why not" forbid, but WHY forbid? You don't watch these channels. Why do you care if they exist? Why should any chanel be mandated to broadcast in any particular language? You do realize that on cable you can get Chinese channels, French channels, German channels, Italian Channels, any sort of language channels. Why would you mandate any of these stations to broadcast in English? Are you really that curious as to their programing? Do you REALLY wanna understand the jokes on El Chavo del 8? I doubt it, so why are you so curious? Why does it hurt you so much?

Since I am a poor American and cannot afford the cable or dish networks those Mexicans can, I am limited to free TV. Half of those channels are in Spanish. Why is that? Why is PBS indoctrinating American children in Spanish?

You know what I do when I come across a channel in a language I don't understand? I switch the channel.

But American taxpayers are paying for those translations and giving Spanish speaking people an unfair advantage over every other people who immigrate here. Is that fair to the 92% of the rest of the world that isn't Latino? Or are you xenophobic?

There you go again with "Forcing their language on the locals." Nobody's forcing their language on you by speaking a different language with somebody else. Why are you so curious as to what they're saying? Do you really care that much?
Since they are illegally in this country and Mexico supports this invasion of the US while Mexico has constantly lied to the American people over the decades that they will prevent their people from sneaking in, I see those people as the enemy.

Try taking a look at the rest of the world. Every other first world country is facing the problem of foreigners trying to sneak into a country and live off of those citizens. Doesn't Mexico keep foreigners from living off of Mexico?

Why don't you call them xenophobic? Is their a word in Spanish for that or are they protected from that through ignorance just like their lack of religious authorities to scold them for stealing from Americans. No Ten Commandments in Mexico. Only Santa Muerte!!:eek:

All your other points don't have much to do with language at all. What it boils down to is that you hate Mexicans, and by extension all Spanish-speakers. I guess there's really nothing I can say to change that opinion. All I can tell you is that there are bad Spanish-speakers and there are good Spanish-speakers and there are regular Spanish speakers, just like any language or culture, and promoting the idea that somehow linguistic fascism would improve your situation in any way is misguided.

In Latin America, all Americans are evil.

"Yankee, Go Home!" remember those days?

Or is your memory limited to things that make only US Americans look xenophobic?

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Bullfighter, do you really think everyone who speaks Spanish in the US is here illegally? Because that's certainly what you appear to be saying in your last post.

Or maybe you just can't help but fall back on your 'evil Mexicans!' rhetoric in every conversation?
It's the children of immigrants who are destroying America. We call them Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. They are anti education, anti gay, anti Hispanic. They start wars. They lie. Any many are very fat. It's a sign of gluttony.
Obesity is a epidemic with blacks and hispanics

really? what a racist nutbar you are.

it's pretty awful for white people, too. try some facts, they're generally helpful

Adult Overweight/Obesity Rate by R/E - Kaiser State Health Facts
Bullfighter, do you really think everyone who speaks Spanish in the US is here illegally? Because that's certainly what you appear to be saying in your last post.

Or maybe you just can't help but fall back on your 'evil Mexicans!' rhetoric in every conversation?


What Would Jesus Do?

What would Jesus do if you asked him to shut down the leaf blower and prove his right to be working in New Hampshire? 9 times out of 10 he'd show you his Green Card.

:eusa_think: It surprises me that the biggest uproar over illegals from Mexico isn't coming from the thousands per week who become legal permanent residents. I can't imagine how any class in America could be more directly affected economically than they are by illegals working off of the books.
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