Why do Palestinian Actvists keep saying Isreal is an "Apartheid state"? The "palestinians" were always welcomed under any view of the literature.

I will explain----the islamic explanation of zionism includes a notion that it was invented in 1897 by a nut named
THEODORE HERZL -----and that the evil minions of
the nut THEODORE HERZL forced the jews living in
"MUSLIM LANDS" to migrate to "palestine" and
oppress and kill the muslims of the muslim land
"PALESTINE" got that?
Well, Israel was the sacred homeland to the Jews long before the religion of Islam was even created… so wanting to return to sacred lands is actually rational
Well, Israel was the sacred homeland to the Jews long before the religion of Islam was even created… so wanting to return to sacred lands is actually rational
"Sacred homeland"?? according to who? Answer: - by unknown Hebrew writers - who wrote their own Fake history book - aka the OT or Bible and Torah

At around 1200 B.C. a Semitic group of people (supposedly 12 tribes) differentiated/separated themselves from those non-monotheistic Semites - by calling themselves Israelite's. Whilst the other Semitic groups maintained their religious beliefs and practices and kept living in Palestine ALL THE TIME, just as they had for the previous 3000 years - till Christianity and later Islam were adopted by them.

The Israelite's fought over a period of 600 years with their neighbors - being eradicated numerous times by e.g. the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians. The term Ghetto derives from the Babylonians who upon having destroyed and conquered the "Kingdom of David&Salomon" in around 590 B.C., settling the remaining surviving Israelite's into today's Iraq into separated living quarters - townships, aka Ghettos, from there-onward the term Hebrew came up.

In around 530 B.C. the Persians conquered/defeated the Babylonians and allowed the "Jews" to return to Palestine - therefore they resettled in e.g. the "territories" of Judea and Samaria held by the Persians and Egyptians - henceforth being termed Jews, and the Persians denied them to constitute an own sovereign Monarchy.

At around 330 B.C. Palestine, the Persian Empire and Egypt were conquered and controlled by the Greeks under Alexander and his generals forming their own Dynasties such as the Egyptian Dynasty of Ptolemy controlling and reigning Palestine. Till the Romans invaded around 80 B.C. (appointing Herod, respectively his father as king of Judea). and lastly destroyed "annihilated" the Kingdom of Judea - aka the Jews and their Kingdom.

Those Jews that migrated back to British Palestine from 1917 onward till 1948 were in absolute majority European Jews e.g. Ashkenazim Jews speaking Yiddish. And had "genetically speaking" nothing to do with those around 20,000 Jews that had lived there under the previous 450 years of Ottoman rule. With less then 60,000 Jews coming in from neighboring Arab countries between 1917 - 1948.

Upon the Zionists having driven out around 1 million Palestinians by 1949 - around 700,000 Jews from the neighboring Arab countries were driven out and settled in majority in the new State of Israel. Thus creating a Jewish population count of around 1.6 million by 1950. If not for the Zionists having forcefully and via an ethnic cleaning policy declared and founded a State of Israel in 1948 - those 700,000 Jews would simply have stayed were they had been living for the past 2000+ years - since they had obviously decided, NOT to move onto a Jewish homeland created by invading Ashkenazim Jew migrants from 1917 - 1948.

Therefore it is ridiculous for today's Jews and Israelis to always bring up the subject of those around 700,000 Jews having been evicted from their homes and properties in 1949 - factually suffering the reprisals by Arab States due to what the Ashkenazim Jews had brought about onto the Palestinians.

Due to all the nurtured and indoctrinated hatred by the Zionists onto their off springs, and therefore radical Palestinians doing the same for 75 years - a one State solution seems presently impossible. Therefore a two State solution needs to be enacted/imposed by the UN (unopposed by those Veto buggers) - and then it will be up to the moderate Israelis and moderate Palestinians (on both sides the majority) to finally get started onto a peaceful neighborly co-existence - that might even result one day into a future common State.

The Jews (Israelis) need to handle their own Zionist factions, (returning occupied Palestinian lands in the West-Bank) and the Palestinians need to handle their own radical Muslim factions, both within their own sovereign states. And only an economic sustainable and sovereign Palestine state supported by the international community, will have the ability to impose measures, that will automatically eradicate/hinder radical Palestinians from committing terrorist acts.

As to how Israel will handle it's relationship and actions with it's neighboring nations, and e.g. Hezbollah - is independent of acquitting to a Palestinian State.
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
Hey - the Nazis built camps for the Jews.

Camp is fun.

Why people hay-in on Israel and the Nazis?

That's right out of the "Why are you hitting yourself?" playbook.
Hey - the Nazis built camps for the Jews.

Camp is fun.

Why people hay-in on Israel and the Nazis?

That's right out of the "Why are you hitting yourself?" playbook.
^^^^ actually an example of the best in islamic
repartee-----elegant tea time conversation ---
something like the dog shit which characterizes
the koran
“European Zionism”? LOL

Israel isn’t a European nation in the slightest. It’s filled with people of that region. I’m not sure where you hit your head to think that there’s anything remotely European about Israel.

In 1947-48 the Zionists destroyed over 300 Arab villages.
In 1947-48 the Zionists destroyed over 300 Arab villages.
wrong again----arabs walked away from their small enclaves
of squatters huts---dragging their possessions with them, NOT VILLAGES. HOW many actual communities of
jews---with schools and synagogues did the rapist pig
of arabia pillage and raze and from which he took slaves?
READ YOUR KORAN islamo nazi

then move on to the next 1400 years of islamic filth and genocide

wrong again----arabs walked away from their small enclaves
of squatters huts---dragging their possessions with them, NOT VILLAGES. HOW many actual communities of
jews---with schools and synagogues did the rapist pig
of arabia pillage and raze and from which he took slaves?
READ YOUR KORAN islamo nazi

then move on to the next 1400 years of islamic filth and genocide

Have you forgotten the firebombing of the oil refinery in Haifa in December 1947. Families fled the violence. Zionists wouldn't let them return. Shameful considering what the Nazis had done to the European Jews.
Have you forgotten the firebombing of the oil refinery in Haifa in December 1947. Families fled the violence. Zionists wouldn't let them return. Shameful considering what the Nazis had done to the European Jews.
I have forgotten nothing----you have no problem with forgetting----you have so little to memorize---just islamo nazi
shit. Your approach is very islamic----muslims I have known have told me EVERYTHING is in the koran----all they have to do to know EVERYTHING----is memorize the koran which is not all that long----then they know EVERYTHING A 1947 little thing----after 1400 years of the FILTH that you LICK? you are a joke.
My all time fave---In pakistan if you MEMORIZE the KORAN---you get into Medical school------as to the nazis in Germany--they actually do not come close to the filth of islam--which you lick
Apartheid states like SA and Israel have Bantustans - faux sovereign states to which their underclasses are assigned and which are rigorously controlled by the parent state, used as dormitories for the disenfranchised workers and residents of the apartheid state as a device to keep from them the rights of residents and citizens.

An example of those are Gaza for Israel and Kwa Zulu for South Africa.
Archbishop Tutu was an outspoken critic of Israeli occupation in Palestine and the siege on Gaza.
He drew parallels between Israeli occupation and apartheid in South Africa.
"What's being done to the Palestinians at checkpoints, for us, it's the kind of thing we experienced in South Africa."
Lesh and Kruska imagine that Gaza is in Israel----SHEEESH
our kids can barely add and subtract and not THIS!!!
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
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There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.
There are so many lies by American leftists supporting terrorist regimes in the middle east.

There are tons of "Palestinians" in Israel, legally. Meanwhile, Jews are not welcomed in Palestinian/Muslim countries. Yet, most of the American media pretends that Israel doesn't allow Muslims in their country. It boggles the mind. It's in the Israeli literature, they are welcomed. When AOC and Democrats parrot talks of "Apartheid" anything.. they're lying, and following the Marxist playbook of accusing their "opponents" with what they immorally actively do.

Get real..


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