Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists?

...When you attach more import to where you live than is deserved, it becomes very easy to adopt 'us' vs 'them' mentalities. As was seen at Pearl Harbor, despite the facts we know about now as to US embargo of Japan's energy and material imports and siding against them with China, when the attack came most Americans believed it was as described, an unprovoked sneak attack for no reason. In fact it was perfectly reasonable and the only thing they could do...

Yanno, one must be uniquely adept at bending over backwards in order to reach your conclusion. I will simply remind you that by the time we halted oil exports to Japan (1941), Japan had withdrawn from the League of Nations in response to international condemnation of its conquest of Manchuria (1933), had instituted a full scale war with China (1937), and signed the Tripartite Pact (1940) with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Increasingly under military control, Japan made no secret of its intentions:

"It is Japan's mission to be supreme in Asia, the South Seas and eventually the four corners of the world." - General Sadao Araki (1935)

Amusing how you reject my point while confirming it at the same time. Japan's intentions were tod ominate Asia. And we sided against them long before Pearl Harbor. A defacto act of war arming others against them. And an energy and material embargo IS an act of war.

I did no such thing. I correctly pointed out that you added 2+2 and got 5.
Take a look at the timeline I posted. By the time we embargoed oil (1941), Japan had already attacked China (1933, 1937) and quit the League of Nations which had had the temerity to condemn Japan's aggression. It should also be noted that Japan's civilian gov't had been rendered powerless (1933) when the military usurped its powers, attacking Manchuria without notice or authorization.
...When you attach more import to where you live than is deserved, it becomes very easy to adopt 'us' vs 'them' mentalities. As was seen at Pearl Harbor, despite the facts we know about now as to US embargo of Japan's energy and material imports and siding against them with China, when the attack came most Americans believed it was as described, an unprovoked sneak attack for no reason. In fact it was perfectly reasonable and the only thing they could do...

Yanno, one must be uniquely adept at bending over backwards in order to reach your conclusion. I will simply remind you that by the time we halted oil exports to Japan (1941), Japan had withdrawn from the League of Nations in response to international condemnation of its conquest of Manchuria (1933), had instituted a full scale war with China (1937), and signed the Tripartite Pact (1940) with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Increasingly under military control, Japan made no secret of its intentions:

"It is Japan's mission to be supreme in Asia, the South Seas and eventually the four corners of the world." - General Sadao Araki (1935)

Amusing how you reject my point while confirming it at the same time. Japan's intentions were tod ominate Asia. And we sided against them long before Pearl Harbor. A defacto act of war arming others against them. And an energy and material embargo IS an act of war.

It's a strange logic. You have a cup of coffee. I have none. I say "give me some coffee", you say "no" - it's an act of war??

depends on the circumstances-----urgency of need----magnitude of cup

Such a flexible! So I can legal plunder childs at morning if I have a hangover and need to drink a shot to avoid it?

Material and energy - was property of US. Why US had to sell it to Japan? Maybe US wanted to not to support Japan invasion to China? Maybe USSR paid more for this? Urgency of needs - it's not a casus belli for the international law.

You underestimate Japan's sense of divine right to MANCHURIA.
Yanno, one must be uniquely adept at bending over backwards in order to reach your conclusion. I will simply remind you that by the time we halted oil exports to Japan (1941), Japan had withdrawn from the League of Nations in response to international condemnation of its conquest of Manchuria (1933), had instituted a full scale war with China (1937), and signed the Tripartite Pact (1940) with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Increasingly under military control, Japan made no secret of its intentions:

"It is Japan's mission to be supreme in Asia, the South Seas and eventually the four corners of the world." - General Sadao Araki (1935)

Amusing how you reject my point while confirming it at the same time. Japan's intentions were tod ominate Asia. And we sided against them long before Pearl Harbor. A defacto act of war arming others against them. And an energy and material embargo IS an act of war.

It's a strange logic. You have a cup of coffee. I have none. I say "give me some coffee", you say "no" - it's an act of war??

depends on the circumstances-----urgency of need----magnitude of cup

Such a flexible! So I can legal plunder childs at morning if I have a hangover and need to drink a shot to avoid it?

Material and energy - was property of US. Why US had to sell it to Japan? Maybe US wanted to not to support Japan invasion to China? Maybe USSR paid more for this? Urgency of needs - it's not a casus belli for the international law.

You underestimate Japan's sense of divine right to MANCHURIA.

Their rights had ended in 1939 near the Halkin-Gol river (and Hasan lake) :)
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I like Prager's point of view on most issues. The culture of Islamic extremists has always been inflicted on ignorant guys who wanted to became a part of something, a brick in the wall, to serve not the government but something more spiritual. And now we have even girls who want to travel to hot zones to have sex with a crowd of terrorists and to make their contribution to Jihad that way. Religious brainwashing at its best.

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