Why do Palestinian Actvists keep saying Isreal is an "Apartheid state"? The "palestinians" were always welcomed under any view of the literature.

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
The Palestinian-Arabs, are only welcomed in Israel if they subject to Israeli rule. Those approx. 1.8 million Arabs living in Israel today, are in vast majority the descendants of Bedouin-Arabs, around 240,000 in 1948 (with whom Israel aligned (letting them keep their land) in order to play their game with the urban Palestinian-Arabs whom they drove out of Palestine in 1948, being around a million people.

Get your facts straight - and stop spreading false statements and accusations.
The Palestinian-Arabs, are only welcomed in Israel if they subject to Israeli rule.
What is "Israeli rule"?.... far more humane than "Palestinian rule"... it's tolerance. The Palestinians we happen to be talking about don't accept Israelis. Israel is currently occupied by like 20% "Palestinians" and even have many in the Israeli gov't and have one on their Supreme Court. Those are facts. You cannot dispute them.
The Palestinian-Arabs, are only welcomed in Israel if they subject to Israeli rule. Those approx. 1.8 million Arabs living in Israel today, are in vast majority the descendants of Bedouin-Arabs, around 240,000 in 1948 (with whom Israel aligned (letting them keep their land) in order to play their game with the urban Palestinian-Arabs whom they drove out of Palestine in 1948, being around a million people.

Get your facts straight - and stop spreading false statements and accusations.
Look at all the land that's been taken from the Palestinians.
What is "Israeli rule"?....
Israeli rule - stands for Jewish opportunism, preference, laws and a society that is ruled according to Jewish culture - simply because they constitute a 75% majority in parliament. More radical Jewish views come into place upon a Zionist led government taking over the parliament - as presently with the Nethanyahu government. Jews themselves are a deeply divided society in Israel - anything but stable.

Israeli rule is also the "settlement policy" - meaning that they are and keep taking away Arab lands - handing them over to Jewish settlers.
In order to keep the Bedouin-Israelis at bay - they haven't touched their property and have given them almost equal rights - they are officially exempt from service in the IDF - It is more customary for Bedouin-Israeli to volunteer, and Palestinian-Arab volunteer numbers for the IDF in the past 10 years were at a round 20 people/year !!!

According to the law - they are all equal.- If one has been to Israel, one will find out very fast that they are usually rejected by Jewish led or owned companies and more or less entirely by the Jewish Zionist society in Israel.
E.g. it is mandatory for the Druze to join. However, in the last few years, they are starting to refuse. They are starting to say that they wear the uniform for three years, yet when they are done, they are still considered “the dirty Arab.”

There is a good reason why Israel carries the reputation of being an Apartheid like state.
The Palestinian-Arabs, are only welcomed in Israel if they subject to Israeli rule. Those approx. 1.8 million Arabs living in Israel today, are in vast majority the descendants of Bedouin-Arabs, around 240,000 in 1948 (with whom Israel aligned (letting them keep their land) in order to play their game with the urban Palestinian-Arabs whom they drove out of Palestine in 1948, being around a million people.

Get your facts straight - and stop spreading false statements and accusations.
good point----the arabs in Israel are welcomed only if they give up the islamic notion that they have an ALLAH GRANTED right to rape, pillage and murder. HOW CRUDE of the JOOOS to deny muslims their ALLAH GIVEN RIGHTS
Israeli rule - stands for Jewish opportunism, preference, laws and a society that is ruled according to Jewish culture - simply because they constitute a 75% majority in parliament. More radical Jewish views come into place upon a Zionist led government taking over the parliament - as presently with the Nethanyahu government. Jews themselves are a deeply divided society in Israel - anything but stable.

Israeli rule is also the "settlement policy" - meaning that they are and keep taking away Arab lands - handing them over to Jewish settlers.
In order to keep the Bedouin-Israelis at bay - they haven't touched their property and have given them almost equal rights - they are officially exempt from service in the IDF - It is more customary for Bedouin-Israeli to volunteer, and Palestinian-Arab volunteer numbers for the IDF in the past 10 years were at a round 20 people/year !!!

According to the law - they are all equal.- If one has been to Israel, one will find out very fast that they are usually rejected by Jewish led or owned companies and more or less entirely by the Jewish Zionist society in Israel.
E.g. it is mandatory for the Druze to join. However, in the last few years, they are starting to refuse. They are starting to say that they wear the uniform for three years, yet when they are done, they are still considered “the dirty Arab.”

There is a good reason why Israel carries the reputation of being an Apartheid like state.
LMAO @ "Arartheid like".... they aren't.

To say they are is a lie.

Meanwhile, Palestinian states do NOT accept Jews. They, by definition, are "Apartheid". Yet, they scream that Israel is. They subscribe to Marxist/Alinskly politics. I'm sorry you've been fooled, I hope you keep an open mind.
Apartheid states like SA and Israel have Bantustans - faux sovereign states to which their underclasses are assigned and which are rigorously controlled by the parent state, used as dormitories for the disenfranchised workers and residents of the apartheid state as a device to keep from them the rights of residents and citizens.

An example of those are Gaza for Israel and Kwa Zulu for South Africa.
Archbishop Tutu was an outspoken critic of Israeli occupation in Palestine and the siege on Gaza.
He drew parallels between Israeli occupation and apartheid in South Africa.
"What's being done to the Palestinians at checkpoints, for us, it's the kind of thing we experienced in South Africa."
LMAO @ "Arartheid like".... they aren't.
They basically are - since they "obviously" treat Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli-Arabs even in Israel as 2nd class citizens. Not to mention their treatment and conduct towards Palestinians.
Shoving millions of indigenous people into economic non-sustainable enclaves aka "Homelands" and granting autonomy, is exactly what SA did during Apartheid.

The State of Israel was a "misconception" from the very onset of the idea - and all parties are paying the price since 1948. Whereby the Palestinians were never asked, and the Arabs opposed the idea from the very beginning.

Meanwhile, Palestinian states do NOT accept Jews.
There are NO Palestinian States - name me one.
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
Gaza is a ghetto like Warsaw.
correct----that the JOOOS resist the allah granted right of muslims
to kill them since they refuse to lick the ass of allah's BBF----is a violation
Suradie disagrees-----she should read the koran and talk to refugees from
the filth of shariah shit holes
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
The Jews would still be living in Arab countries if not for European zionism.
Suradie disagrees-----she should read the koran and talk to refugees from
the filth of shariah shit holes
suradie disagrees----she would rather not talk to refugees from shariah shit holes---
some people just don't want to KNOW
Suradie disagrees-----she should read the koran and talk to refugees from
the filth of shariah shit holes
oh gee----Suradie disagrees ----she does not want to read the koran or talk
to refugees from shariah shit holes
The Jews would still be living in Arab countries if not for European zionism.
^^^^ famous islamo nazi meme which is repeated over and over in the
islamo nazi literature. Anyone interested, talk to a jew who did escape
a shariah shit hole or one who carries such a family legacy----there are actually
millions----For that matter----for a general overview ---talk to any zoroastrian
for insight into "being a non-muslim in "muslim land"
The Jews would still be living in Arab countries if not for European zionism.
“European Zionism”? LOL

Israel isn’t a European nation in the slightest. It’s filled with people of that region. I’m not sure where you hit your head to think that there’s anything remotely European about Israel.
“European Zionism”? LOL

Israel isn’t a European nation in the slightest. It’s filled with people of that region. I’m not sure where you hit your head to think that there’s anything remotely European about Israel.
I will explain----the islamic explanation of zionism includes a notion that it was invented in 1897 by a nut named
THEODORE HERZL -----and that the evil minions of
the nut THEODORE HERZL forced the jews living in
"MUSLIM LANDS" to migrate to "palestine" and
oppress and kill the muslims of the muslim land
"PALESTINE" got that?

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