Why do libs have a special hatred for Glenn Beck?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Why do libs have a special hatred for Glenn Beck?
(Vanity - something I have been wondering about)​

By Hacksaw

Maybe someone here an answer this, although I may have to post this on a lib board someday. Why does the left especially hate Glenn Beck? They seem to me to hate him a lot more than Rush, who is 10* more mocking and disrespectful of the left than Beck is. Levin, Savage, Hannity, etc are small potatoes to the lefty when he has his hate on for Glenn.

It seems that they are positively obsessed with him. A news article that mentions his name will have the inevitable Beck bashers frothing at the mouth, flaming away in the comments. I still haven't figured it out.

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Because of his FOXNews hour long show would expose the scum in the White House and their supporters in the shadows funding secret projects to undermine our economy and political system for their socialist agenda.

The George Soros of the world setting up bogus charity organizations that are fronts for political PACs funneling money to Democraps, unions and community organizers....even duping non-liberals into giving them money for the cause by using the front organization.

Beck exposed a lot of the bullshit that was going on during obamination's first term and got a handful of their people booted out of DC for being insane scum like that Van Jones piece of shit.

Liberals don't like it when you show their old videos or audio of them talking about killing Americans, tearing down the system, etc to implement their socialist utopia......
yeah his show is so kewl..... oh wait..... he got relegated to webtv whatever that is :dunno:
Why do libs have a special hatred for Glenn Beck?
(Vanity - something I have been wondering about)​

By Hacksaw

Maybe someone here an answer this, although I may have to post this on a lib board someday. Why does the left especially hate Glenn Beck? They seem to me to hate him a lot more than Rush, who is 10* more mocking and disrespectful of the left than Beck is. Levin, Savage, Hannity, etc are small potatoes to the lefty when he has his hate on for Glenn.

It seems that they are positively obsessed with him. A news article that mentions his name will have the inevitable Beck bashers frothing at the mouth, flaming away in the comments. I still haven't figured it out.

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They hate ANYTHING that criticises them, their politicians, their agenda, or their policies.

I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.

Yeah because idiots like you have twisted what they say on the radio.

Most buffoons that talk shit about Rush and Beck have never listened to them, they heard it through the grapevine those 2 are eating black babies while on the air.....


I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.

They hate Sarah Palin too -- and for the same reason, after they unload all their hate and venom, she laughs at them
Yeah because idiots like you have twisted what they say on the radio.

Most buffoons that talk shit about Rush and Beck have never listened to them, they heard it through the grapevine those 2 are eating black babies while on the air.....


I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.


Mega dittos!


The ex cokehead DJ is the biggest liar, character assassin, and demagogue there is. He makes Rush look fair and balanced. Getting the dupes to believe Hitler was a socialist or Obama is a Marxist is a disgrace.
Sooooo shithead, tell us based on your experiences with Rush why liberals are dead on about him being evil.....tell us, idiot.

Yeah because idiots like you have twisted what they say on the radio.

Most buffoons that talk shit about Rush and Beck have never listened to them, they heard it through the grapevine those 2 are eating black babies while on the air.....


I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.


Mega dittos!



I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.


exactly, they are free advertising for the Left on why Independents & Undecideds should NOT drink the rw kool aid :alcoholic:
Sooooo shithead, tell us based on your experiences with Rush why liberals are dead on about him being evil.....tell us, idiot.

Yeah because idiots like you have twisted what they say on the radio.

Most buffoons that talk shit about Rush and Beck have never listened to them, they heard it through the grapevine those 2 are eating black babies while on the air.....

Mega dittos!



Wow, a ton of third-grade name-calling and a straw man, all in two little posts!

"Why liberals are dead-on about him being evil"? Holy crap, two straw men in one freakin' sentence!

I don't think he's evil. Never said he was.

I've never heard a liberal say he was evil.

You're trying WAY too hard here.

If you think these people help conservatism, then be happy!


I suspect the American Left has long since figured out that people like Beck, Palin, Bachmann, Levin, Savage, Hannity and even Limbaugh are a net positive for their side.


exactly, they are free advertising for the Left on why Independents & Undecideds should NOT drink the rw kool aid :alcoholic:

I've thought all along that Obama wasted a ton of campaign money on advertising. All the Democrats had to do to win was point at the other guys and say "Holy CRAP, look at THAT!"


Yep, like I thought....you are full of shit.

You make the claim Rush helps the liberals out but then can't give examples of why because you are full of shit.

Get the fuck out of here.

Sooooo shithead, tell us based on your experiences with Rush why liberals are dead on about him being evil.....tell us, idiot.

Mega dittos!



Wow, a ton of third-grade name-calling and a straw man, all in two little posts!

"Why liberals are dead-on about him being evil"? Holy crap, two straw men in one freakin' sentence!

I don't think he's evil. Never said he was.

I've never heard a liberal say he was evil.

You're trying WAY too hard here.

If you think these people help conservatism, then be happy!

Yep, like I thought....you are full of shit.

You make the claim Rush helps the liberals out but then can't give examples of why because you are full of shit.

Get the fuck out of here.

Sooooo shithead, tell us based on your experiences with Rush why liberals are dead on about him being evil.....tell us, idiot.

Wow, a ton of third-grade name-calling and a straw man, all in two little posts!

"Why liberals are dead-on about him being evil"? Holy crap, two straw men in one freakin' sentence!

I don't think he's evil. Never said he was.

I've never heard a liberal say he was evil.

You're trying WAY too hard here.

If you think these people help conservatism, then be happy!


Poor little guy. I responded to your childish anger, your impotent rage, and you didn't like my answer.

Like I said, if you think those people are helping your side, run with it!


They hate hearing the truth about their favorite politicians.....
Most likely none of them that gripe about him have ever really listened to him.
But then, they wouldn't believe anything he says anyway......
Sooooo shithead, tell us based on your experiences with Rush why liberals are dead on about him being evil.....tell us, idiot.

Mega dittos!



Wow, a ton of third-grade name-calling and a straw man, all in two little posts!

"Why liberals are dead-on about him being evil"? Holy crap, two straw men in one freakin' sentence!

I don't think he's evil. Never said he was.

I've never heard a liberal say he was evil.

You're trying WAY too hard here.

If you think these people help conservatism, then be happy!


his infantile avie matches his infantile debating skillz :lol: He's the PERFECT demographic for webtv & am radio :tinfoil:

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