Why do Hispanics come to America and expect us to speake Spanish?

Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Who says they're not making any attempt? That's just a lie. With every wave of immigration the first generation didn't speak English very well, but that ends in the 2nd and 3rd. As for us accomadating Spanish, we should. It's an American language and will be as long as we own Puerto Rico and all its citizens are American citizens. I have nothing but contempt for the sentiments of the OP. You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.

My Nana didn't go around expecting everyone to speak her language. She was grateful if they happened to, but she remembered where she came from and was damn happy to be a part of this nation.

If they don't want to be a part of this nation, they should go back where they came form.

They don't either. You're just being a whiner. The 2nd and 3rd generation will speak fluent English. Did your Nana speak perfect English when she came? I think not!
I know when i lived and traveled Europe, I expected the people in the shops/hotels/grocers there to speak English....

I suppose that was arrogant of me?
Who says they're not making any attempt? That's just a lie. With every wave of immigration the first generation didn't speak English very well, but that ends in the 2nd and 3rd. As for us accomadating Spanish, we should. It's an American language and will be as long as we own Puerto Rico and all its citizens are American citizens. I have nothing but contempt for the sentiments of the OP. You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.

My Nana didn't go around expecting everyone to speak her language. She was grateful if they happened to, but she remembered where she came from and was damn happy to be a part of this nation.

If they don't want to be a part of this nation, they should go back where they came form.

They don't either. You're just being a whiner. The 2nd and 3rd generation will speak fluent English. Did your Nana speak perfect English when she came? I think not!

Were commercial products and government documents produced in the language of the country where "Nana" came from?
my italian grandparents who got here and became citizens in their 50's and 60's, never were able to speak english fluently....my granddad got better at it than my grandmom...but neither were fluent, 30 plus years later, when they died. (can't teach an old dog new tricks, kinda thing)

They BOTH knew politics and our government doings though....they just read an American/Italian New York Newspaper to keep abreast of things....

They voted and paid taxes on their earnings.

I do not know if they had ballots in italian to use???
Who says they're not making any attempt? That's just a lie. With every wave of immigration the first generation didn't speak English very well, but that ends in the 2nd and 3rd. As for us accomadating Spanish, we should. It's an American language and will be as long as we own Puerto Rico and all its citizens are American citizens. I have nothing but contempt for the sentiments of the OP. You have no sense of what it really means to be an American, a nation built by immigrants.

My Nana didn't go around expecting everyone to speak her language. She was grateful if they happened to, but she remembered where she came from and was damn happy to be a part of this nation.

If they don't want to be a part of this nation, they should go back where they came form.

They don't either. You're just being a whiner.

You've never been to Az or Ca, have you?
[How will people who don't know English going to understand those instructions?

First, you should have 'press one for English', then you must present it in Spanish for those not so fortunate as to be Anglican-advantaged.


Can someone explain to me why the whole world can understand these signs EXCEPT Latinos?
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I know when i lived and traveled Europe, I expected the people in the shops/hotels/grocers there to speak English....

I suppose that was arrogant of me?

Only if you took offense if they did not.
I know when i lived and traveled Europe, I expected the people in the shops/hotels/grocers there to speak English....

I suppose that was arrogant of me?

And 9 times out of 10.............they did!

Europe can claim to be 100% free of Mexicans.
Why is it that many Hispanics come to America, and expect us to speake spanish.?And still speak Spanish , not making any attempt to learn the national language English?.
America is one of few English speaking country that seems to accomodate hispancis
with many bilingual programs and literature, when these immigrants should be learing english, the national language.

America should force Hispanics to learn and speake english only, if they want to live here.

Because the US keeps accomidating them and allowing it, that's why! And always remember to press 1 for English!!!!

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